Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Report Card on Myself

Well here we are a week into this blog and I must say I am pretty happy with it so far. Though I must admit it takes a lot out of me to write because I do so with as much passion as I can muster. Hey did everyone see President Bush today? I bitch about it here and he does what he can to appease me. Who's the freakin man? I ask you. It is hard to find positive ways to say how much the left pisses me off and wrong they are. Yes I know my grammar sucks, sorry public high school. But I am busting my butt trying to get the message across and that is the important thing about this blog. Hopefully I can change some minds out there but most important to me is that hopefully I can make you think. I want you to discuss what you read here with your friends or some pinko-commie you come across, yes I used pinko-commie they deserve it. I want to be like some extreme right William F. Buckley. He really was the freakin man and way more elegant and civil than I could ever dream to be we are all worse off without him. OK, OK me wanting to be him maybe a little extreme but it is who I am and what I will continue to be

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a war for hearts and minds. it's good you'll help us to victory