Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?

So Sotomayor overturned, again, by the Supreme Court, Obama's number 1 pick for the SCOTUS, yeah she belongs. Obama backs the same guy that Castro and Chavez support in Honduras, gee something different for a change from him. Backing the guy who hates America. Sanford is a bigger douchebag than first thought. Al Franken going into the Senate, it is official Minnesota is full of brain frozen morons. When did they move that state to the Northeast? The media does 24/7 coverage of Michael Jackson. Is he going to have a James Brownesque national tour telling us what a great person he was? ObamaCare now. ObamaTobaccoBan now. ObamaGunBan now. Obama"CapandTrade" now. ObamaSugarySoda ban now. Obama's America; you can freakin have it. So much bullshit in so little time. America is going...going...


Anonymous said...

So with Al Fraken heading to the Senate, it is official it is now a total joke. The Republican Revollution Part 2 will happen in November 2010.

Always America First said...

There is nothing about this Administration, Congress, State Houses and Governorships nationwide that isnt a joke. It would be funny if were not so freakin sad. As for a republican revolution I do not think so unless America's TVs tell them to vote that way. We area nation of idiots and only getting worse. Real revolution to take back the government I can only hope for, these career politicians must be shown who runs this show.