Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Post Racial America?

With his election we were supposed to be past all this racial garbage that divides us as a nation. But of course the left cannot ever let go of one of their sacred golden cows. Race, of course, we have not heard too much about it because of the health care "debate." Now it's BAAACK! Two items in the news today.

Let's start with this nugget from the left. Any black TEA party member is a traitor. No, not a traitor to the United States but a traitor to your half black half white president. So let me get this straight now black people should be called traitors because the acting president is going to tax these citizens to the point of financial dependence on the government and they are not allowed to disagree on the basis of skin color. Wow the left in this country really does want to be just like Europe. You know just like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin they did not allow anyone to disagree with them either. Blacks attacking blacks because of their opposition to fuckface's policies. Have you ever anything so freakin stupid in your life? I hope black TEA party members take this and use it as a badge of honor. The left is getting crazier and crazier and of course are using their willing accomplices in the media. People it's the same old shit with these people on the left race, hatred and a "Do as I command" attitude. I got a new slogan for you America "Punch a Leftist." It does not matter what color the president is, assholes, it only matters what he is doing to the country and this douche is trying to bring America on an equal playing field as say... Kenya.

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell has declared April Confederate History Month, well praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. You knew this was going to rile up the left because if you are a racist jackass you know the only reason the South fought was to preserve slavery. Especially in Virginia, they were not invaded once after seceding from the union, I cannot even recall one battle fought on the "Old Dominion's" soil. Of course all the left can see is slavery, a despicable and vile practice no doubt about it but where do we most see it employed today? Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, no, mostly we see it in the great continent of Africa, the mother of civilization. Luckily most of our ancestors were smart enough to get the fuck off that now arm pit of civilization. Is slavery part of Virginia's past, yes, should it have been mentioned, yes. The left is going to have to understand that in the defeat of the South we are all suffering the loss of freedoms and rights. At least those people had a fighting chance, I fear we will never get ours. Race is a wonderful thing it is the only way, physically, in which we are different of course morons who only look at skin color do not care about principles or serious political thought. It is a huge deal to those on the left, no wonder there cannot be any civil discourse when it comes to politics here in America. I guess he is not as post racial as he thinks, hey Obama thanks for being a positive influence for everyone.

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