Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oil Prices

The price of gas here in northern New Jersey has risen (as it always does around Memorial Day) to roughly $2.20 per gallon. Now as I watch CNBC right now Crude Oil is $60.87 per barrel. Now when that bad bad George Bush and even worse Dick Cheney were in the White House and gas here rose to roughly $4.00 per gallon crude oil was at $150.00 per barrel. Now I understand that I went to public high school but by simple mathematics $2.00 gasoline should reflect a crude price of $75.00. Now I may be crazy but weren't all the media reports last spring and summer all about how George Bush and Dick Cheney were just paying back all of their cronies in the oil industries. Well of course that is just another busted myth about Bush/Cheney because gas is more expensive under Obama. But why and who is he trying to payoff? But of course the main stream media will not investigate this conundrum because it does not benefit them and if they did and found a connection it would ruin the one guy they have so much invested in. Or maybe it is just the market at work, holy good crap who would have thought of that?

But of course Bush was letting the oil companies make record profits it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that 300+ million people in this country have places to go and the money to pay to get there. The government wants to cut emissions output but no matter and they are going to do it by forcing us into the shitty little putt-putt mobiles discussed in the last post. If you remember the campaign when Obama said he did not mind $4.00 gasoline he just did not like how fast we got to it. $4.00 gas sucks but if you don't like it refine your own crude or buy an electric car but be assured, your electric bill will rise because of recharging. Of course he will have to raise taxes on your electric bill to compensate for lost oil taxes. So as gas rises like it does every summer due to demand, keep in mind this post and do a little simple math and figure whether or not your boy Obama is raising taxes on gasoline. After all how else is the price going to get to $4.00 being that he does not owe anything to anyone the in oil biz? So as usual, in a centrally planned economy, those of us with money will have to pay for those without, and the bailouts and the administration's social experimentation, it is just more fair that way. Are you ready to spill blood for oil yet?


Anonymous said...

A barrel of oil is $65+ yet a bushel of wheat is $7, lets start selling these fuckers our goods at $65 a bushel and see how fast oil drops.

Always America First said...

That's fuckin funny. Now Obama has to apologize for you.