Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Presidential Words

I have been told lately to take it easy on this blog. My whole life I have never done that, no matter what I have done, it is all out. Let me tell you these times in which we live in call for extreme measures. I have never been one to fall into any party line. Authority, hell yeah I have a problem with it. When I was a kid I did was I was told no matter what, sure I fought the system but somehow my parents always won. When I was big enough, yes physically, no one made me do what I did not want to do. When I was in college I was a true anarchist; the only true way to live was government free. Two reasons brought me to the right-wing and the truth that LIMITED government is a necessary evil and in the wrong hands is an enemy of the people. Unfortunately I really have not had anyone worth voting for in quite a while.

The first reason is Ruby Ridge where federal agents attacked the Randy Weaver family homestead with rules of engagement of "if you see'em shoot'em." That is exactly what they did. As Randy Weaver, his 16 year old daughter and a family friend, Mr. Kevin Harris moved to the shed where Mr. Weaver's son's body lay, he was killed a day earlier, shot in the back, they were opened up on by agents. Mr. Weaver was shot in the back but all three managed to get back to the house. As she was standing near the front door, while holding her infant child, Mrs. Vicki Weaver was shot by a sniper in the head and killed instantly the bullet then struck Mr. Harris. The agents never bothered to yell a warning or asked for a surrender hell these fuckers were proved to have entrapped Mr. Weaver into selling them sawed off shot guns. Hell I live in New Jersey and can walk into any gun store and buy a shotgun I do not think getting a shotgun in Idaho would be to tough of an action. Now this massacre could have been avoided if not for the rhetoric of the time of "angry white men" and "white separatists." These labels came from the White House and a compliant media, there was no FoxNews then, upped the ante on the federal agents to get this family and thus they acted criminally. Mr. Weaver wound up with a dead son and a dead wife then went on trial after also being wounded. All, they wanted was to be left alone, I mean for God's sake Ruby Ridge, Idaho can you get more out of the way. For what reason, because a President and an administration was cow towing to a the leftist wing of his constituency. Presidential words mean something no matter what you think of the man too many sheeple will take it as gospel.

Of course we have to talk about Waco. David Koresh's Branch Davidian compound was assaulted by ATF and FBI agents resulting in the deaths of four agents and six Dividians. A 51 day siege ensued. Then the agents agents launched their final assault with a tank no less and massive amounts of tear gas. A fire was the result and 76 dividians were killed including the leader David Koresh. They were there to serve a warrant, the dividians were armed, yes, heavily, yes. Who could forget the guy firing the the machine gun through the wall at the feds? But who serves a warrant in full battle gear. In Texas no less. All you had to do was send in the local Texas Ranger these guys are more than well respected in that state. It is out of state, Washington controlled G-men no one can stand and when they come in armed to the teeth in an aggressive manor a fight will ensue. Keeping in the theme of presidential words matter Clinton denied all knowledge of the assault or plan thereof, and A.G. Reno said she was lied to by the FBI on site. Now I watched this unfold live on TV, hell me and my roommates were late for practice because of it. It was really that important and we knew it. We just saw it from different sides. They were both criminal justice majors and yes I told them if it was me and they came at me like that I would shoot them. They were in disbelief that I would shoot a cops or an agent. If you are coming to take away my rights or my freedom you will not walk away; cop, federal agent or politician. It is a real simple philosophy and if more people cared about their rights in this country we would not be facing the massive loss of rights coming down the pike at us. Remember this no agents in either case were prosecuted only the victims were; jack booted NAZI leftists thugs coming to a neighborhood near you. With the rhetoric coming out of Washington today attacking regular Americans, Joe the Plumber, famous Americans, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, pro-business organization, U.S. Chamber of Commerce. All doctors, insurance company employees, all banking sector employees especially the ones forced to take bailout money. Americans should be asking themselves when is Obama coming for me? They should be realizing that he and his people are the anti-Americans. At least Bush went after foreigners.

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