Monday, November 30, 2009

The Cheese Stands Alone

So Switzerland is taking a stand and banning the building of new mosque minarets. Some see this as Europe standing up for itself and getting tough with extremists. I see this as an independent country doing what it wants on its sovereign soil. Now I do not trust any politician so my first thought was when will they ban building new church steeples? That remains to be seen I hope it does not happen. According to polls 57% of the Swiss think this is a good idea(the new minarets not the steeples) but the only news stories I saw had protests and candlelight vigils. Whoa big shock from the media. But I have to say I do not trust polls here why would I trust them there? Europe is Europe liberal, socialist all for one and no individuality in thought. Switzerland has always been a neutral country thanks to its mandatory service and the fact that everyone is issued a weapon for defense. Let's face it the crazies will go fucking ape shit over this move. Muslim poop will be flung from every corner of the earth. My question is where do the Swiss go from here? Do they take a even bigger step and stop allowing muslims into the country? An excellent idea, I must say. Or do they repeal this constitutional amendment when the sub-human islamic scum begin to riot in whatever European city they are guests in. Now I do not have much faith in European countries to stand tall and have balls. Hopefully the Swiss can lead the way as it pertains to Islam; take no shit and maybe stand behind this preemptive strike. Time will tell. They have placed themselves on an island. Let's face it our "great appeaser" will offer no support whatsoever and I think neither will any of the other European countries. So much for all for one, but it is hard to lend support when your head is buried in the sand. So if the Swiss need help in handling this situation there is one guy they can call who knows what it is like to be on your own these days. Benjamin Netanyahu, but that is really going to take some balls. Politically speaking this could be quite the European sideshow. Sovereign rights versus E.U./U.N. appeasers.


The JerseyNut said...

Best title for a post ever.

Always America First said...

Thanks man. I am glad someone can appreciate the humor.