Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 Glad to See Ya Go

Very rarely in American history do we see the convergence of morons and money to this extent. No I do not mean super rich liberal dickheads like Gerorge Soros, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. I am talking about Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Tiger Woods and Ben Bernanke. 2009 was one of the worst years in our history regardless of what the media talking heads say. We elected an anti-American dickhead communist who right away got to work undoing 230 years worth of freedom and progress. He brought with him an attorney general who believes murdering thug terrorists should be and will be treated better than American citizens in our own courts. Tiger Woods is nothing but an empty golf uniform (for lack of a better word). An image conjured up by some marketing expert but no real substance underneath. Just a whore mongering, yes he paid for it, stupid, leaving voice and text messages to said whores, jackass. Probably the greatest golfer to ever live, definitely one of the top 3 stupidest millionaires ever. The question is how much is his pussyfest going to cost him. These are just three reasons I am glad to see it go. 2010 I am happy you are here one year down in the experiment to turn America into Europe.

Ben Bernanke is an enemy of the state but even worse he is an enemy of the people. As always the left thinks this man is just brilliant Harvard, PhD from MIT, so yes he does well on tests and that proves he can memorize shit that comes out a book. Brilliant no. He is a academic who spent his time teaching at Stanford and Princeton. Then as a government employee as a scholar for the Fed. No real world experience he never produced anything of substance but just like Obama has written books only they are even more boring being they are academic textbooks and one about the Great Depression. Now for all his brilliance you think he would have seen the "Great Recession" coming and stemmed the effects. He was appointed in 2006 by Dubya; clearly not one of his best ideas. Ben did nothing to stem the hemorrhaging of bank accounts, mortgage defaults or 401K retirement plans. But what he did do was save the GM union jobs and democrat controlled Wall Street firms with the billion dollar bailout. Of course small and medium size banks throughout the nation have gone belly up and are under FDIC control. But he could give a shit less about those they do not give big to the DNC. The market soared regardless of what these incompetent democrat morons try, which if you were in, you made money. I love the fact that no matter what these anti-American dipshits pull, the American money machine will keep on keeping on (yeah I used it.) Oh by the way Bernanke was born in Augusta, Georgia you know, where Tiger has had some of his greatest triumphs. I know, creepy, right?

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