Monday, November 3, 2008

I Want

Whenever I ask to someone around here about the election they always start off the answer the same way, "I want." Then they babble on about I,I,I, me, me, me. Which of course leads us to the end statement "Obama is gonna give me all this." Are you shitting me?!?!?! You, I, the media no one knows what this guy is about he has let slip somethings and we can piece together how he thinks by some of his acquaintances. Redistribute wealth, end of the coal industry (yeah unionized miners too,) infanticide on a scale yet seen and on demand, healthcare for everyone no matter what the cost even for those that can afford it. We know he hates America by his acquaintances; his preacher "God damn America and The U.S.KKK of A. His friends Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ayers the American terrorists and of course his "I have never been proud of my country," wife Michelle Obama. Nice lineup superstar. Gee I wonder what is in all of those college papers he wrote that he does not want anyone to see. Or better yet what is in his medical records that no one is allowed to look at. This guy has got some serious shit to hide but to 65,000,000 Americans(?) none of that matters. This man who if elected will fundamentally change America. I like the constitution and everything it stands for, the things it says in it and most of all the freedoms it guarantees to the citizens. This asshole thinks we need a new Bill of Rights one that says what the Government can do to "We the People" how fucking fucked up is this guy?

Those are just some of the domestic issues. He also wants to be a citizen of the world. I am a citizen of The United States of America and that is more than good enough for me. To be completely honest I do not give a rats ass about the rest of the world. Somali pirates, so what. Human rights violations in China, big fuckin deal. Muslim sects fighting, great just less of those fanatical fucks. Tribal fighting in every African country, no problem they are starving to death anyway. Harsh, hell yeah, but you know where I stand. What has Obama said on any of these topics? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller? Yep, I knew it.

Funny but Obama supporters never ask me what I want. Arrogant, hate-mongering, race-baiting, grudge-holding, ivy league elitist, self-important, community organizing scum, I want you to crawl back under whatever 60's dirty hippie rock you came from and never emerge again. That is what I want but not for me for America and the American way of life. The media says he is running away with the election and today some pundits were discussing what the second term was going to accomplish. The USSR died a sad death and with it Marxism but these sad motherfuckers try to keep it alive because they know it worked in brainwashing the masses for a short time. Americans are better than those European sorry SOBs that fell for the bullshit. At least some of us are. Vote McCain get your friends to vote McCain if it is not a moral imperative I do not what is.

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