Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Red Mist

A friend of mine, who used to be in the army, said to me some time ago; "I hope the next speech Obama gives his head disappears into a red mist. Go ahead picture it in your mind. Tell me you didn't like that. I thought so. Now I never talked about this until today because of this reason. Chris Matthews of Hardball(should be called hard-on for Obama) called for Rush's head to be exploded like the Yaphet Kotto character Mr. Big in "Live and Let Die." The left always bitches about civil discourse from the right. The tea party people, the anti-Obama care bill town hall people, anything said by Rush, Glenn Beck or anyone conservative. So when a couple of guys in a bar say how nice it would be to see Obama's head be misted off his pencil neck is one thing, to go on TV and say it about another political commentator is a little extreme. But you must remember that this is the guy that got tingles up his leg during an Obama speech and admitted it on television so he is prone to making stupid assed statements on TV. But freedom of speech and TV executive stupidity allows him to stay on the tube.

Now everyone in the "main stream media" has attributed many lies as quotes that came out of Rush's mouth and reported them as truth. Of course the two pillars of the black community "Rev." Al Sharpton and "Rev." Jesse Jackson jumped on board figuring out a way to get paid no doubt. How does this racist crying clown act continue to get coverage year after year? As per their usual argument all conservatives are racist redneck crackers that cannot be trusted because they are liars. Oh like when Jesse said MLK died in his arms? Lie, didn't happen. Of course let's not forget the Tawana Brawley case where people were arrested and went to jail. Hey Al ever wonder why you got stabbed that time all those years ago. Two more candidate for the "red mist" scenario.

Look people Rush Limbaugh does not need me to defend him nor will I. This is merely an exercise in pointing out the fucking hypocrisy of the media and those liberal jerkoff commentators therein. The biggest enemy of America today is the liberal media they have way more money and power than Al-Qaeda or the Taliban or even the Russians, Iran or Hugo Chavez. Americans coming of age today have been indoctrinated with liberalism from the time they get to grade school. They are taught by liberal unionized teachers. Unions for teachers? Really? Is your job that hazardous that you need union protection? Or are that many of you just incompetent idiots and you need tenure not to get fired? I am guessing the latter these people do not have to produce anything yet demand more and more. Unionized teachers and the media; America's real enemies. Getting back to Rush he has either been dropped by the bidding group or quit real conservatives see things through to the end no matter the odds or the difficulty of the fight. So if he quit to make it easier on the group to get the Rams, well, with friends like that Rush who needs the MSM. If you quit the group Rush well let me be the first to say you folded, you pussed out and you lost the respect of a lot of the people who were in your corner. Personally I hope it is the former but that is just me.

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