Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dirty, Amoral Scumbags

Almost every elected official makes me sick but I still hold out hope that 1 or 2 good ones are still out there. I have been telling my friends and family for weeks now that I will never vote again. I did not vote in the Jersey primary because I will not vote for the same old shit (Christie) or the egomaniac who loves listening to the sound of his own voice (Lonegan). Oh you can't do that! Do you want Corzine to win? Hell no! Here, in the the MOST corrupt place in North America, it does not matter who is "running" the show. It is all a farce. No one makes a move in Dirty Jersey without union approval or mob approval or the approval of any low-life low-level government official without a kickback. If the judicial system here was not so corrupt every democrat in the state would be locked up, instead of just the few really heinous ones. The state supreme court is such a joke they change election laws whenever it suits them how do you think we ended up the asshole senators we got? Well, that and the fact I live in a state filled with complete and total morons. Republicans in this state are scared little pussies with no balls, and do not forget corrupt too. Everyone here is out to get theirs. After seeing this type of action here for so long I can tell you that it truly is being played out nationally. People this is not a good thing for America.

Our politicians do not care about us they only care about being re-elected and staying in power. Don't believe me ask yourself this question. When was the last time you saw a politician take a moral stand against anything and fight for their beliefs? Now there is a difference between this and grandstanding for the cameras. You do not back down or change a moral stance. If I may "you are either with us or against us" "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Men who speak such as this have moral conviction and see it through to the end. Standing tall no matter how many are trying to dissuade them and/or stop them. From the left we get: "I will not send American boys 8 or 10 thousand miles from home to do a job Asian boys ought to be doin for themselves." "Over the last few months I have noticed a general malaise come over our nation" let us not forget this gem "it depends on what the definition of is, is." and of course the latest "What do you think? Only I am the president of the United States." A liar, a hater, a liar, and an insecure egomaniac some great moral compass on the left.

Which brings us to the latest scumbag Mark Sanford. You were a good guy in refusing the "porkulus" money. You gave clear concise, moral reason for that action but it was all a facade wasn't it. This affair has been going on for a year, I mean really is it so freakin hard not to cheat on your wife? I mean ok if she looked like Sotomayor or Janet Reno or Hillary I could justify it. But seriously dude, WTF? Pissing away a potentially huge political career over some Argentine pussy? I hope your wife is stronger than Elizabeth Edwards and throws you out on the street. How can anyone take a cheater seriously I mean the person you are supposed to love the most in the whole world, you betray. Do you think someone like that would not betray his/her constituents without batting an eye? Hell yeah they would. Good riddance to you, you dirty, amoral scumbag. Then again aren't they all?


Anonymous said...

Holy crap dude, just tell us how you feel. I think you have it about nailed down. Dirt bags one and all and until we start holding their feet to the fire not one of them will change. I tip my beer to you man, at least Florida has sun and beaches to go along with our crooked politicians. I'm not sure about Jersey though.

Always America First said...

Thank for the props. The beaches here in Jersey are beautiful if you like hospital waste washing up on shore and greasy guidos from Jersey and Staten Island playing club music. I try not to think about the Jersey shore.