Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm The Bad Guy?

At the end of the movie Falling Down the Michael Douglas character asks this question. He just could not fathom how he was the one being portrayed as the bad guy. My friends and I always joke around using this line but here and now it is very serious. Much like the character I cannot fathom, in this day and age, how a racist becomes president and then be allowed to nominate a racist that assuredly will be confirmed to the Supreme Court for a lifetime. Those of us on the right are being portrayed as racist because the nominee is a latina even though we oppose her on on intellectual grounds or her lack thereof. Dude, I could give a shit if she was three headed quadruple amputee with the blood of every nation running through her veins. I do not see race, no one on the right sees race, only liberals categorize people because it is easier to rule over them that way. This Roseanne Barr looking (I do see ugly though)America hater is as racist as he is but even worse she is as socialist as he is. Now there is not one republican in the world with the balls to call this spade a spade for fear of being called a racist or a bigot. Real men would stand up and fight this fight on racial grounds and her judicial record because both are a joke. The Supreme Court has over ruled this retard 5 out of 6 times how can she possibly, seriously be a part of The Court?!?!?! She has no idea how to apply the rule of law she only knows how to apply what is going on in her pathetic little mind and trying to make it law and call it a precedent. Hey, puta the legislative branch makes laws not the judicial.

When is enough, enough? Seriously people when is this fucking country going to wake up and see the internal threats? Oh that is right I am just some crazy right-wing(thank you) kook who warned you people that obama was not the centrist portrayed in the media during the campaign and everyday it gets worse and just proves me right. It is bad enough that we have 2 five foot short third world Asian dictators trying to destroy us now we also have an asshole and and alll of his administration officials trying to destroy us to build a new America in their own image with their new rules; think George Orwell's Animal Farm . They hope to change everything that was bad in the past and at the same time destroy the good. I am just going to come out and say it these people were not raised in normal situations they hate everything we hold dear. He was not even raised here and she was raised in the south Bronx. Have you been to the south Bronx? What has she even done to improve it? Would you live there given the chance? No you would not, just like you would not live in the south side of Chicago where obama was a community organizer. They do not give a crap about God or country they care only about themselves and their careers. You know I have not been fired up in a while but these two assholes have got my fires burning again. She says that she is better suited for the job than a white guy because of her experiences. Really I do not think that anyone with a latino surname drafted, debated or signed the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Nor do I think that anyone with an islamic middle name and/or african did either. What I do know is that South and Central America are in chaos with most countries been ruled by idiot leftists or dictators or both and Africa and islamic countries are rules by kings, dictators or both or no one at all that has led to multiple genocides continentwide . Your peoples have done a great job in these places by throwing out the white man and returning the country's wealth to its rightful owners. I'm the racist? I'm the bad guy?


a friend said...

the media has told us that Sotomayar will be the first hispanic on the coury, did they forget about Benjamin Cordozo, not only Spanish but a Jew as well, wrote some decessions that are still used today, McPherson v Buick. if the media would only get its head out of it ass, the worild might become a bit smarter.

Always America First said...

But to the media a Spanish/Portugeuse Jewish background does not count. He was not poor and did not live in the projects. Maybe they would remember him if he had been Puerto Rican, even his possible homosexuality will not save him in their eyes. Too much whiteness, plus Obama is a muslim who hates jews.

Anonymous said...

well stated my good friend,