Monday, June 28, 2010

So Much Going On

I think I need to start working out again. I just cannot keep up anymore. This administration puts out such anti-American crap at such a high speed level whenever I start to blog about it something new hits. I just do not have the time to blog 100 times a day so I usually end up not blogging at all. But there comes a time when the bullshit from these douchebags gets too high and comes crashing down. But let us start with some good news Senator Byrd died and much like Sen. Kennedy this man stole billions from the American taxpayers and sent it back to his shithole state, (and remember I live in New Jersey) who sure as hell have not used it for schooling or mine safety so good riddance to bad, smelly, old garbage. Do not forget he was a member of the KKK and led the longest filibuster in history against what? Wait for it... that's right The Civil Rights Act. But he joined the KKK because they were anti-communist funny he wound up supporting this commie administration in the end. Oh how I do love the tasty irony. Hopefully this anti-business "Finance Bill" gets buried with him, no, I was not a fan of his.

Elena Kagen, lets face it a typical Obama friend, she has never done anything in the real world. She has never written a good word about the Constitution or America in general which is easy to do in academia where there are no consequences for what you write. You know I think about the Constitution a lot but that does not qualify me to be a Supreme Court Justice. This fat, ugly, lefty, dyke thinks she is entitled to the position for those exact reasons. See when you are told by every one of your cronies your whole life how smart and important your thoughts and ideas are you start to believe them. It happens a lot to lefties they get these delusions of grandeur; Obama always thought he would be a great president. Of course there is no doubt she will get through because there is nothing to stop the liberals they have the votes. Still think elections do not matter?

Joe Biden walks into a Custard shop, not ice cream Joe custard, and calls the manager a smart-ass. This administration just hate the American people you must be able to see this now, even those jackasses with Obama/Biden bumper stickers have got to be realizing this. Sticking with America's top two assholes let's talk about #1 and the oil spill. People the spill is not his fault in any way shape or form it is also not Tony Haywards fault either. It is Obama's lack of response that is a friggin disaster. Today 70 odd days out the recovery and clean up effort brought forth by this administration is not visible if it were we would see it morning, noon and night on the obama television networks. Walking on the beach trying to look presidential does not get the oil cleaned up.

On the "This administration is a huge friggin joke front" we have three items 1. The G-20 and Europe have had enough with socialist deficit spending Obama wants us to spend more because "No nation should be better than any other" what a dickhead. 2. Gun ban in Chicago ruled unconstitutional hey Elena nice argument you made you convinced the four freak shows who also hate the Constitution that the Second Amendment is unconstitutional. Luckily for America there are five reasonable thinking justices to put that to bed. 3. Looks like the big O is not going to close Gitmo after all. I guess it is just too important to close. Hey all you assholes who thought this penis with giant ears was going to bring back our standing in the world by closing Gitmo, what cha thinking now? This guy, his administration, his friend are just a total joke not just to people like me but all over the world too.

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