Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama's Umpteenth State of the Union Speech

What the fuck was that? I understand that he and I do not see eye to eye on anything. But holy fucking fucking dog shit on a stick, I am just more confused every time this douche opens it's mouth. Why is he going back to the old playbook of ideas he used in the campaign? He did nothing he promised then, does he or his cronies really believe that people are really going to start believing that he can now deliver on these B.S. promises now? Has he not realized that everyone he campaigned for in the election in November lost and he helped lose the MA. senate seat. Hey Bam people are moving away from you not to you. Now all of a sudden jobs have become the number one priority of this administration, it should always been priorty one in the midst of a recession, but health care reform was his number one priority. He could not ram it down our throats, thank God, so it takes a back seat. In the meantime millions of people lost their jobs and he talks about saving 2,000,000 jobs. WTF? Saved jobs? Seriously? I have known for two years now that Obama and his supporters were delusional but the insanity is getting worse and worse. Now all of a sudden he wants to drill for oil in the U.S., he wants nuclear power and clean coal. Wow you take a beating and all of a sudden these are good ideas. If you were for drilling from the beginning, we would be two years closer to getting that crude on the market. Wow cheap gas that would be like a tax cut to the American people. I know you think tax cuts are bad but we out here in the real world who actually work for a living need them and those of us trying to get ahead (i.e. investing in the stock market) need them even more. All you want to do is take our hard earned wages. Yes I know those are hard concepts for you to follow 1. the money is ours and 2. people earn their money with work. Your populist rhetoric only shows your contempt for the citizens of this country; earmarks, all of a sudden, are a problem. This coming from someone who tried to make all kinds of last minute backroom deals to get the health care bill passed before the MA. special election, you are a lying sack of shit.

Let's face the reality you are one giant series of mistakes that are all forgivable in your eyes because you were all well intentioned. Well shove your intentions up your skinny ashy ass. The truth is you are an asshole even worse you are an anti-American asshole. You hate this country you hate how it is set up and you hate how it works. In the last two days you stated that you did not change how congress works no shit asshole, we know you cannot change how it works no matter how much you want to. Then you attacked the Supreme Court who merely reaffirmed the right of Freedom of Speech with their ruling last week and tonight you attacked it again causing Justice Alito to utter a rebuttal. You sir are worse than Nixon, LBJ, FDR, Hoover, Wilson and you have fucked up the U.S. this badly in only one year. Americans are not buying your bullshit you are in big trouble, it is going to be three more long years for you but it will be even worse for us.

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