Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It Has Been A Week

So I have not posted for a while. Well fuck you, I have been busy and today I am in a bad fucking mood. Mostly due to being busy at work and then being too tired to write anything at night. Other causes would be Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Pelosi, congress as a whole, liberals, the media's hypocrisy. Plus I have been trying to find a new gun worth buying and I cannot choose which one. But seven days have passed since my last post so I figured now is the time. But like I said I am in a bad mood so brace yourself. I could not give a shit less about the fucking earthquake in Haiti. Haiti is a drag on the world economy, these people produce nothing other than refugees. They are the welfare state personified. These people are the poorest of the poor because their government has enslaved them in socialism. This was a natural disaster, no, this was a city of clay and brick huts built on a fault line, not the smartest idea mankind has come up with so far. The reports from the land of voodoo and burning tire necklaces are saying 200,000 dead. Their own government will not miss them, same goes for the rest of the world. This is what Obama wants here a natural disaster that kills Americans, fewer people to oppose his policies and more people to scare into falling in his party line. Is it tragic? Yes, of course it is. So was the tsunami in Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh but that is what happens in that part of the world to coastal villages. When you want to build permanent structures or huts at or below sea level understand that the sea will claim them eventually. Same goes for this country. Are you listening New Orleans? New York? Miami? Boston? Venice is being reclaimed by the sea so they came up with a gate system to keep the water out, seriously that is no different than this congress and administration passing this "health care" bill's costs onto future generations. What a waste. No not the people killed they were pretty much wasting their lives living in such a sorry state. The waste is the people all over the world not using their God given right to live free and be free. Wake up and fight for your freedom before a "natural" disaster happens here thanks to those in charge.

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