Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Keep Your Friends Close, But...

OK for the last week I have been reading. Reading socialist/communist propaganda. Why would you do that you ask? Simple Michael Corleone was correct. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. What did I read you ask? The Communist Manifesto I only perused it actually and also The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Both were written before the bolshiveks took over in Russia and the Chi-coms were ruled by Mao.

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx set up what is definitely the "fairest" system of government, on paper. Unfortunately for millions of people who have had to live under communism they did not live on paper but in the real world where God gave man free will. Along with free will comes free thought and ego and a realization that we are not all equal. Under communism people at the top were just more equal than others. If communism were allowed to truly be, in its purest form, there would be no war, poverty, sickness, jealously basically all would be perfect. Ok when in human history have we seen this, oh that's right the cavemen. They all had to work together to survive everyone was equal there was no monetary system, to a communist this must have been a perfect time. Let's see how did that work out the Neanderthals were wiped out and it took thousands of years for neighbors to become trusting enough to become city-states.

Now The Jungle is nothing more than the same old bullshit we see spewed from the leftists today. Innocent little lambs come this country and at every turn they are swindled and taken until they have no money. I say they bit off more than they could chew and choked. Then the city (Chicago) swallows the kids some dead some living on the streets. The job runs out after an injury and it is the Corporation's fault. He stepped in a hole. The evil corporation would not do anything to help him even though he was out of work for months. Today it is Big Oil back then it was Big Beef or the Beef Trust. Then the women became prostitutes the lead character becomes a cog in the Chicago political machine. America eats up this whole family and nothing gets better until he joins the socialists now we would call them communists. This book was written as a socialistic manifesto but all people got out of it at the time was outrage over the lack of sanitary conditions in the beef packing industry.

As I read this book I laughed out loud, what else could I do? I realized, very early in this 350 page piece of America hating crap, these leftists have been spewing these same tired cliches about America for over 100 years. We are big and bad and need to be stopped and we are run by heartless corporations. Blah, Blah, Blah. Whether it comes from Upton Sinclair or any of the asshole media douchebags it is the same message and they still have no clue. The last 4-5 chapters tell us how great America would be if it were socialist/communist. Hey assholes people are still coming to this country in droves some are even dying on the way. America is a great place to be, even if only for a few more months. Now understand that your boy Obama comes from the same Chicago democrat machine that Sinclair rails against in this book. But principle means nothing to these people they are democrats after all.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What is Satire?

Satire is often strictly defined as a literary genre or form; although, in practice, it is also found in the graphic and performing arts. In satire, human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, or other methods, ideally with the intent to bring about improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be funny, the purpose of satire is not primarily humor in itself so much as an attack on something of which the author strongly disapproves, using the weapon of wit.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

So according to this definition the New Yorker cover absolutely satire. We all know that no one within five miles of the New Yorker offices will not vote for Obama. They see him as an anointed messiah, not the depicted muslim terrorist and terrorist wife. So I agree with the New Yorker, it is satire, they hate how he is depicted by the right so they put it on the cover. Now I am probably the farthest right guy that any of you come in contact with; did you ever hear me talk about him or her in the manner depicted? I know they hate America, I know they have friends and supporters that hate America. Would they burn the flag? I have to say it is not outside the realm of possibility. We have already seen him dressed in the type of garb we see on the cover. We know he has been exposed to islamic teachings. We know the Mrs. hates America and has never been proud in what all Americans take pride in. She could very easily have been a black panther terrorist, had she not been making so much money after graduating from Princeton and Harvard Law. So I guess the scene on the cover is more truth than satire, but that is just my opinion.

So we know that these two anti-white and anti-America assholes are in the lead to wind up in the White House come next January. If that happens, what was depicted on the cover will not become reality, but only because they could not get away with it. What will happen will be a series of far left socialistic proposals and rehashed communistic ideas. He is just a leftover communist she is the one with the attitude that keeps America from becoming one united nation. Combine the two with a compliant Congress and change will come maybe even the change on the cover of the New Yorker. So maybe the Bin Laden picture becomes Lenin. He turns in his african/muslim dress for a suit without an American flag lapel pin. She has already had a makeover so I do not think we will be seeing the south side 60's look in the White house but be damn sure she will pull it out when they are alone. Satire, my ass, more like an omen.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Got This In My Email

I don't know who wrote it but they should have signed it. Some powerful words. This woman should run for president.

Written By a housewife from New Jersey
And sounds like it! This is one ticked off lady.

Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or was it not started by
Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001?

Were people from all over the world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania ?

Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or
Crushing death that day, or didn't they?

And I'm supposed to care that a copy of the Koran was 'desecrated' when
An overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet?..Well, I don't.

I don't care at all.

I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11.

I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi Arabia

I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg screamed through his gurgling slashed throat.

I'll care when the cowardly so-called 'insurgents' in Iraq come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion by hiding in mosques.

I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their suicide bombs.

I'll care when the American media stops pretending that their First Amendment
Liberties are somehow derived from international law instead of the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights.
In the meantime, when I hear a story about a brave marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this:

I don't care

When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college-hazing incident, rest assured:

I don't care.

When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told not to move
Because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank:

I don't care.

When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat, and fed 'special' food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being 'mishandled,' you can absolutely believe in your heart of hearts:

I don't care.

And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's spelled 'Koran' and other times 'Quran.' Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and-you guessed it-

I don't care !!

If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to all your E-mail friends. Sooner or later, it'll get to the people responsible for this ridiculous behavior!

If you don't agree, then by all means hit the delete button. Should you choose the latter, then please don't complain when more atrocities committed by radical Muslims happen here in our great Country! And may I add:

'Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem' -- Ronald Reagan

I have another quote that I would like to add AND.....I hope you forward all this.

'If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.' Also by.. Ronald Reagan

One last thought for the day:

In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the Anti-American sentiment and negativity, we should remember England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words during a recent interview. When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in America , he said: 'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:

1. Jesus Christ

2. The American G. I.

One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.


Not even I can make this any better, it makes me feel good that people out there think like I do, it gives me hope (real not Obama's) that America will be okay.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

No Passion

This was a shitty week nothing to really get fired up about it was a week filled with little blurbs of annoying crap. So in no particular order the good, the bad and the ugly and the sad:

Phil Gramm- I didn't know he was still alive... just shut the fuck up
Jesse Jackson- Why you gotta be hatin' on a brother, yo? Lots of people would like to do that to you to Jesse they just don't say it!...just shut the fuck up.
Obama- No balls didn't tell Jesse to bring it on... pussy
McCain- Bad joke, so what, I want the Iranians dead too, but he didn't tell the media to go to hell...pussy.
Miley Cyrus- keep your fuckin shirt on typical dumbass skanky a friggin book for God's sake.(this goes for all teens)
Jack Warner- 55 MPH another thing they want to take away from us; hey asshole its not a gas shortage its just expensive people will cut back if they want to... just shut the fuck up.
Brett Farve- Who can blame a guy for loving something so much he doesnt want to give it up good luck finding a team... not one in the NFC East NYG baby Back-to-Back.
Anheuser-Busch- Money over American icon I guess those commercials were just bullshit then... you are a family of sellouts, enjoy the money. How much is enough?
New IPhone-Is your life so empty you have to stand on line for a phone and it doesn't even work, friggin losers. What is this country coming to are we just lemmings for the latest gadgets?
JonBenet Ramsey- Let the poor kid rest in peace.
Yankee Stadium/All-Star Game- Just a building, just a game and a boring one at that get over it because it's all about the money.
Fanny Mae/Freddie Mac- People it is a government intitution did we expect it to run smoothly have no fear another gov't institution is gonna save it, the Fed. YAY!
Ahmadinejad- C'mon too easy... fill in sick and twisted death/torture here
T. Boone Pickens- Great plan but who is gonna pay for it? I am a big fan of his so for him to say we can't drill our way out of this really tears me apart because it is bullshit, lets drill and find out.
and finally...

Tony Snow- Yet another blow to conservatism we lost another good man this weekend smart and eloquent always positive and passionate about America. He never took any shit from the liberal media and always had his facts right. This guy got it, he understood how the world works and he got it across in his commentaries. America is much worse off today that is for sure.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Free Speech

The right to free speech is guaranteed in the third article of the Bill of Rights, but are you willing to defend what you have to say and how far are you willing to take it? Let me preface this post by saying that I have a very aggressive personality, okay I can be sometimes, slightly, maybe even a little bit of a jerk. Just ask any woman I have ever dated. To the point; bumper stickers, these piss me off to no end. I do not care what kind of dog you heart or where your kid is a friggin honor student. But what really sends me into a near homicidal rage is political bumper stickers Hillary, Obama '08, McCain, when the next inauguration is, or how much you hate Bush. When I am driving I will not let you into my lane; if we are in the same lane I will ride about 4 inches from your trunk until you move over and when you do I will pass you and get over into your lane. When I do that there will not be enough room for me to get over so I will force you over into the next lane or onto the shoulder. Why would you do that you ask, very simple. In America we have a secret ballot I do not care who you are voting for if you so choose to tell me who you did or want to vote for get ready for an argument. Secret means secret so shut the fuck up and vote.

You see I respect your right to free speech do you respect my right to disagree with you? I do not think the leftists in this country do. Look at how hard they are pushing for the fairness doctrine for radio. Who owns the radio waves, right leaning broadcasters Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham. Leftists want their side to have equal time on these people's shows. Is that free speech or forced propaganda programming? Fairness doctrine, really, in today's America but seriously why are these people not being laughed off the face of the earth? Who said life was fair? This worries me, we see it more and more this fair speech bullshit. What ever happened to "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me?" How big of a pussy do you have to be to let what someone says hurt your feelings. Alright lets get this out there Obama may be president, will saying nigger become a criminal offense? Leftist people think like that, they want to take your right to do and say anything and everything. I personally do not disparage a person by skin color only intelligence or lack thereof. But I do not want to lose my right to say nigger in case I ever want to because what will they take away next? Just like the attempt to take away guns or anything else in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

Here is what people in this country do not understand they think that having an opinion is all you need to make you think how they think. This really is a shame because it leads to a lack of civil discourse in America. This happens when people are unwilling or unable to defend their positions verbally and just continually shout what the opinion or thought is. Don't believe me? What does Obama stand for? Hope and change that is it no plan, no ideas jack shit, simply put. But if I or you or a conservative talk show host or even John McCain disagree with him, Obama and his minions call us racists. So am I a racist because I do not want this empty suit or more to the point empty headed suit to be the next president? No, I am pissed that we all will lose our right to free speech along with many other rights guaranteed to us. I am willing to fight and challenge but I am just one man who wants to stand up for what we believe in? America itself is hope and nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights need to be changed you stupid Obama lemmings.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Clearly we are in a bear market that is all we hear these days and you know what we are. But a bear market is not a recession. First off understand that I know of what I speak. I was a foreign exchange trader for 5 years at what at the time was the 2nd largest bank in the world. I have been in the trading room on in good days and bad days, mostly good I always hit my profits goals. Yes that is right unlike teachers I actually had to produce results to keep my job. Anyway back on topic we hear so much about the demon speculators and they are don't get me wrong. But you have to understand it is how capitalism works people place bets on future events. No different than Vegas baby. Sure they have all kinds of research and piles and piles of read-outs and charts but they can never, never be always right. Like my Finance 415 professor said after plotting chart after chart and page after page of data, can you predict the future? Sorry can't do it can only make an educated guess. What about Warren Buffet you ask? That is simple he bought some good stocks held them for a thousands years eventually they paid off. Also his company stock has never been split so he doesn't have to share the wealth it keeps getting more expensive he gets richer and fewer people can afford to buy it and bother him and his management. This is typical leftist elitism I guess some people are just more worthy than others. Oracle of Omaha my ass, Hoarder of the high plains maybe.

Speculators, traders, hedge funds, institutional investors can all manipulate the market even in today's high tech world. How you ask? Very simply the exact same way the media manipulates the news; spin the information into your favor. For example watch CNBC when they show the price of oil it is always next to the headline "America's Oil Crisis" call me crazy but there is no crisis we have all the oil we need. There are no gas lines, we are not hoping filling stations don't run out before we get to the pump. The price of gas is high, that is not a crisis it is supply and demand that determine the price. What we here in America tend to forget is there is a lot more world out there and they need gas too. Do speculators have some say in the price of oil or other commodities or stocks? Absolutely they do. I have seen traders in the foreign exchange market drive the market to make a profit they push hard for about 10 minutes in the direction they want the market to go. In and out, pump and dump some might say. So with that in mind ask yourself this question: Does it keep the price of gas down when the ENTIRE media calls this an "Oil Crisis" or does it make the speculators job easier to drive the price up. Thanks again guys you are doing a great job then you all just blame it Bush, he is just paying back his oil buddies and most Americans drink it down.

How much speculators add to these prices is up for speculation(pun intended). Some say as much as 40% I would say 25-30% it is significant no doubt because no matter what econ profs think markets are not ceteris paribus(all things being equal) they are imperfect you just have to factor that in when trying to understand how the markets work. What is bullshit is this Mortgage Backed Securities crap. It is a fake investment instrument a bundle of manipulated securities with no real value think a whole boat load of Enron's tied together. People didn't pay their mortgages and the market collapsed now the question is who knew what when? Because if these fuckers knew the market was tanking and didn't let anyone know or tried to make money off of it they need not be strung up by their balls. This is not speculation it is manipulation. Criminal if you ask me, thousands of people have lost their jobs over this and not just in the MBS market but we only hear about the stock and commodities markets. Because the agenda having leftist media hates George W. Bush and wants to blame it on him.

People; economics runs in cycles just like the temperature of the earth. The president is just along for the ride. He can hurt or help though. Jimmy Carter malaise speech, thank you Chris Matthews great speech; or Ronald Reagan tax cuts led to a big boom in the markets. Today though no matter what a president says or does the media will manipulate what it wants for it's guy Clinton could do no wrong even though his last quarter of his forth year had less growth than Bush 41 betcha didn't know that but you know "it's the economy stupid". Dubya can do no right we are in a recession , right? WRONG. Speculators are a problem like ants at a picnic. The leftist media are a problem like a rat infestation. How do you get rid of rats? That's right...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The 4th -- Theirs, Yours, Mine, Ours

Remember those men who sat in treason in the sweltering heat in Philadelphia fully knowing they were risking life, limb and fortune for a principle ... Freedom. Theirs, yours, mine, ours a simple concept today and taken for way too granted by way too many Americans. I would like you to read the Declaration of Independence this weekend word for word understand what these men were seeking, read the Constitution and see what these men had brought. Remember those who fought the Redcoats, then the most powerful army on earth, and beat them from our shores. For freedom they did this Theirs, yours, mine, ours. For the last 232 years America has fought to maintain our freedoms while others have tried to take them away. It is our turn now to not let what those men did so long ago just go onto the ash heap of history because leftists hate what those men did. We must stand and fight with all we have for Freedom; Theirs, yours, mine, ours.

Happy Independence Day 08
Posted By Maj Pain
In most branches of the military, the first of the month is when service members get promoted if they have met the requirements. On July 1st, Marines here in Iraq were no different. As blowing sand came across the landscape, their promotion would be done in a combat zone instead of some nice clean meeting room, Marines gathered in formation as they had accomplished the requirements and met guidelines to be promoted to the next rank. No family members, no high attention, just fellow Marines ready to be promoted and fellow Marines ready to congratulate them.

“In 1778, General George Washington marked Independence Day with a double ration of rum for his soldiers and an artillery salute.” Wikipedia

Wide eyed, covered in dirt, Marines in their early 20s stood as symbols of America’s finest. Brave, disciplined and eager to fight any sort of insurgency that showed its face on the drop of a hat, they positioned themselves to be promoted. When promoted, a warrant is read and they are asked who they would like to pin on their new rank. It is an honor to recognize the new Sergeants, Corporals and Lance Corporals as the selected fellow Marine actually pins on their new rank onto the collar of the Marine and welcomes them to the new challenges.

These are the young leaders of America. The ones typical Americans may think had no other choice but to join the military, or looked upon as kids. I can assure you that the days of resorting to the military as a last choice are gone and these “kids” not only maintain million dollar military equipment perfectly, but can make a life and death decisions in a blink of an eye and are tuff as nails. These are the warriors who get tasked to serve the thankless jobs of several patrol, standing guard and small unit leaders. However when on guard, they could be and usually are faced with that one situation of a suicide borne vehicle that attacks a front gate and they make the conscious decisions to fight back and kill the attacker. These are the service members who then return back to the states only to resume mundane jobs when they get out of the military and are considered ”kids”.

America, you got to know your young Marines are on the cutting edge of it all. Maturity, discipline, education and health. They truly are the epitome of America and those who found this country, would still be proud of their Marines today as they were in 1776.

During this 4th of July holiday, when we celebrate the independence of our great country, take a second during the picnics, BBQs, patriotic music and fireworks and pay a few seconds of honor to those keeping our independence free. Because as you enjoy your holiday, newly promoted warriors stand guard and keep the wolf at bay.

“In 1778, General George Washington marked Independence Day with a double ration of rum for his soldiers and an artillery salute.” Wikipedia
Have one for us during your holiday and keep the other shot of rum until we can get home and share it with you!!
Semper Fidelis – Maj Pain

Go to his blog thank the Major personally in an email, I did...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let The Changing Begin

OK so last week I let the Presidential symbol change go without a word but that is just the first of many changes to come. Now what we have is a changing of something I really take to heart. The definition of Patriotism. Barack Husein Obama is now redefining what it means to be a Patriot. Are you fucking kidding me? I can understand the changing of the seal to seem more Presidential, you need it you look like a freakin sock puppet. But how can you redefine something that means something different to each one of us. Seriously could this guy be anymore arrogant? Well maybe it's just ignorance. Hey Obama, Mrs. Clinton defines Patriotism as criticizing the government, are you going to make her praise the government now or are you going to wait and force her to praise you when you are elected?

Now I may not (may not) be the smartest guy in the world. But to say this guy has changed the definition of Patriotism, like I read on a certain Op-Ed page is totally freakin off the chart. Obama has surrounded himself his whole life with racist assholes who hate America, hell some even tried to blow up certain parts of the government. I am never one to shy away from the racism topic as you all well know so let me say this, if people want to be racists, fine, ignorance is bliss they say. Just don't attack others with "you are racist" about everything they say. This is Obama, and his surrogates, answer for everything; it must be nice to have that "out" for everything. Me, I have balls call me want you want, but I think you are a scumbag no matter your skin color(half white) is. It is nothing I haven't heard before.

This guy is neither Patriotic or Presidential. What he is is full of shit. A smooth talking lawyer from the Chicago political machine. He is Bill Clinton incarnate. Just like Bill he puts himself first and once elected that will become even more magnified. His motto should be "me first...Never America First." Tell me does he really think we think he is patriotic? This guy is a huge problem and it frustrates me that half of America does not see through this guy. So, if he has redefined Patriotism what is it? The piece I read does not say. It is merely porn written down in the newspaper, I call it porn because I am pretty sure what the writer was doing when he put his pen to paper. I am sure he had an Obama-gasm when he submitted it as did every editor that printed it.

Look I do not want this blog to be all about criticizing Obama but he is out there pitching softballs so from now on I will try not to put him in it more than once a week that is of course subject to change because its my blog and I will do what I want. It comes down to this he does not have anything to do with the way you or I look at Patriotism, it is a personal subject. What is next is this guy going to refine God? Spread the word this guy and his people are dangerous, to all of us and all we hold true and dear.