Monday, October 19, 2009

Administration's B.S. Fest

So the White House communications director Anita Dunn opens her friggin pie hole twice in the past week and we see what liberals really think of the rest of America. Let us start with her reference of her reverence for chairman Mao who ordered the killings of untold millions of Chinese yearning to be from the communist boot. See, what people like this hate, are people that think for themselves and independently from dear leader. Clearly she wishes she had the power of a Mao. Obama does, so she like most in this administration, live vicariously through him. Obama is Mao to them we need to die so his power can become total and absolute. the next time this fat bitch opened her mouth she explained how the Obama campaign manipulated the media and the messages they sent out to the public. So let's see they manipulated the media but that is in no way fascist? Granted the media was compliant the whole time by not fact checking or vetting but she admitted to media manipulation. Are you getting how fucking sick these low-life slimeballs are in this administration. How low are these people? These statement were both made earlier this year but we never heard them, way to go media outlets. Fox News, you know the "not a real news station" dug them up. Why did they do that? Simple the White House picked a fight so Fox went on the offensive hopefully they stay there all the way through the midterm elections and expose these anti-America scumbags as the anti-America scumbags they are.

Let's talk about Maobama picking a fight with Fox News. Why bother,because their opinion show hosts do not agree with you. Hey, Whiney McPussy, there are MILLIONS of people out here that do not agree with you. Some of us do not want to have you into our studios to interview you. Hell most of us would just love to be alone with you to beat your truth out of you then beat the America into you. But you cannot go on Fox and actually appear without your tele-prompter. You do not have a freakin brain in your head, do you? You cannot think on your feet, of course not. How can you when you have never had original thought pass through that air filled space between your giant ears. You would think that the other media outlets would come to Fox's defense. The fact that they are not should be a gigantic red flag(literally) warning that they are in involved with this White House in the manipulation of this nation to get in lockstep with whatever comes out of whatever mouthpiece this administration excretes on us. This really used to be a great nation but it really is slipping away.

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