Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Panels and Investigations

You know it is kind of funny when I make up names for Obama but I am speechless, literally, since this Gulf oil spill. How do you react to something that has yet to be reacted to? Seriously, how after nearly 60 days does this, if I may say so, slowest moving oil slick of all time not get contained? The day after the explosion Florida Governor Christ declared a state of emergency. Holy crap could this jerkoff have hit the panic button any sooner? It took nearly a month and a half for the tar balls to reach the Pensacola beaches. Well, on the bright side, at least you can say he reacted. What has our president done? He has visited the Gulf region three times and has convened umpteen panels of investigation to find whose "ass to kick" all while doing absolutely nothing positive to help save the marshes of Louisiana and the beaches of the gulf coast. This is what happens when the fucking moronic population obeys the media and swallows hook, line and sinker the bullshit about him being the smartest most intellectual president ever. Understand this: academic presidents are fucking useless as are all academics in the real world. When life happens decisions have to be made this fucker makes no decisions, only threats of prosecution and panels of investigation. See in academia, where time moves like whale shit uphill on a cold day, you have time for panels and investigations and time wasting questions of people who actually work for a living. But in a world where we have a flowing oil well head, North Korean nukes, Iranian nukes, Venezuelan nukes, massive illegal immigration bankrupting our states, Israel and the Palestinians, etc., etc., and what his this administration's main focus today? Getting back to the health care debate. A bill which was passed months ago with no set laws. It leaves law making up to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. He cannot even make a concrete decision that will cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 Trillion dollars. That is how Barack Obama works; pass the health care bill and fill in the details later. With the oil spill it was "just plug the hole." This man is such a simpleton that even Jimmy Carter looks like Steven Hawking in comparison, I hope for their sake his daughters do not ask him for help with their homework.

Now the left and the liberal media is beginning to chide him about the spill and his and by extension, the government's lack of action. Hey, shitheads too late everyone knew this would happen as soon as the shit hit the fan. You all are way too late to the Obama is a useless turd party. Of course had you all not been lying sacks of shit during the campaign he would not even be the president but of course this is not all your fault of course there is the "independent" voters to blame also. Yes that is right these pussies who claim to have the center and are not slaves to a party are clearly slaves to popular opinion as set by the media, independent my ass. Lemmings is more like it. More bad things are coming down the pike Obama is asleep at the wheel and the media is going to continue to cover for him i.e the surge in Afghanistan and the number of American dead that the media is not reporting on. I do believe that the highest number of American K.I.A. has come under Obama's watch but has anyone heard about that. CNN used to count the dead daily and display pictures how come that has stopped we are still there and men continue to die. I guess they can't bring themselves to come out and fully blast this administration and thus making "the one" look bad. The left and lefties just suck. Is it 2012 yet?

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