Monday, June 22, 2009

Iranians Fight For Freedom

Americans just give theirs away. If you have not figured out by now that Barack Hussein Obama does not give a shit about anything but himself you are a fucking moron, if you voted for him and have not figured this out you are a brain dead fucking moron. How can he not come right out and say that AMERICA supports the protesters 100%. Freedom all the way no matter what it takes. Instead he is "moved" by the images coming out of Iran. Hey dickhead did you see that young woman die in the street? Was that not worth at least a "we are with you." Oh that's right you only think of you and you only care about yourself you are such an asshole. I bet you were more than "moved" by the pictures of the Kent State shootings but then you were on the protester's side. Don't get me wrong I know you were not old enough to have an opinion at the time but now what do you think? Was either shooting justified? Are both governments oppressive? Were the all the dead fighting for freedom? Were the shooting just tragic accidents? What do you think you gutless punk? Say something, Ahmedejan is punking you out, he is always 1 or 2 steps ahead of you. He knows you are nothing but a little bitch and will not do anything no matter how many people he kills. He is going to blame the U.S. just say something to condemn this violence. Lets face it you are waiting for a stern letter from the U.N. condemning his actions. Jerkoff. You should not be president of the United States you should be Secretary General of the U.N. you do nothing bureaucrat turd. Enough about our pussy president.

The people of this country continue to give away the freedoms guaranteed to us in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Half a world away people are dying to get a taste of what we have. I believe our forefathers were correct and prophetic in granting only those that owned property the right to vote. Let the racism whining begin here. OK, you done? Let's face it all these welfare getting freeloaders get a vote same as taxpaying (but not getting anything back) you and I. They do not care about freedom they only want to keep getting free stuff from the government. Do you think these people would ever in a million years protest against the government? Hell no. Would you like to venture a guess who these prideless people voted for in 2008? We who own stuff and pay into the government coffers understand that they are the enemy the IRS, ATF, FBI, SEC etc. We care about freedom we see our rights vanishing we see the need for revolution against those in power and those that hold our country hostage with "entitlements." When do we begin the revolution? When is enough enough going to be enough from those above us and below us? Iranians are fighting for their freedom and I support them, I will fly my Gadsden Flag in support until they succeed or are crushed under the boot of tyranny because of a lack of support from the POTUS. The land of free and home of the brave only those numbers are dwindling and fast. Was this the "hope and change" 63 million+ douchebags voted for?
Just as a reminder:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage

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