Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yes, something I have not gotten into yet but it is always on my mind. Why now you ask? Simple, it is on the mind of most Americans after Assface1 and Assface2 had their little interviews with the 4th largest evangelical church in America. No I did not watch it but I can tell you what they saidl; the chosen one is a Godless half-breed that bullshitted his way through every answer, the other used faith as an explanation that got him through a trying period in his life. They probably talked about abortion; one said infanticide on demand for everyone paid for by the rich, the other said what the congregation wanted to hear even though he has never believed it his whole senatorial career. These guys are pandering bullshit artists, agreeing with whoever writes the biggest checks or whoever is sitting in front of them.

As you have figured out I see many things in black and white, in it's most simple form. Religion is not one of these things. First things first: Is there a God? Do not give me one of these bullshit "God is everywhere you look" answers. I think there must be a God human life is so complex and yet so fragile it had to be designed, same goes for the Earth. Life on earth did not just happen too long of odds for that. Then what has God done? He/She/It has left us adrift here in space? 6+ billion people on the planet and God watches over all of us? I think not ya'll? I ain't buying what the catholic church is selling there.(yes raised catholic)

Heaven and Hell do they exist? God "lives" in heaven you figure God would want to live in a nice place. Hell, terrorists believe they get 72 virgins if they kill you or I. Hey assholes why do you want virgins, they don't know what they are doing who would want to go through eternity like that? Loosen up and get laid down here maybe you guys wouldn't be such dicks. Jews do not believe in Hell, good call coming from a religion that was almost wiped out by a madman, who, according to them sits at the hand of God. How about the old catholic staging area purgatory. What, is Heaven like the DMV sit in the chairs until your name is called? WTF is that?

The sheer volume of religions out there should send up a red flag. All the differences are man made as is the whole idea of God and religion. The west has a struggle between good and evil the east has balance and harmony as a basis. Islam is about killing both in the name of Allah. Is there a right or wrong choice? Right choice I don't think so but a wrong choice most definitely. I think the Plains Indians (Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow) had it right respect the Earth and what it gives to you conserve and do not waste. Thank the sun for rising, the river for flowing, and the seasons for changing. Almost perfect in its simplicity.

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