Friday, November 14, 2008

Need Your Help

I have been looking over some past posts and I must say to you my dear readers. "Where the HELL is the feedback?" I started this blog to start debates using some of my not so mainstream ideas but I have not heard from any of you in a long time. I know my readership has grown, I have watched it grow. More hits and more readers but no one leaving feedback. People I have very thick skin and can take criticism I do not mind it at all really, unless it is about my grammar. I already told you it sucks and I do not care. Agree or disagree let me know. Do you have any topics you would like my opinion about? I post all comments here I would even like to see debates between feedbackers that would amuse me, I think.


Anonymous said...

Tell me this is all a bad dream, or that I slept through the next four years and it is actually 2012.

Always America First said...

This is a big shit sandwich that is gonna last a lot longer than 2012. Enjoy and pass the Ketchup (not Heinz).