Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First President To Hate America

He hates you and me and all of the morons that voted for his dumbass too. Why am I being such a dick (oh it is going to get a lot worse)? Simple. This fuckin asshole goes on Al-Arabiya TV, for his first TV interview post election, and tells the muslim world that we are not your enemy. No shit asshole really how far deep does the stupidity run in your little tiny pea brain. Somehow I don't think Dubya thought all muslims were the enemy too and he said it but to the Amrican people don't worry the muslim world heard him. It is the fuckin nutjobs who are the fuckin problem you jug-eared anti-American leftist asshole. So what do you say to those who believe deep in the recesses of their rag-headed black hearts that we are the enemy and the problem and need to jihad against us. Or are you just going to listen to them as you stated in your interview typical leftist liberal bullshit they hate you as much as Bush. Why don't you morons understand this they want all of us dead so they can get their 72 virgins. By the way jihadist terrorist islamo-fascist anyone who has ever been laid knows you do not want to fuck virgins they do not know what they are doing, stupid morons. The Saudis agree with Obama I thought these oil grubbing cartel having rich bastards were Bush's friends not yours. Oil people were bad during the campaign season, that's right only American oil people are bad to you. Well I guess you are just going to change your friends whenever it suits you, you unprincipled prick. This guy is not a President he is a slimy little snake oil salesman who wants to play president and win a nobel peace prize. A Chicago pimp plain and simple.

But at least Obama is doing something about the Israeli/Palestinian problem no other President has done anything. Do not mistake activity for production; he is sending George Mitchell to solve this problem. Hey, great choice from by the smartest man in America. Send this broken down old liberal who has been trying to solve this problem since the Carter administration. So send the guy who has not figured out how to end the hatred between these groups, that goes back centuries, in the last 30 years. But it is not his fault there is nothing any American can do. This is not our problem. We can never understand all of the little nuances involved here. We can feed people, we can arm people, we can give money to governments we cannot do anything to end this conflict because neither side wants to end it. It is a very black and white situation; the fact that these bleeding heart citizens of the world think that just talking about it will make everything all sunshine and butterflies is just as friggin arrogant and ignorant as you can get.

I have to tell you I don't give a shit about the middle east or any tensions there. I have posted my feelings on Islam. To go to their TV and be this much of a pussy and blame America for their problems is so un-American it has got to be unprecedented to the Office. I have to believe it cannot get any worse than this but sadly my heart of hearts tells me we are in for a lot more shit. Only one week in and I have had enough of this guy.


Anonymous said...

But how do you really feel?

Always America First said...

Seriously the first draft had WAY more raw feeling. This is a thoughtful insight.