Sunday, March 8, 2009

Guest Post

This post is an email from my brother-in-law that I think is relevant and very eloquent. We agree on almost everything politically except armed revolution, so everything you read in this post could be my words. So I give to you my bro-in-law.


You have to read the WSJ Opinion page "Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow". This is the single best summary of the socialist disaster that Obama is trying to push on the country.

Obama is basically leading a socialist revolution which will result in a solid voting block of 50% of the population paying no taxes whatsoever and being on the receiving end of unlimited health, education and retirement benefits. In my opinion Obama (and the gaggle of baby boomer hippies now in power in Congress) is the single greatest threat that the America of our Founders (rising to the stars through freedom and rugged self reliance) has faced since the baby boomers first tried to destroy the country in the 1960's. His broad plan is something straight out of a communist show-trial playbook in which he blames the current economic crisis on everything that has been proven to work (studies out the ying yang confirm that lower taxes, deunionization and deregulation lead to higher growth rates and lower poverty rates) and vilifies those who are the most deserving of praise and imitation (hard working, self reliant, risk loving entrepreneurs). I just do not understand how America is so able to vilify high wage earners. Who are high wage earners any way...they are OUR KIDS who have in most cases worked exceedingly hard and taken on huge risks/sacrifices to reap economic rewards in our fantastically upwardly mobile society. Everyone the world over knows the "American Dream" which is to say that nowhere else in the world can you rise based on your own merits regardless of your background...this is what defines America. This is what the rest of the world so loves about our culture. Rags to Riches is the American Dream. Do people no longer hope that through hard work and sacrifice that they or more importantly their children might rise? Are Americans really willing to abandon hope that their children will ever become more then themselves i.e. successful (earn more than $250k a year)? Are Americans so bereft of hope and so cowardly of life that they will mortgage their children's future through massive deficits and high taxes to ensure some nominal level of sub-standard European-style education, retirement and medical safety net? If America truly has become a place that prefers confiscatory taxes and government guarantees over the freedom to reach for the stars using nothing more than one's own hard work and if America has become a place that no longer reserves its greatest dreams for its children then America like Rome is finished.

I for one do not believe this and I still have fire in my belly to take big risks, to rise or fall on my own merits to push my children to rise above me... about you?

I believe we simply have gotten complacent and forgotten some basic first principles of what makes our nation great...a shining city upon a hill. I believe America has been skillfully manipulated by a Democratic elite and a mainstream media (both controlled by a gaggle of baby boomer hippies who still long for the dreams first dreamt in their youth at Woodstock). A Democratic elite that has been pinning for decades to have an opportunity to undo all of the marvelous wonders of the Reagan revolution. A Democratic elite that long ago abandoned principles in its quest. They long ago embraced ends justify the means thinking that allows them to lie to the naive, hurt the innocent, vilify the honorable, kill the unborn, spit on the brave). All of this started with the "All about me" generation that was too cowardly to fight and win in Vietnam. They were rudely rejected, entirely discredited and thrown out of power by Reagan. I believe many Americans are now beginning to figure out that they were sold a bill of goods in the election process and are beginning to wake up to the fact that they didn't ask the hard questions about Obama's agenda nor push themselves to figure out the consequences of it. I believe far too many were caught up in the "historical nature" of this man's run for the White house. Far too many embraced Obama as a way to state that the crimes of racism and discrimination are finally behind America. They are realizing that a socialist is a socialist regardless of how they may look.

Either we can stand up, speak out and put an end to this madness or we can sit and cheer as the flames rise higher. If Obama's agenda (the not so secret long sought agenda of an entirely socialist Democratic elite rising from the ashes of Carter) succeeds we will see massive unemployment, negligible growth and a falling standard of living just like the 1970's. This isn't just conjecture on my part the economic facts are very very clear about the powerful disincentive effects of higher taxes that destroy initiative, creativity and risk taking and instead encourage mediocrity...look at post war Europe, look at Russia look at any nation through out history that has embraced socialism or communism - it is all the same crap and it all ends in high unemployment, low economic growth and a terrible standard of living. When people feel entitled to receive everything from the government and no one is incentivized to deliver more than the guy next door the system will invariably collapses under the weight of its own mediocrity. This is the road that Obama wants to take our proud and exceptional nation down. It is very ironic that Eastern Europeans, Russians and the Chinese seem to understand these truths far better than our own elected officials. Eastern Europe, Russia and China are doing everything possible to throw off the wasteful and inefficient ways of socialism to encourage more innovation and risk taking by becoming more like us...they are lowering taxes, reducing regulation, reducing state control and foregoing the constrictive all encompassing state controlled safety net that we are in such a hurry to put in place.

Apparently they realize under socialism they may never starve but their lives have been a mediocre grey misery compared to the American Dream.

Apparently they are willing to take a few risks if for no other reason than to give their kids a chance to rise.

Apparently they retain higher hopes for their children than we do for ours.

Think about it.

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