Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lock And Load

So here it is only a month into this administration and they want our guns. So like Lenin he is going after the affluent, like Hitler he is going to after the religious; unless of course they tried to or have killed Americans then they can go free, like Castro he is going to take all possessions and make them property of the state. Make no mistake when he has all of our guns he will be like Stalin and exterminate all those who do not agree with him 100% and some who do just as a warning. See guns are where liberals and conservatives see alike. The Second Amendment makes the Bill of Rights and the Constitution possible. Liberals want to get rid of guns and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and never have to relinquish power over "We the People." Conservatives still hold sacred these documents but we have always had a moral and God loving ideology. Liberals do not believe in God let alone any religion and do not believe they should try to live with any minimum moral standard. This is why they have such a difficult time understanding the Constitution it was written by and for moral, religious people. Now understand this; there is only one reason to ban the legal sale of assault weapons. The liberals do not want "We the People" to have the means to put up a fair fight.

Now our Attorney General Eric Holder wants to reinstate the assault weapons ban to help the Mexican government combat the drug violence gripping that country right now. Could this guy be a bigger asshole? Fuck the Mexican government and, by the way the more they kill there the less that get here. I am NOT a citizen of the world I live here, in the greatest, most prosper, most free society ever endowed by the Creator. This guy is so full shit, I do not know how anyone can believe anything that comes out this administration, except for their threats. These, the American people should take very seriously. Taking our guns, taking from the rich, taking our right to privacy, taking everything we have is the end they are trying to achieve. Remember, for liberals, the end always justifies the means. This being the case understand that they want to have a society based on fairness. Redistribution of wealth Assface-in-Chief said so himself when he told that to Joe the Plumber. The press secretary Gibbs, who I felt sorry for at one time, reiterates this point of fairness almost everyday. Every administration mouthpiece that going in front of a camera or microphone talks about fairness. Everyone being equal is communism plain and simple. They cannot achieve this end if we have our guns. This is what the last days of the Roman empire must have felt like. Too few people trying to keep a once great entity going while they were being attacked from outside and brought to its knees from within. I urge every America loving, Constitution loving person out there to go buy a gun to protect his/her rights and freedom. Remember it is a very simple fix to make a semi-automatic rifle fully automatic. They are coming, whether they carry a qu'ran or presidential mandate, make no mistake, they are coming.

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