Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?
So Sotomayor overturned, again, by the Supreme Court, Obama's number 1 pick for the SCOTUS, yeah she belongs. Obama backs the same guy that Castro and Chavez support in Honduras, gee something different for a change from him. Backing the guy who hates America. Sanford is a bigger douchebag than first thought. Al Franken going into the Senate, it is official Minnesota is full of brain frozen morons. When did they move that state to the Northeast? The media does 24/7 coverage of Michael Jackson. Is he going to have a James Brownesque national tour telling us what a great person he was? ObamaCare now. ObamaTobaccoBan now. ObamaGunBan now. Obama"CapandTrade" now. ObamaSugarySoda ban now. Obama's America; you can freakin have it. So much bullshit in so little time. America is going...going...
Al Franken,
Sonia Sotomayor,
The Supreme Court
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Left, Liberal Way of Thinking or Lack Of
Got this from Silent Majority it just blew me away and it really is dead-on-balls accurate.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hate the sinner, not the sin.
Being of a Christian background I was taught growing up to hate the sin and not the sinner. It is a fundamental tenet of Christianity that we should accept the sinner and try to encourage a change in the behavior. It seems that in the flipped around upside down ideology of the far left that this concept has been slightly altered to fit the immoral lifestyles of its adherents.To clarify somewhat, when I learn that someone has had an abortion my first instinct is not to denounce the person but the abortion.
I do not hate the person because they made that choice despite the fact that I find the act morally reprehensible. My concern lies with the life of the unborn child and for the soul of the mother. To be true to my beliefs I must accept the sinner and renounce the sin.
The same applies to homosexuality. I accept the person for who they are but I am morally obligated to speak out against the lifestyle.
The goal is to bring the lost sheep back into the flock; not drive them further away. That is why we must still accept the sinner. We are kindred spirits so to speak, as we are all sinners. Jesus understood this and it was why he centered his ministry among the sinners and not the "holy". He wasn't preaching to the choir.
The problem with the liberal ideology is that it glorifies the sin without regard to the sinner.Liberals have no problem accepting the flaws of those who are among them. Bill Clinton was a lying womanizer and was wildly popular among liberals.
Barney Franks an openly gay legislator who has served may years despite that fact. Al Gore the leader of the Global Warming Cult and highly respected among the liberal intelligentsia.
The issue arises when an adherent leaves the fold and challenges the established dogma. They are no longer living in the "sin" of liberalism and as such they can clearly discern the lie. If they dare to speak the truth they are treated to the full vitriol and fury of the liberal establishment.
When a person who has had an abortion speaks out to warn others of the terrible mental anguish that followed such a decision they are demeaned and dismissed as brainwashed by the right.
When a homosexual realizes the error of their ways and changes their lifestyle they are branded as traitors and castigated.
When a scientist who supported the "Global warming" farce reevaluates the data and realizes that they were wrong they are branded as corporate sellouts and their opinions disregarded.
When an atheist finds religion he is excommunicated from the ranks of the credible.
When an impoverished person works their way from the welfare rolls to success they are "lucky".
When a black man succeeds without government assistance and dares speaks against affirmative action he is an "uncle Tom".
You see the fundamental tenet of the left is dogma above fact, sin above sinner.There is no truth but the lie of liberalism.When you are a part of the liberal machine treason is the only true sin; the one unforgivable transgression.You must never betray the fallacy.You must always glorify the sin above all else.Because we accept the sinner despite their flaws we will always welcome those who have awoken from their fitful sleep to find the truth.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hate the sinner, not the sin.
Being of a Christian background I was taught growing up to hate the sin and not the sinner. It is a fundamental tenet of Christianity that we should accept the sinner and try to encourage a change in the behavior. It seems that in the flipped around upside down ideology of the far left that this concept has been slightly altered to fit the immoral lifestyles of its adherents.To clarify somewhat, when I learn that someone has had an abortion my first instinct is not to denounce the person but the abortion.
I do not hate the person because they made that choice despite the fact that I find the act morally reprehensible. My concern lies with the life of the unborn child and for the soul of the mother. To be true to my beliefs I must accept the sinner and renounce the sin.
The same applies to homosexuality. I accept the person for who they are but I am morally obligated to speak out against the lifestyle.
The goal is to bring the lost sheep back into the flock; not drive them further away. That is why we must still accept the sinner. We are kindred spirits so to speak, as we are all sinners. Jesus understood this and it was why he centered his ministry among the sinners and not the "holy". He wasn't preaching to the choir.
The problem with the liberal ideology is that it glorifies the sin without regard to the sinner.Liberals have no problem accepting the flaws of those who are among them. Bill Clinton was a lying womanizer and was wildly popular among liberals.
Barney Franks an openly gay legislator who has served may years despite that fact. Al Gore the leader of the Global Warming Cult and highly respected among the liberal intelligentsia.
The issue arises when an adherent leaves the fold and challenges the established dogma. They are no longer living in the "sin" of liberalism and as such they can clearly discern the lie. If they dare to speak the truth they are treated to the full vitriol and fury of the liberal establishment.
When a person who has had an abortion speaks out to warn others of the terrible mental anguish that followed such a decision they are demeaned and dismissed as brainwashed by the right.
When a homosexual realizes the error of their ways and changes their lifestyle they are branded as traitors and castigated.
When a scientist who supported the "Global warming" farce reevaluates the data and realizes that they were wrong they are branded as corporate sellouts and their opinions disregarded.
When an atheist finds religion he is excommunicated from the ranks of the credible.
When an impoverished person works their way from the welfare rolls to success they are "lucky".
When a black man succeeds without government assistance and dares speaks against affirmative action he is an "uncle Tom".
You see the fundamental tenet of the left is dogma above fact, sin above sinner.There is no truth but the lie of liberalism.When you are a part of the liberal machine treason is the only true sin; the one unforgivable transgression.You must never betray the fallacy.You must always glorify the sin above all else.Because we accept the sinner despite their flaws we will always welcome those who have awoken from their fitful sleep to find the truth.
Hate. Liberals,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Dirty, Amoral Scumbags
Almost every elected official makes me sick but I still hold out hope that 1 or 2 good ones are still out there. I have been telling my friends and family for weeks now that I will never vote again. I did not vote in the Jersey primary because I will not vote for the same old shit (Christie) or the egomaniac who loves listening to the sound of his own voice (Lonegan). Oh you can't do that! Do you want Corzine to win? Hell no! Here, in the the MOST corrupt place in North America, it does not matter who is "running" the show. It is all a farce. No one makes a move in Dirty Jersey without union approval or mob approval or the approval of any low-life low-level government official without a kickback. If the judicial system here was not so corrupt every democrat in the state would be locked up, instead of just the few really heinous ones. The state supreme court is such a joke they change election laws whenever it suits them how do you think we ended up the asshole senators we got? Well, that and the fact I live in a state filled with complete and total morons. Republicans in this state are scared little pussies with no balls, and do not forget corrupt too. Everyone here is out to get theirs. After seeing this type of action here for so long I can tell you that it truly is being played out nationally. People this is not a good thing for America.
Our politicians do not care about us they only care about being re-elected and staying in power. Don't believe me ask yourself this question. When was the last time you saw a politician take a moral stand against anything and fight for their beliefs? Now there is a difference between this and grandstanding for the cameras. You do not back down or change a moral stance. If I may "you are either with us or against us" "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Men who speak such as this have moral conviction and see it through to the end. Standing tall no matter how many are trying to dissuade them and/or stop them. From the left we get: "I will not send American boys 8 or 10 thousand miles from home to do a job Asian boys ought to be doin for themselves." "Over the last few months I have noticed a general malaise come over our nation" let us not forget this gem "it depends on what the definition of is, is." and of course the latest "What do you think? Only I am the president of the United States." A liar, a hater, a liar, and an insecure egomaniac some great moral compass on the left.
Which brings us to the latest scumbag Mark Sanford. You were a good guy in refusing the "porkulus" money. You gave clear concise, moral reason for that action but it was all a facade wasn't it. This affair has been going on for a year, I mean really is it so freakin hard not to cheat on your wife? I mean ok if she looked like Sotomayor or Janet Reno or Hillary I could justify it. But seriously dude, WTF? Pissing away a potentially huge political career over some Argentine pussy? I hope your wife is stronger than Elizabeth Edwards and throws you out on the street. How can anyone take a cheater seriously I mean the person you are supposed to love the most in the whole world, you betray. Do you think someone like that would not betray his/her constituents without batting an eye? Hell yeah they would. Good riddance to you, you dirty, amoral scumbag. Then again aren't they all?
Our politicians do not care about us they only care about being re-elected and staying in power. Don't believe me ask yourself this question. When was the last time you saw a politician take a moral stand against anything and fight for their beliefs? Now there is a difference between this and grandstanding for the cameras. You do not back down or change a moral stance. If I may "you are either with us or against us" "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Men who speak such as this have moral conviction and see it through to the end. Standing tall no matter how many are trying to dissuade them and/or stop them. From the left we get: "I will not send American boys 8 or 10 thousand miles from home to do a job Asian boys ought to be doin for themselves." "Over the last few months I have noticed a general malaise come over our nation" let us not forget this gem "it depends on what the definition of is, is." and of course the latest "What do you think? Only I am the president of the United States." A liar, a hater, a liar, and an insecure egomaniac some great moral compass on the left.
Which brings us to the latest scumbag Mark Sanford. You were a good guy in refusing the "porkulus" money. You gave clear concise, moral reason for that action but it was all a facade wasn't it. This affair has been going on for a year, I mean really is it so freakin hard not to cheat on your wife? I mean ok if she looked like Sotomayor or Janet Reno or Hillary I could justify it. But seriously dude, WTF? Pissing away a potentially huge political career over some Argentine pussy? I hope your wife is stronger than Elizabeth Edwards and throws you out on the street. How can anyone take a cheater seriously I mean the person you are supposed to love the most in the whole world, you betray. Do you think someone like that would not betray his/her constituents without batting an eye? Hell yeah they would. Good riddance to you, you dirty, amoral scumbag. Then again aren't they all?
Dirty Politicians,
Mark Sanford,
Political Power
Monday, June 22, 2009
Iranians Fight For Freedom
Americans just give theirs away. If you have not figured out by now that Barack Hussein Obama does not give a shit about anything but himself you are a fucking moron, if you voted for him and have not figured this out you are a brain dead fucking moron. How can he not come right out and say that AMERICA supports the protesters 100%. Freedom all the way no matter what it takes. Instead he is "moved" by the images coming out of Iran. Hey dickhead did you see that young woman die in the street? Was that not worth at least a "we are with you." Oh that's right you only think of you and you only care about yourself you are such an asshole. I bet you were more than "moved" by the pictures of the Kent State shootings but then you were on the protester's side. Don't get me wrong I know you were not old enough to have an opinion at the time but now what do you think? Was either shooting justified? Are both governments oppressive? Were the all the dead fighting for freedom? Were the shooting just tragic accidents? What do you think you gutless punk? Say something, Ahmedejan is punking you out, he is always 1 or 2 steps ahead of you. He knows you are nothing but a little bitch and will not do anything no matter how many people he kills. He is going to blame the U.S. just say something to condemn this violence. Lets face it you are waiting for a stern letter from the U.N. condemning his actions. Jerkoff. You should not be president of the United States you should be Secretary General of the U.N. you do nothing bureaucrat turd. Enough about our pussy president.
The people of this country continue to give away the freedoms guaranteed to us in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Half a world away people are dying to get a taste of what we have. I believe our forefathers were correct and prophetic in granting only those that owned property the right to vote. Let the racism whining begin here. OK, you done? Let's face it all these welfare getting freeloaders get a vote same as taxpaying (but not getting anything back) you and I. They do not care about freedom they only want to keep getting free stuff from the government. Do you think these people would ever in a million years protest against the government? Hell no. Would you like to venture a guess who these prideless people voted for in 2008? We who own stuff and pay into the government coffers understand that they are the enemy the IRS, ATF, FBI, SEC etc. We care about freedom we see our rights vanishing we see the need for revolution against those in power and those that hold our country hostage with "entitlements." When do we begin the revolution? When is enough enough going to be enough from those above us and below us? Iranians are fighting for their freedom and I support them, I will fly my Gadsden Flag in support until they succeed or are crushed under the boot of tyranny because of a lack of support from the POTUS. The land of free and home of the brave only those numbers are dwindling and fast. Was this the "hope and change" 63 million+ douchebags voted for?
Just as a reminder:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage
The people of this country continue to give away the freedoms guaranteed to us in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Half a world away people are dying to get a taste of what we have. I believe our forefathers were correct and prophetic in granting only those that owned property the right to vote. Let the racism whining begin here. OK, you done? Let's face it all these welfare getting freeloaders get a vote same as taxpaying (but not getting anything back) you and I. They do not care about freedom they only want to keep getting free stuff from the government. Do you think these people would ever in a million years protest against the government? Hell no. Would you like to venture a guess who these prideless people voted for in 2008? We who own stuff and pay into the government coffers understand that they are the enemy the IRS, ATF, FBI, SEC etc. We care about freedom we see our rights vanishing we see the need for revolution against those in power and those that hold our country hostage with "entitlements." When do we begin the revolution? When is enough enough going to be enough from those above us and below us? Iranians are fighting for their freedom and I support them, I will fly my Gadsden Flag in support until they succeed or are crushed under the boot of tyranny because of a lack of support from the POTUS. The land of free and home of the brave only those numbers are dwindling and fast. Was this the "hope and change" 63 million+ douchebags voted for?
Just as a reminder:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
I do not remember where this came from but I liked it so I share it with you. Father's Day is important because no matter how many mistakes they make they always have our best interests in hand. Maybe, someday we can pay them back for all they have done. Remember the fathers out there in uniform who cannot be with their families today, I say thank you and may God bless you and your families. Thanks Dad.
A Secret Promise Kept
The appointment I was on my way to was very important; I was very late and very lost. With my male ego in check, I began to look for a place to ask directions, preferably a gas station. Since I had been crisscrossing the city, my gas gauge was perilously low and time was of the essence.
I spotted the amber glow of light outside the local fire station. What better place to ask directions?
I quickly stepped from my car and crossed the street to the station. All three overhead doors were open and I could see red fire engines with their doors ajar, chrome shining, waiting in anticipation for the bell to ring.
As I stepped inside, the aroma of the station assaulted me. It was the smell of the hoses drying in the tower, the oversized rubber boots, jackets and helmets. These smells, mixed in with the freshly washed floors and polished trucks, created that mysterious scent associated with all fire stations. Slowing down, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and was transported back to my youth, to the fire station where my father worked for 35 years as head of fire maintenance.
I looked down to the end of the fire station and there it stood, sparkling gold to the sky, the fire pole. One day my dad let me and my older brother Jay slide down the pole, twice. In the corner of the station was the “creeper” used to slide under trucks when repairing them. Dad would say, “Hold on” and he would spin me around until I was dizzy as a drunken sailor. It was better than any Tilt-A-Whirl ride I have ever been on.
Next to the creeper was an old soda machine that had the classic Coca-Cola logo on it. It still dispensed the original green 10-ounce bottles, but they were now 35 cents compared with the 10 cents they were back then. A trip to the soda machine was always the highlight of the visit with Dad to the station, my very own bottle of soda.
When I was 10 years old, I took two of my friends by the station to show off my dad and see if we could weasel some sodas out of him. After showing them around the station, I asked Dad if we could each have a soda before we went home for lunch.
I detected just the slightest hesitation in my father’s voice that day, but he said “Sure” and gave us each a dime. We raced the soda machine to see if our bottle had a cap with the illustrious star on the inside.
What a lucky day! My cap had a star. I was only two caps away from sending for my very own Davy Crockett hat.
We all thanked my father and headed home for lunch and a summer afternoon of swimming.
I came home early that day from the lake, and as I walked down the hall I heard my parents talking. Mom seemed upset with Dad, and then I heard my name mentioned: “You should have just said you didn’t have the money for sodas. Brian would have understood. That money was for your lunch. The kids have to understand that we don’t have any extra money and you need to have your lunch.”
My dad, in his usual way, just shrugged it off.
Before my mother knew I had overheard the conversation, I hurried up the stairs to the room I shared with my four brothers.
As I emptied my pockets, the bottle cap that had caused so many problems fell to the floor. I picked it up and was ready to put it with the other seven when I realized how great a sacrifice my father had made for that bottle cap.
That night I made a promise of repayment. Someday I would be able to tell my father that I knew of the sacrifice he made that afternoon and so many other days, and I would never forget him for it.
My father had his first heart attack at the young age of 47. I guess his lifestyle of working three jobs to support the nine of us finally caught up to him. On the evening of my parents’ 25th anniversary, surrounded by all his family, the biggest, loudest, strongest of us all showed the first crack in the armor we as children thought would always be impenetrable.
Over the next eight years, my father battled back and forth, suffering another three heart attacks until he ended up with a pacemaker.
One afternoon my dad’s old blue Plymouth wagon broke down, and he called me for a ride to take him to the doctor for his annual checkup. As I pulled into the station, I saw my dad outside with all the other firemen crowded around a brand-new pickup truck. It was a deep blue Ford pickup, and it was a beauty. I mentioned to my dad how nice it was, and he commented that someday he would down a truck like that.
We both laughed. This was always his dream – and it always seemed so unattainable.
At this point in my personal life, I was doing quite well in business, as were all my brothers. We offered to buy him a truck, but as he so aptly put it, “If I don’t buy it, I won’t feel like it’s mine.”
As my dad stepped out of the doctor’s office I figured the gray pasty look on his face was from being poked, prodded and pricked with needles.
“Let’s go,” was all he said.
As we got into the car, I knew something was wrong. We drove off in silence and I knew Dad would tell me what was wrong in his own way.
I took the long way back to the station. As we drove by our old house, the ball field, lake and corner store, my dad started talking about the past and the memories each place held.
That’s when I knew he was dying.
He looked at me and nodded.
I understood.
We stopped at Cabot’s Ice Cream and had an ice cream together for the first time alone in 15 years. We talked, really talked that day. He told me how proud he was of all of us and that he wasn’t afraid of dying. His fear was that he was going to be away from my mother.
I chuckled at him; never had a man been more in love with a woman than my dad.
He made me promise that day that I would never tell anyone of his impending death. As I agreed to his wishes, I knew that it was one of the toughest secrets I would ever have to keep.
At the time, my wife and I were looking for a new car or truck. My father knew the salesman at Cochituate Motors in Wayland, so I asked him if he would go with me to see what I could get for a trade-in toward a new car or truck.
As we entered the showroom, and I started talking with the salesman, I spotted Dad looking at the most beautiful, fully loaded chocolate-brown metal flake pickup truck he or I had ever seen. I saw my dad run his hand over the truck like a sculptor checking his work.
“Dad, I think I should buy a truck. I want to look at something small that is good on gas mileage.”
As the salesman left the showroom to get the dealer plate, I suggested that we take the brown truck out for a ride.
“You can’t afford this,” he said.
“I know that, and you know that, but the salesman doesn’t,” I said.
As we pulled out onto Route 27, with my father behind the wheel, we both laughed like a couple of kids at the fast one we had pulled off. He drove for 10 minutes, commenting about how beautifully it rode while I played with all the bells and whistles.
When we returned to the showroom, we took out a small blue Sundowner truck. My dad commented that this was a better truck for commuting because of gas and all the miles I would be driving. I agreed with him and we returned and finalized the deal with the salesman.
I called my dad a few nights later and asked him if he would come with me to pick up the truck. I think he agreed so quickly just to get one final look at “his brown truck,” as he called it.
When we pulled into the dealer’s yard, there was my little blue Sundowner with a sold sticker on it. Next to it was the brown pickup, all washed and shiny, with a big SOLD sign on the window.
I glanced over at my father and saw the disappointment register on his face as he said, “Someone bought himself a beautiful truck.”
I just nodded and said, “Dad, would you go inside and tell the salesman I’ll be right in as soon as I park the car?” As my father walked past the brown truck, he ran his hand along it and I could see the look of disappointment pass over him again.
I pulled my car around to the far side of the building and looked out the window at the man who had given up everything for his family. I watched as the salesman sat him down, handed him a set of keys to his truck – the brown one – and explained that it was for him from me and this was our secret.
My dad looked out the window, our eyes met, and we both nodded and laughed at each other.
I was waiting outside my house when my dad pulled up that night. As he stepped out of his truck, I gave him a big hug and a kiss and told him how much I loved him, and reminded him this was our secret.
We went for a drive that evening. Dad said he understood the truck, but what was the significance of the Coca-Cola bottle cap with the star in the center taped to the steering wheel?
By Brian Keefe
A Secret Promise Kept
The appointment I was on my way to was very important; I was very late and very lost. With my male ego in check, I began to look for a place to ask directions, preferably a gas station. Since I had been crisscrossing the city, my gas gauge was perilously low and time was of the essence.
I spotted the amber glow of light outside the local fire station. What better place to ask directions?
I quickly stepped from my car and crossed the street to the station. All three overhead doors were open and I could see red fire engines with their doors ajar, chrome shining, waiting in anticipation for the bell to ring.
As I stepped inside, the aroma of the station assaulted me. It was the smell of the hoses drying in the tower, the oversized rubber boots, jackets and helmets. These smells, mixed in with the freshly washed floors and polished trucks, created that mysterious scent associated with all fire stations. Slowing down, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and was transported back to my youth, to the fire station where my father worked for 35 years as head of fire maintenance.
I looked down to the end of the fire station and there it stood, sparkling gold to the sky, the fire pole. One day my dad let me and my older brother Jay slide down the pole, twice. In the corner of the station was the “creeper” used to slide under trucks when repairing them. Dad would say, “Hold on” and he would spin me around until I was dizzy as a drunken sailor. It was better than any Tilt-A-Whirl ride I have ever been on.
Next to the creeper was an old soda machine that had the classic Coca-Cola logo on it. It still dispensed the original green 10-ounce bottles, but they were now 35 cents compared with the 10 cents they were back then. A trip to the soda machine was always the highlight of the visit with Dad to the station, my very own bottle of soda.
When I was 10 years old, I took two of my friends by the station to show off my dad and see if we could weasel some sodas out of him. After showing them around the station, I asked Dad if we could each have a soda before we went home for lunch.
I detected just the slightest hesitation in my father’s voice that day, but he said “Sure” and gave us each a dime. We raced the soda machine to see if our bottle had a cap with the illustrious star on the inside.
What a lucky day! My cap had a star. I was only two caps away from sending for my very own Davy Crockett hat.
We all thanked my father and headed home for lunch and a summer afternoon of swimming.
I came home early that day from the lake, and as I walked down the hall I heard my parents talking. Mom seemed upset with Dad, and then I heard my name mentioned: “You should have just said you didn’t have the money for sodas. Brian would have understood. That money was for your lunch. The kids have to understand that we don’t have any extra money and you need to have your lunch.”
My dad, in his usual way, just shrugged it off.
Before my mother knew I had overheard the conversation, I hurried up the stairs to the room I shared with my four brothers.
As I emptied my pockets, the bottle cap that had caused so many problems fell to the floor. I picked it up and was ready to put it with the other seven when I realized how great a sacrifice my father had made for that bottle cap.
That night I made a promise of repayment. Someday I would be able to tell my father that I knew of the sacrifice he made that afternoon and so many other days, and I would never forget him for it.
My father had his first heart attack at the young age of 47. I guess his lifestyle of working three jobs to support the nine of us finally caught up to him. On the evening of my parents’ 25th anniversary, surrounded by all his family, the biggest, loudest, strongest of us all showed the first crack in the armor we as children thought would always be impenetrable.
Over the next eight years, my father battled back and forth, suffering another three heart attacks until he ended up with a pacemaker.
One afternoon my dad’s old blue Plymouth wagon broke down, and he called me for a ride to take him to the doctor for his annual checkup. As I pulled into the station, I saw my dad outside with all the other firemen crowded around a brand-new pickup truck. It was a deep blue Ford pickup, and it was a beauty. I mentioned to my dad how nice it was, and he commented that someday he would down a truck like that.
We both laughed. This was always his dream – and it always seemed so unattainable.
At this point in my personal life, I was doing quite well in business, as were all my brothers. We offered to buy him a truck, but as he so aptly put it, “If I don’t buy it, I won’t feel like it’s mine.”
As my dad stepped out of the doctor’s office I figured the gray pasty look on his face was from being poked, prodded and pricked with needles.
“Let’s go,” was all he said.
As we got into the car, I knew something was wrong. We drove off in silence and I knew Dad would tell me what was wrong in his own way.
I took the long way back to the station. As we drove by our old house, the ball field, lake and corner store, my dad started talking about the past and the memories each place held.
That’s when I knew he was dying.
He looked at me and nodded.
I understood.
We stopped at Cabot’s Ice Cream and had an ice cream together for the first time alone in 15 years. We talked, really talked that day. He told me how proud he was of all of us and that he wasn’t afraid of dying. His fear was that he was going to be away from my mother.
I chuckled at him; never had a man been more in love with a woman than my dad.
He made me promise that day that I would never tell anyone of his impending death. As I agreed to his wishes, I knew that it was one of the toughest secrets I would ever have to keep.
At the time, my wife and I were looking for a new car or truck. My father knew the salesman at Cochituate Motors in Wayland, so I asked him if he would go with me to see what I could get for a trade-in toward a new car or truck.
As we entered the showroom, and I started talking with the salesman, I spotted Dad looking at the most beautiful, fully loaded chocolate-brown metal flake pickup truck he or I had ever seen. I saw my dad run his hand over the truck like a sculptor checking his work.
“Dad, I think I should buy a truck. I want to look at something small that is good on gas mileage.”
As the salesman left the showroom to get the dealer plate, I suggested that we take the brown truck out for a ride.
“You can’t afford this,” he said.
“I know that, and you know that, but the salesman doesn’t,” I said.
As we pulled out onto Route 27, with my father behind the wheel, we both laughed like a couple of kids at the fast one we had pulled off. He drove for 10 minutes, commenting about how beautifully it rode while I played with all the bells and whistles.
When we returned to the showroom, we took out a small blue Sundowner truck. My dad commented that this was a better truck for commuting because of gas and all the miles I would be driving. I agreed with him and we returned and finalized the deal with the salesman.
I called my dad a few nights later and asked him if he would come with me to pick up the truck. I think he agreed so quickly just to get one final look at “his brown truck,” as he called it.
When we pulled into the dealer’s yard, there was my little blue Sundowner with a sold sticker on it. Next to it was the brown pickup, all washed and shiny, with a big SOLD sign on the window.
I glanced over at my father and saw the disappointment register on his face as he said, “Someone bought himself a beautiful truck.”
I just nodded and said, “Dad, would you go inside and tell the salesman I’ll be right in as soon as I park the car?” As my father walked past the brown truck, he ran his hand along it and I could see the look of disappointment pass over him again.
I pulled my car around to the far side of the building and looked out the window at the man who had given up everything for his family. I watched as the salesman sat him down, handed him a set of keys to his truck – the brown one – and explained that it was for him from me and this was our secret.
My dad looked out the window, our eyes met, and we both nodded and laughed at each other.
I was waiting outside my house when my dad pulled up that night. As he stepped out of his truck, I gave him a big hug and a kiss and told him how much I loved him, and reminded him this was our secret.
We went for a drive that evening. Dad said he understood the truck, but what was the significance of the Coca-Cola bottle cap with the star in the center taped to the steering wheel?
By Brian Keefe
Family secrets,
Father's Day,
Monday, June 8, 2009
So Many Like Me
Got this from The Smallest Minority it, to put it simply, is the perfect quote. It is what I have been trying say for the past year. Thomas Sowell is just an eloquent genius. Period.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Given President Obama's recent Middle-East Apology Tour speeches, I am reminded of a Quote of the Day from last October, and the prediction of another damned fine intellectual, Thomas Sowell:
"There is such a thing as a point of no return," he says. If Obama wins the White House and Democrats expand their majorities in the House and Senate, they will intervene in the economy and redistribute wealth. Yet their economic policies "will pale by comparison to what they will do in permitting countries to acquire nuclear weapons and turn them over to terrorists. Once that happens, we're at the point of no return. The next generation will live under that threat as far out as the eye can see."
"The unconstrained vision is really an elitist vision," Sowell explains. "This man [Obama] really does believe that he can change the world. And people like that are infinitely more dangerous than mere crooked politicians."
Ran across that perusing the archives for something else, and thought it bore repeating.
It definitely did and I thank you for it. This is something those of us who do not agree with anything the POTUS says or does should memorize. Then we should expose some of our less fortunate brethren to these simple truths about this man before they let this guy try to get away with ruining this country any further. I warn you, yet again, do not give this guy an inch, he will take 40 acres from you.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Given President Obama's recent Middle-East Apology Tour speeches, I am reminded of a Quote of the Day from last October, and the prediction of another damned fine intellectual, Thomas Sowell:
"There is such a thing as a point of no return," he says. If Obama wins the White House and Democrats expand their majorities in the House and Senate, they will intervene in the economy and redistribute wealth. Yet their economic policies "will pale by comparison to what they will do in permitting countries to acquire nuclear weapons and turn them over to terrorists. Once that happens, we're at the point of no return. The next generation will live under that threat as far out as the eye can see."
"The unconstrained vision is really an elitist vision," Sowell explains. "This man [Obama] really does believe that he can change the world. And people like that are infinitely more dangerous than mere crooked politicians."
Ran across that perusing the archives for something else, and thought it bore repeating.
It definitely did and I thank you for it. This is something those of us who do not agree with anything the POTUS says or does should memorize. Then we should expose some of our less fortunate brethren to these simple truths about this man before they let this guy try to get away with ruining this country any further. I warn you, yet again, do not give this guy an inch, he will take 40 acres from you.
Barack Obama,
The Smallest Minority,
Thomas Sowell
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!
You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.
Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.
But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!
I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!
Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.
SIGNED: Dwight D. Eisenhower
From the D-Day museum:
On D-Day, the Allies landed around 156,000 troops in Normandy. The American forces landed numbered 73,000: 23,250 on Utah Beach, 34,250 on Omaha Beach, and 15,500 airborne troops. In the British and Canadian sector, 83,115 troops were landed (61,715 of them British): 24,970 on Gold Beach, 21,400 on Juno Beach, 28,845 on Sword Beach, and 7900 airborne troops.
The Allied casualties figures for D-Day have generally been estimated at 10,000, including 2500 dead. Broken down by nationality, the usual D-Day casualty figures are approximately 2700 British, 946 Canadians, and 6603 Americans. However recent painstaking research by the US National D-Day Memorial Foundation has achieved a more accurate - and much higher - figure for the Allied personnel who were killed on D-Day. They have recorded the names of individual Allied personnel killed on 6 June 1944 in Operation Overlord, and so far they have verified 2499 American D-Day fatalities and 1915 from the other Allied nations, a total of 4414 dead (much higher than the traditional figure of 2500 dead). Further research may mean that these numbers will increase slightly in future. The details of this research will in due course be available on the Foundation's website at www.dday.org. This new research means that the casualty figures given for individual units in the next few paragraphs are no doubt inaccurate, and hopefully more accurate figures will one day be calculated.
Casualties on the British beaches were roughly 1000 on Gold Beach and the same number on Sword Beach. The remainder of the British losses were amongst the airborne troops: some 600 were killed or wounded, and 600 more were missing; 100 glider pilots also became casualties. The losses of 3rd Canadian Division at Juno Beach have been given as 340 killed, 574 wounded and 47 taken prisoner.
The breakdown of US casualties was 1465 dead, 3184 wounded, 1928 missing and 26 captured. Of the total US figure, 2499 casualties were from the US airborne troops (238 of them being deaths). The casualties at Utah Beach were relatively light: 197, including 60 missing. However, the US 1st and 29th Divisions together suffered around 2000 casualties at Omaha Beach.
This is the day day that signaled the end of Hitler's reign in Europe. Brave men assaulted the beaches of Normandy through cold water across a long beach at low tide and into the teeth of entrenched and pill-boxed defenders. Unbelievable horrors, sites and sounds these men had to endure and we the grateful hope we never have to endure. Think of yourself being in those boats awaiting the ramp to fall and all you can hear is MG-42 fire hitting the ramp. All of these men were changed on this day and how could they not be, and whether or not they made it off the beach or not they are heroes. Not just the Americans but all who crossed those beaches that day the world owes them a huge debt of gratitude payable to this day and beyond. Our freedom is due in part to this day on that beach so many years ago and those men and their sacrifice always thank a vet.
You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.
Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.
But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!
I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!
Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.
SIGNED: Dwight D. Eisenhower
From the D-Day museum:
On D-Day, the Allies landed around 156,000 troops in Normandy. The American forces landed numbered 73,000: 23,250 on Utah Beach, 34,250 on Omaha Beach, and 15,500 airborne troops. In the British and Canadian sector, 83,115 troops were landed (61,715 of them British): 24,970 on Gold Beach, 21,400 on Juno Beach, 28,845 on Sword Beach, and 7900 airborne troops.
The Allied casualties figures for D-Day have generally been estimated at 10,000, including 2500 dead. Broken down by nationality, the usual D-Day casualty figures are approximately 2700 British, 946 Canadians, and 6603 Americans. However recent painstaking research by the US National D-Day Memorial Foundation has achieved a more accurate - and much higher - figure for the Allied personnel who were killed on D-Day. They have recorded the names of individual Allied personnel killed on 6 June 1944 in Operation Overlord, and so far they have verified 2499 American D-Day fatalities and 1915 from the other Allied nations, a total of 4414 dead (much higher than the traditional figure of 2500 dead). Further research may mean that these numbers will increase slightly in future. The details of this research will in due course be available on the Foundation's website at www.dday.org. This new research means that the casualty figures given for individual units in the next few paragraphs are no doubt inaccurate, and hopefully more accurate figures will one day be calculated.
Casualties on the British beaches were roughly 1000 on Gold Beach and the same number on Sword Beach. The remainder of the British losses were amongst the airborne troops: some 600 were killed or wounded, and 600 more were missing; 100 glider pilots also became casualties. The losses of 3rd Canadian Division at Juno Beach have been given as 340 killed, 574 wounded and 47 taken prisoner.
The breakdown of US casualties was 1465 dead, 3184 wounded, 1928 missing and 26 captured. Of the total US figure, 2499 casualties were from the US airborne troops (238 of them being deaths). The casualties at Utah Beach were relatively light: 197, including 60 missing. However, the US 1st and 29th Divisions together suffered around 2000 casualties at Omaha Beach.
This is the day day that signaled the end of Hitler's reign in Europe. Brave men assaulted the beaches of Normandy through cold water across a long beach at low tide and into the teeth of entrenched and pill-boxed defenders. Unbelievable horrors, sites and sounds these men had to endure and we the grateful hope we never have to endure. Think of yourself being in those boats awaiting the ramp to fall and all you can hear is MG-42 fire hitting the ramp. All of these men were changed on this day and how could they not be, and whether or not they made it off the beach or not they are heroes. Not just the Americans but all who crossed those beaches that day the world owes them a huge debt of gratitude payable to this day and beyond. Our freedom is due in part to this day on that beach so many years ago and those men and their sacrifice always thank a vet.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Apology Tour Muslim Style
So the Apologizer-in-Chief is in the Middle East this week whining about how bad America is or was before he got in office. Now I can be honest I admit that I am hard on the guy, it is okay I know I am. Some of you sadistic bastards think I have gone soft on him. With this tour though I do believe honestly in the deepest depths of my heart that this fucker truly hates, despises and totally loathes each and every American who cannot help him become ruler of the world. Lets start last year during the campaign that still has not ended we, loyal and non-loyal subjects alike, were not allowed to use his middle name (Hussein like in Saddam) because that would imply an islamic background. Of course if this fact got out We the People would not vote for him because we are all racists. Of course racists like myself pointed this out back then because, why would anyone who has been indoctrinated with the philosophies of the people who want to destroy America want to be President? Well all you morons who voted for this douchebag we are all starting to find out. Plain and simple to end the great American experiment and replace it with the same old tired Marxist-Leninist principles that enslaved half of Eastern Europe and killed those that would not be enslaved. Do not forget that these principles failed, utterly and totally and cost millions of lives but our dear leader thinks this is the way America should be run.
Getting back to the islamic denying, I guess that it was okay to lie to American people, after all he does now give a shit about us anyway. Now that fuckface is over there shitting all over America, yet again, he decided to reaffirm his islamic roots. What better place to appease than in the heart of islamo-fascism and declare his solidarity with them. I know I am not a goat-fucking prophet worshipper and will never ever give a shit how bad their lives are and how their God has forsaken them. Did you lie to these people or did you lie to us about your muslim roots? Hey psychos if your God gave a shit about you you would been living where you are, hell on earth. Life in America is billion times better than any islamic country on earth. Why does this fucking asshole who was elected by fucking morons want to change it? America has done more for the world than all the other countries combined our sons and daughters have fought and died regardless of race or creed of those that needed help. I refuse to sacrifice for this president any of my freedoms, cash, liberty, sweat or blood. You know what Barack they love you so much there stay there don't come home especially if it is as bad here as you say there is nothing you can do here. Everything you say I will do the opposite because you are a fucking racist idiot that has no idea about real American history. Can you do America a favor when you get to France and not apologize to Europe for invading her on D-Day thus beginning the end of Hitler's Nazi-Socialist experiment. Are you going to the American cemetery this trip or are you going to avoid it like the plague again? I wish I did not have to say it but lets face it every time he opens his mouth he just proves that:
Getting back to the islamic denying, I guess that it was okay to lie to American people, after all he does now give a shit about us anyway. Now that fuckface is over there shitting all over America, yet again, he decided to reaffirm his islamic roots. What better place to appease than in the heart of islamo-fascism and declare his solidarity with them. I know I am not a goat-fucking prophet worshipper and will never ever give a shit how bad their lives are and how their God has forsaken them. Did you lie to these people or did you lie to us about your muslim roots? Hey psychos if your God gave a shit about you you would been living where you are, hell on earth. Life in America is billion times better than any islamic country on earth. Why does this fucking asshole who was elected by fucking morons want to change it? America has done more for the world than all the other countries combined our sons and daughters have fought and died regardless of race or creed of those that needed help. I refuse to sacrifice for this president any of my freedoms, cash, liberty, sweat or blood. You know what Barack they love you so much there stay there don't come home especially if it is as bad here as you say there is nothing you can do here. Everything you say I will do the opposite because you are a fucking racist idiot that has no idea about real American history. Can you do America a favor when you get to France and not apologize to Europe for invading her on D-Day thus beginning the end of Hitler's Nazi-Socialist experiment. Are you going to the American cemetery this trip or are you going to avoid it like the plague again? I wish I did not have to say it but lets face it every time he opens his mouth he just proves that:

Obama Hates America,
Obama's Lies,
Obama's Trip,
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