Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cinco de WTF?!?

Riots in California over Arizona's immigration policy. Riots in Greece because free loaders want more blood from the taxpayer's stone. Just understand that these two incidents are not that far apart. If we allow our open borders to continue unabated there will not be any money for American freeloaders. Especially these days where we American citizens have no rights anymore. Now understand that I am not anti-immigrant, hello grandson of immigrants but my people did it the right way, the legal way Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty and all that. What we have now is people walking across an unguarded border demanding full rights as a U.S. citizen, sorry Pedro you are late to the party we have enough fruit pickers and landscapers here already. Go get a visa and do all the things required by the U.S. government to gain entry into the U.S. It is a very simple process all you need will be provided to you but it does take time so keep what ever job you have in your home country until you can get here. Do not give me the we were there first bullshit either. Santa Ana was a pussy and you lost the war, we got the territory of course if your government is feeling froggy I say take a leap at the border and fight for "your" land. Didn't think so. Now I do not want you to think I hate you because I do not, I just know that you are here illegally so I hope no one give you a job, or loans you money and you are denied a place to stay because you have no job and no money. Eventually you will leave on your own or you will commit a crime and get apprehended or better yet killed in the act of committing said crime. Poetic justice, love it.

Now lets talk about the stupidity of the citizens of this country. Los Suns give me fucking break that is insulting on both sides of the border and you should not have been in orange but in red the preferred color of that hispanic hero Che Guevara a murdering commie terrorist. How about those kids in California who were sent home from school for wearing American, yes I said American Flag apparel on the most holy of hispanic American days Cinco de Mayo. Ah it is not a holiday in Mexico but is here that is okay though because we tend to do that here i.e. St. Patrick's Day. But in all honesty how can someone who thinks that wearing an American flag on their visible person is offensive. Do you understand why the liberals in this country must be stopped at every and all turns? Their ideas about America are killing the American way of life, liberty and prosperity. They just want to give everything to everybody in the name of equality. Which brings us to Greece and riots. these union and government workers will not conceded anything to help with the financial crisis. They only want more and will riot to get it. When an unsusstainable situation is artificially kept going eventually the situation can no longer be sustained, in other words when you get something for nothing eventually the something will run out. Then the riots will start and the most anti-American president ever will find someone to blame. Probably someone or everyone with a job.

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