Monday, April 19, 2010

"There was once a dream that was Rome."

So on this day of the anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord we need to talk about revolution. When the citizens are fed up with those in the political ruling class due to taxes, massacres, forced purchasing of government programs or general liberty infringements. They revolt plain and simple. let me tell you something else I am sick and freaking tired of hearing from Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh how we need to be nonviolent and have civil debates about the issues. You are the talkers and we will be the doers, it is okay the American Revolution had Sam Adams we have you guys. Talk time has passed. This regime cares not one iota about me or you, they are only looking out for those who want to suck from the government's teet. When the call to arms came on that fateful night men came from all around and stood against the most powerful army in the world and on this day in 1775 they kept coming and chased this army all the way back to Boston. Some paid with their lives, 49 patriots died that day. Was it worth it? Were their lives worth what we have become today would any of those men look at this Congress or any citizen for that matter and not have as much contempt for him/her as they did for King George in their day. We just accept what the government shoves down our throats, oh sure, we bitch in editorials and blogs, we go to TEA parties and and chant and sing patriotic songs. Yet, we are still getting this fucking anti-American crap shoved in our faces and down our throats. How much more shit is it going to take to make America wake up and see how much liberty we are really losing in the name of equality? "All men are created equal," after that you must better yourself but in America today it is okay to be on food stamps and welfare, to have as many abortions on demand as you want, or have your wages confiscated and given to those who do not work. I would give the last breath in my body to have those 49 men here with us today to show us real bravery that will be needed to save the America they died for.

From the movie Gladiator: Marcus Aurelius: Yet you have never been there. You have not seen what it has become. I am dying, Maximus. When a man sees his end... he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How will the world speak my name in years to come? Will I be known as the philosopher? The warrior? The tyrant...? Or will I be the emperor who gave Rome back her true self? There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile. And I fear that it will not survive the winter.

Will America (Rome) survive the summer on this path set forth by the ones in charge? I am sorry to those who fought and died this day so long ago. My apologies for not being vigilant enough and letting these leftist assholes get close enough to try and destroy what you fought to bring life. Some of us remember and hold sacred those days and those ideas and some of us, like you, are willing to fight for them.

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