Thursday, June 4, 2009

Apology Tour Muslim Style

So the Apologizer-in-Chief is in the Middle East this week whining about how bad America is or was before he got in office. Now I can be honest I admit that I am hard on the guy, it is okay I know I am. Some of you sadistic bastards think I have gone soft on him. With this tour though I do believe honestly in the deepest depths of my heart that this fucker truly hates, despises and totally loathes each and every American who cannot help him become ruler of the world. Lets start last year during the campaign that still has not ended we, loyal and non-loyal subjects alike, were not allowed to use his middle name (Hussein like in Saddam) because that would imply an islamic background. Of course if this fact got out We the People would not vote for him because we are all racists. Of course racists like myself pointed this out back then because, why would anyone who has been indoctrinated with the philosophies of the people who want to destroy America want to be President? Well all you morons who voted for this douchebag we are all starting to find out. Plain and simple to end the great American experiment and replace it with the same old tired Marxist-Leninist principles that enslaved half of Eastern Europe and killed those that would not be enslaved. Do not forget that these principles failed, utterly and totally and cost millions of lives but our dear leader thinks this is the way America should be run.

Getting back to the islamic denying, I guess that it was okay to lie to American people, after all he does now give a shit about us anyway. Now that fuckface is over there shitting all over America, yet again, he decided to reaffirm his islamic roots. What better place to appease than in the heart of islamo-fascism and declare his solidarity with them. I know I am not a goat-fucking prophet worshipper and will never ever give a shit how bad their lives are and how their God has forsaken them. Did you lie to these people or did you lie to us about your muslim roots? Hey psychos if your God gave a shit about you you would been living where you are, hell on earth. Life in America is billion times better than any islamic country on earth. Why does this fucking asshole who was elected by fucking morons want to change it? America has done more for the world than all the other countries combined our sons and daughters have fought and died regardless of race or creed of those that needed help. I refuse to sacrifice for this president any of my freedoms, cash, liberty, sweat or blood. You know what Barack they love you so much there stay there don't come home especially if it is as bad here as you say there is nothing you can do here. Everything you say I will do the opposite because you are a fucking racist idiot that has no idea about real American history. Can you do America a favor when you get to France and not apologize to Europe for invading her on D-Day thus beginning the end of Hitler's Nazi-Socialist experiment. Are you going to the American cemetery this trip or are you going to avoid it like the plague again? I wish I did not have to say it but lets face it every time he opens his mouth he just proves that:

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