Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Apology Tour Far East

We have become accustomed to our present "leader" meeting foreign leaders and begging their forgiveness for things this country has done to them. We have also seen him bow down to "royalty." We have also seen this polished well mannered man of culture perform gaffs of inappropriate local etiquette such as checking out that lady's ass in Europe. Well the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Are his handlers insane, stupid or both?

He would not accept the reality of the time and the fact that possibly 1,000,000 AMERICANS would die in the invasion and later battles to defeat the empire of Japan. So instead of defending the decision he avoided the question using all of his well learned double-speak, but at this point is anyone taking what comes out of this jekoff's mouth seriously? He hates the fact that we dropped the bomb, hey dickhead check your history it was them or us. Truman made the right call then he had to make it again clearly it was the only solution not once but twice. They were fanatical about not wanting to surrender so they were bombed into submission plain and simple. In war might makes right, in anything really, but Obama is a pussy and thinks we are all equal. I do not lift weights to get bigger and stronger so some pencil neck Harvard jerkoff thinks he can get over on me. I prefer to go lay hands on and see who the better man is, oh by the way, my neck is 24 inches; just thought you pencil necks should know.

This guy is just a barrel full for ignorance and stupidity; a hot mess if you will. He is the Lindsey Lohan of world politics. Now I do not have a problem with him bowing to the Japanese emperor, yes, that is what I said. It is their custom greeting, to bow, also he is merely a figurehead and not in charge of anything. Rico Suave's mistake was shaking hands and bowing at the same time you do one or the other not both. Either be a man and force him to observe your custom or be polite and bow. It looked as though Obama was going to lick his hand, I will bet dollars to doughnuts he was totally checking out his package. Could I have less respect for this guy or what?

So George Bush was an embarrassment? The freakin' guy is worse than anything ever seen in American politics. Worse than Bush the first puking in Japan, or Ford falling down Air Force One's steps. At least with Truman we know where the buck stopped with Obamarassment we will forever watch the buck be passed. Always being told by the media what a great, historic job he is doing after inheriting such a great, historic mess. You can fool some people...

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