Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Are The Counterculture

So we here on the right are the new counterculture, we are fighting "the man" because he be holding us down yo. There has been a 180 degree turn in our country's policy in just the last less than 100 days. I remember the days of being a kid when we were in recession and we cut taxes to get out of it and stimulate the economy now we jack up the debt to levels we can never ever pay back and take over banks that are failing. The downturn will never bottom out if you do not allow the bottom to be reached. I remember when in those same days when we tried to cut the size and scope of the federal government and now we increase the size, scope and intrusion into our lives. I remember a President negotiating from strength and storming out of nuclear arms talk with the Soviets and REFUSING to back down on SDI which did not even exist except in concept. Today the president talks of total nuclear disarmament no matter that the taliban is 60 miles from nuclear weapons. I remember when dictators got out of line they got smacked around and when we were not allowed to use airspace of a certain country on said slapping around mission that country's embassy got some too. These actions have yet to be apologized for by this administration but I believe on his first visit to North Africa this oversight will be corrected, he will probably even shake hands the guy. Which brings me to the point of today's post the cajoling and the handshake with Chavez.

Back in the 80's when there was a real threat of war, nuclear or otherwise, with the Soviets, Reagan did everything in his power to keep American citizens safe. He had the brains enough to know he could not do everything and hired good people, at least in the first administration, to get the job done. Moreover he did it without apologizing or any remorse, no blaming anyone from the problems that now existed in his watch. Ruthless thugs and dictators were dealt with and not in a good way, not with a conversation about how they felt about America. If you do not like how we do things or have done them in the past too bad. America does not apologize for saving the world from German domination or Japanese domination or Soviet domination0n in the 20th century. In the 21st century we will not, as a country not its president, apologize for holding off islamo-fascist domination. This is a though process completely counter to anyone in this administration. So now Obama laughs and shakes the hand of a South American thug and dictator, I guess birds of a feather really do flock together. This guy just got a contract to make Kalashnikov rifles, AK-47s for you dumb asses out there, he will have unlimited supplies for FARC or any other communist terrorist group in this hemisphere. How long do you think it will be before he has Iranian nuclear technology to build a bomb and missiles? Our president shits on the Monroe Doctrine and will never walk tall and carry a big stick, he cannot even walk and chew gum at the same time, maybe if the teleprompter tells him to he can but I doubt it. So with threats like this so close to home what does he want to do? Close Gitmo and let the terrorists into America I mean seriously can this administration be that fucking stupid? Do not forget that he is still open to prosecuting former Bush officials for "torture" of these and other terrorist scumbags. Wow I think this administration is just delusional, we have real threats but the ones to prosecute are American citizens that do not agree with him. Come join me here in the counterculture we are the new hippies only we wash, shave and voice our opinions in an articulate, intelligent manor no matter what the media thinks of us. We can take back our country and restore the Constitution it is just a matter of how far are you willing to take the fight? Local, County, State and Federal government need to be challenged in most places are you willing to be that element of change if not sit down, shut the fuck up and continue to be a subject of this administration the rest of us have work to do.

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