Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Second Amendment

I have never read anything this guy has written but now I can be a fan because this is exactly what the anti-gun people need to read; articulate and to the point with some true historical facts thrown in for good measure. I cannot believe I read this on the opinion page of the New York Daily News. Right across from the editorial about how New York City will become the Wild West due to our Right-Wing Supreme Court. People, gun owners and advocates do not have a problem with regulation, we have a problem with banning and prohibition of ownership. What the liberals and the lefties forget is a very simple and basic truth of America and it's Constitution and the Amendments thereof. The Second Amendment allows this great experiment in freedom to continue day after day. It guarantees each and everyone of us our freedoms and rights of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." It allows us to defend these rights if someone tries to take them away from us and it does not matter if they are a private citizen or and over stepping government. Guns keep us free from tyranny wherever it may come from. "We the People," have the power to control our government "of, by and for the people" not those self important scumbags currently residing in Washington D.C. Yes I understand that the left thinks this is a paranoid view but let's face if we are not vigilant when it comes to our own freedom ask yourself this: Who will be?

Overdue respect for gun rights: The Supreme Court finally gives Second Amendment due protection.

By Damon Root

Two years ago, in District of Columbia vs. Heller, the Supreme Court struck down Washington, D.C.'s Draconian handgun ban as a violation of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Yet that ruling applied only to laws passed by the federal government, which oversees Washington. Does the Second Amendment apply against state and local gun control laws as well?

It does now. In yesterday's landmark decision in McDonald vs. City of Chicago, the high court ruled that the Second Amendment trumps the Windy City's handgun ban thanks to the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, which commands that no state shall "deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law."

It's about time.

For more than a century, the Supreme Court has gradually applied most of the provisions in the Bill of Rights to state and local governments via the 14th Amendment's due process clause. The First Amendment, for example, was first applied against the states in the 1925 case of Gitlow vs. New York.

Yet the Second Amendment has been something of a forgotten stepchild - entirely excluded from this process. Yesterday's ruling therefore gives the Second Amendment some long-overdue respect.

After all, if the Supreme Court won't let New York or Chicago ignore the First Amendment, why should the Second Amendment be treated any differently? They're both right there in the Bill of Rights.

Equally important, yesterday's decision takes a major step toward restoring the original meaning of the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868 to secure individual rights - including the right of armed self-defense - against abusive state and local governments.

Consider the historical context. In the wake of the Civil War, the former Confederate states began passing a series of laws, ordinances and regulations that robbed the recently freed slaves and their white allies of their political, economic and civil rights, including the right to keep and bear arms. Mississippi's 1866 Black Code, for example, declared "that no freedman, free Negro or mulatto . . . shall keep or carry firearms of any kind."

To put that another way, America's original gun control laws were created to disarm African-Americans and leave them at the mercy of racist state governments. (This isn't a history you're likely to hear much about from those who support terribly restrictive gun control laws like those in Chicago, which essentially banned the possession of handguns outright in the mistaken belief that keeping guns out of citizens' hands - including the hands of responsible people - is necessary for public safety.)

So the radical Republicans of the 39th Congress responded with the 14th Amendment, designed to secure the life, liberty and property of all Americans from tyrannical state attack, including those times when state officials turned a blind eye to lynch mobs and Ku Klux Klan attacks. In the words of Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, who presented the 14th Amendment to the Senate and spearheaded its passage, the purpose was "to restrain the power of the states and compel them at all times to respect these great fundamental guarantees," including "the right to keep and to bear arms."

It's fitting, therefore, that the lead plaintiff in this case, Otis McDonald, is a 76-year-old African-American who simply wants to defend his family and himself from the illegally armed thugs who have long terrorized his Chicago neighborhood. As this retired union leader and Army veteran has put it, "I only want a handgun in my house for my protection."

Responsible gun owners such as McDonald won't be shooting bystanders, robbing old ladies or taking part in any wild crime sprees. They simply wish to exercise their fundamental right to self-defense in the very places where gun control laws have failed.

New York could use some gun owners like that. Yet under the city's current gun control regime, the Police Department gets to pick and choose which citizens are allowed to defend themselves, resulting in a select handful of individuals receiving handgun permits while the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers are forbidden from getting them. There's nothing fair about that.

Yesterday's Supreme Court decision is certain to spark a new round of lawsuits challenging the country's most unconstitutional gun control laws. The National Rifle Association has already begun work on several new cases. Mayor Bloomberg should start preparing his defense.

Root is an associate editor at Reason magazine.

Monday, June 28, 2010

So Much Going On

I think I need to start working out again. I just cannot keep up anymore. This administration puts out such anti-American crap at such a high speed level whenever I start to blog about it something new hits. I just do not have the time to blog 100 times a day so I usually end up not blogging at all. But there comes a time when the bullshit from these douchebags gets too high and comes crashing down. But let us start with some good news Senator Byrd died and much like Sen. Kennedy this man stole billions from the American taxpayers and sent it back to his shithole state, (and remember I live in New Jersey) who sure as hell have not used it for schooling or mine safety so good riddance to bad, smelly, old garbage. Do not forget he was a member of the KKK and led the longest filibuster in history against what? Wait for it... that's right The Civil Rights Act. But he joined the KKK because they were anti-communist funny he wound up supporting this commie administration in the end. Oh how I do love the tasty irony. Hopefully this anti-business "Finance Bill" gets buried with him, no, I was not a fan of his.

Elena Kagen, lets face it a typical Obama friend, she has never done anything in the real world. She has never written a good word about the Constitution or America in general which is easy to do in academia where there are no consequences for what you write. You know I think about the Constitution a lot but that does not qualify me to be a Supreme Court Justice. This fat, ugly, lefty, dyke thinks she is entitled to the position for those exact reasons. See when you are told by every one of your cronies your whole life how smart and important your thoughts and ideas are you start to believe them. It happens a lot to lefties they get these delusions of grandeur; Obama always thought he would be a great president. Of course there is no doubt she will get through because there is nothing to stop the liberals they have the votes. Still think elections do not matter?

Joe Biden walks into a Custard shop, not ice cream Joe custard, and calls the manager a smart-ass. This administration just hate the American people you must be able to see this now, even those jackasses with Obama/Biden bumper stickers have got to be realizing this. Sticking with America's top two assholes let's talk about #1 and the oil spill. People the spill is not his fault in any way shape or form it is also not Tony Haywards fault either. It is Obama's lack of response that is a friggin disaster. Today 70 odd days out the recovery and clean up effort brought forth by this administration is not visible if it were we would see it morning, noon and night on the obama television networks. Walking on the beach trying to look presidential does not get the oil cleaned up.

On the "This administration is a huge friggin joke front" we have three items 1. The G-20 and Europe have had enough with socialist deficit spending Obama wants us to spend more because "No nation should be better than any other" what a dickhead. 2. Gun ban in Chicago ruled unconstitutional hey Elena nice argument you made you convinced the four freak shows who also hate the Constitution that the Second Amendment is unconstitutional. Luckily for America there are five reasonable thinking justices to put that to bed. 3. Looks like the big O is not going to close Gitmo after all. I guess it is just too important to close. Hey all you assholes who thought this penis with giant ears was going to bring back our standing in the world by closing Gitmo, what cha thinking now? This guy, his administration, his friend are just a total joke not just to people like me but all over the world too.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Resign... or Change, Mr. President

Wow this is one of the best pieces I have ever read on the president and his ability to lie to the American people and at the same time it calls out the compliant media and their dereliction of duty. In that, I mean their clear willingness not to report his lies and bullshit they only report the populist rhetoric he diarrhea's out of his lying mouth.

Resign... or Change, Mr. President

By Kevin McCullough

Published June 21, 2010


While defending his own policies President Obama has routinely been rude and sarcastic to his predecessor, George W. Bush. Yet Obama appears to be making the resident of the previous White House look like a genius compared to his own serious missteps in office.

Case in point – Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's performance and the communication of priorities on the issue of oil rig safety in the Gulf of Mexico.

It seems incomprehensible that the president and other members of the administration still have jobs when it is now being reported that the federal government was apprised by BP on February 13 that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was leaking oil and natural gas into the ocean floor.

In fact, according to documents in the administration's possession, BP was fighting large cracks at the base of the well for roughly ten days in early February.

Further it seems the administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before to the rig's fatal explosion when an engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, "They damn near blew up the rig."

It's also now being reported that BP was asking for the administration's help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing well of tar.

Which leads me to some questions for the president. If I were in front row of reporters in the White House briefing room, here’s what I’d like to know:

1. It appears, Mr. President, that you were informed by BP about problems on Deepwater Horizon on February 13 and the company wanted your help. What did you say?

2. Given this new revelation, Mr. President, how can you can sleep at night knowing that your inaction cost the lives of eleven men in Louisiana?

3. Did you inform the victims' families about these facts when you invited them to the White House for last month's photo op?

4. You've said, Mr. President, time and again, that the buck stops with you. Doesn’t that statement seem like something bordering on propaganda when you follow it up with what appears to be a false sense of outrage by telling Matt Lauer that you're looking for rear ends to kick?

5. Does the buck stop with you… or not?

6. Are you going to insist that Mr. Salazar step down from his post in disgrace and shame?

7. Will you hold another prime time television press conference and tell the entire truth to the American people? -- These would be the actions of a man who says that the buck "stops" with him.

8. I know when this news was breaking midday on Saturday about the latest BP developments that you and the Vice President were out on the golf course. Was it 39th or 40th time you've played a round in 18 months? (Just for a point of reference President Bush played golf 24 times in eight years.) Never mind, your priorities are for you to decide. At least until election night...

And now here's where I would not be able to stop myself from saying more...

It is one thing, Mr. President, to be forced to deal with unexpected circumstances and to have to deal with genuinely new problems. President Bush sure had to. He had to respond to an attack on our homeland that took the lives of 3,000 of our fellow citizens. But on his watch no other terrorist actions took lives of Americans on our soil, largely due to his steadfast leadership and willingness to accept no excuses on the matter.

But Mr. President, you seem to have very little leadership experience and it appears you have even less skill. Being a good dad and nice guy who sees the world as he wishes it to be is not exactly a resume of exacting leadership.

Your advisers have failed you and you have failed the American people on nearly everything we've asked of you.

Where you go from here is really your call, but you should consider two options if you genuinely love the country you work for and those of us you report to.

First, change your tactics. Second, appear to care. Attempt to engage and empower Americans who can and will go solve this mess.

Otherwise resign.

For the good of the nation, for your own children's future, change your patterns or change your path... but change!

You do remember that word don't you, Mr. President?

Kevin McCullough is the nationally syndicated host of "'Baldwin/McCullough Radio" now heard on 213 stations and columnist based in New York. He blogs at www.muscleheadrevolution.com. His second book "The Kind Of MAN Every Man SHOULD Be is in stores now. And host of "The Kevin McCullough Show" weekdays 7a-9am EST on Sirius 161/XM 227.

Fox Forum is on Twitter. Follow us @fxnopinion.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Agitator-in-Chief

Catching up on my reading and found this dead-on balls accurate description of Obama and his inability to lead. AmericanThinker.com what a great resource for information. All the liberal media carries his water and blames BP 100% even though they get no cooperation from the White House let alone any friggin help.

June 01, 2010
The Agitator-in-Chief
By Chad Stafko

After nearly eighteen months in office, the president of the United States has finally encountered his first unforeseen crisis. A gushing oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico combined with seething anger from residents, business owners, and politicians along the coastline has produced a toxic mix of political corrosion that is eroding the president's political capital. The response to the disaster that we have seen from President Barack Obama should have been expected, as it is simply a byproduct of his experience, or lack thereof.

On Friday, May 28, the president finally managed to make his second trip to the oil-plagued area nearly forty days after the disaster occurred. The president spent only about three hours on site. Three hours! Where were the meetings with the families of those who were killed when the oil rig exploded? Could not a precious hour or two have been spent with those grieving and those who were angry over the explosion?

Why did the president not take a few hours and meet with Governor Jindal, Kevin Costner, and others who are attempting to limit the damage the existing oil may cause to the coastline through innovative means but whose efforts have been limited by the need for government approval? While Jindal has received recent approval for the makeshift sandbars that could help alleviate some damage, the president could be the ultimate red tape eliminator.

But President Obama passed on the opportunity.

Apparently, he was too busy, as he needed to make the trip back to his hometown of Chicago for the Memorial Day weekend. The president's lack of interest and lack of concern, as evidenced by his lack of actions, is irritating even his fellow Democrats and, in some cases, some of his most ardent supporters. Louisiana Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu said of the president's lack of visibility on the oil disaster, "He's going to pay a political price for it."

Add to the fray Louisiana resident and longtime Democratic strategist and talking head James Carville, who said earlier in the week of Obama, "This President needs to tell BP: 'I'm your Daddy, I'm in charge' ... We need some action here, and we need to get this thing moving quickly."

If President Obama's perceived and actual lack of action weren't enough to stoke the anger of coastline residents among other Americans, Obama's actions on the evening of Tuesday, May 25, at the height of the crisis, fanned the flame. The president of the United States could be found that evening in California at a fundraising dinner and reception for embattled Senator Barbara Boxer. The amount of time President Obama spent in California raising money for a career politician was nearly identical to the amount of time he spent on the frontlines of the worst oil disaster and possibly the worst ecological disaster this country has ever known.

Should we expect more out of our president? Yes. Should we expect more out of this president? No. This is exactly what we should expect from him based on his past behavior.

As you may recall, before ascending to the presidency, Barack Obama was a community organizer. He was not the president of a non-profit group, the leader of a civic organization, or head of a sanitation district, nor did he have any other leadership experience prior to his brief tenure as a senator from Illinois. He had never led an organization through the ups and downs of its existence or had any experience in crisis management. Instead, his experience -- most of it in fact -- was to gather a group of individuals together and get them irritated toward their city councils, regulatory board, or some other target. Now, he's on the other side. He and his administration have agitated the people, and they are not happy.

What has been the president's reaction to the outrage of the people? At times he has stated that the government is responsible and will fix the mess, while at the same time those within the government who are on the frontlines of the oil spill have acknowledged that the government does not have the skill, equipment, or expertise to clean up the spill or cap the leak.

Other times, President Obama simply says that those who are critical of the administration's response are ignorant of the situation. That's the mantra for a community organizer -- talk first, think later.

This disaster indicates to us as to what we have: a community organizer with little leadership experience or skill as President of the United States.

Chad Stafko is a writer and political consultant living in the Midwest. He can be reached at stafko@msn.com

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Panels and Investigations

You know it is kind of funny when I make up names for Obama but I am speechless, literally, since this Gulf oil spill. How do you react to something that has yet to be reacted to? Seriously, how after nearly 60 days does this, if I may say so, slowest moving oil slick of all time not get contained? The day after the explosion Florida Governor Christ declared a state of emergency. Holy crap could this jerkoff have hit the panic button any sooner? It took nearly a month and a half for the tar balls to reach the Pensacola beaches. Well, on the bright side, at least you can say he reacted. What has our president done? He has visited the Gulf region three times and has convened umpteen panels of investigation to find whose "ass to kick" all while doing absolutely nothing positive to help save the marshes of Louisiana and the beaches of the gulf coast. This is what happens when the fucking moronic population obeys the media and swallows hook, line and sinker the bullshit about him being the smartest most intellectual president ever. Understand this: academic presidents are fucking useless as are all academics in the real world. When life happens decisions have to be made this fucker makes no decisions, only threats of prosecution and panels of investigation. See in academia, where time moves like whale shit uphill on a cold day, you have time for panels and investigations and time wasting questions of people who actually work for a living. But in a world where we have a flowing oil well head, North Korean nukes, Iranian nukes, Venezuelan nukes, massive illegal immigration bankrupting our states, Israel and the Palestinians, etc., etc., and what his this administration's main focus today? Getting back to the health care debate. A bill which was passed months ago with no set laws. It leaves law making up to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. He cannot even make a concrete decision that will cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 Trillion dollars. That is how Barack Obama works; pass the health care bill and fill in the details later. With the oil spill it was "just plug the hole." This man is such a simpleton that even Jimmy Carter looks like Steven Hawking in comparison, I hope for their sake his daughters do not ask him for help with their homework.

Now the left and the liberal media is beginning to chide him about the spill and his and by extension, the government's lack of action. Hey, shitheads too late everyone knew this would happen as soon as the shit hit the fan. You all are way too late to the Obama is a useless turd party. Of course had you all not been lying sacks of shit during the campaign he would not even be the president but of course this is not all your fault of course there is the "independent" voters to blame also. Yes that is right these pussies who claim to have the center and are not slaves to a party are clearly slaves to popular opinion as set by the media, independent my ass. Lemmings is more like it. More bad things are coming down the pike Obama is asleep at the wheel and the media is going to continue to cover for him i.e the surge in Afghanistan and the number of American dead that the media is not reporting on. I do believe that the highest number of American K.I.A. has come under Obama's watch but has anyone heard about that. CNN used to count the dead daily and display pictures how come that has stopped we are still there and men continue to die. I guess they can't bring themselves to come out and fully blast this administration and thus making "the one" look bad. The left and lefties just suck. Is it 2012 yet?