This is coming from someone who has his money deposited in Washington Mutual or whatever it is now. Yes I was too lazy to take it out and move it, and too cheap to buy new checks. I have thought about this for a long time now and have watched the markets climb every time the democrats lie and say they have a deal. If Wall St. likes it the only reason is becuase it will be good for them. Let's talk Paulson: Worked at Goldman Sachs has a lot vested there in money and relationships and do not forget he is a big democrat. Jon Corzine: Why him you ask? Same shit used to work at Goldman also he sent $170 million of the State of New Jersey pension fund in Lehman Brother's stock back in August. AIG was a great company until Eliot Spitzer forced out, in a witch hunt, the man who used to run it. Now look where it is. People it is called investing and there is an assumption of risk each stock has a Beta value this is its riskiness as compared to the rest of the stocks in its category. Unless you are doing something illegal stocks are going to fluctuate up and down. If you are not paying attention to your portfolio tough shit, you lose.
Thank God for Senator Bunning for calling this what it is "un-American socialism" which is why Obama and McCain love it. Also Senator Shelby pointed out that the democrats only want help in passing this "plan" so they are not the only ones on the hook for such treasonous ideas. Ever since this this market drop started my portfolio is down 5% hey Paulson can I get a bailout can you get me a rescue plan? Moving on to these mortgages that might default and democrats want to bail out homeowners; are you shitting me? People lie on the applications, then companies approve them because if they don't the government will prosecute them for being discriminatory. It is a big shit sandwich but this guy ain't taking a bite no bailout for anyone that sounds equitable and equal for all. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; NOT A mortgage I can't afford, College loans I can't afford, Car loans I can't afford, in a neighborhood I can't afford, that are guaranteed by the constitution. Bad investments or bad loans same shit tough shit for loaner and loanee. I can only hope that the Republicans in the house will stand firm and not give in to this socialism.
What about the millions of Americans who pay their mortgage every month or their home equity loans what do the good Americans get. I will tell you they get scoffed at by douchebag senator Harry Reid when the House Republicans put in a stipulation on lowering capital gains taxes. America is becoming the place where you can lie cheat and steal i.e (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Barack Obama) and you will not get prosecuted and they will make sure you get more money. It just does not pay to be a honest citizen anymore in this country. What to do about it is a topic for another post and it is coming soon. Right now we have to do what we can to stand firm in our principles and not let this happen without some type of protest. Granted I know this "plan" will pass sometime this weekend and we will hate it but we will carry on with conservative principles and torch whoever votes for it. I really hate most of this Constitution hating Congress.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Election Weary
Yes, OK I freakin get it. McCain is old, Obama doesn't have an original thought, Palin is a hick, Biden can't open his mouth without his foot flying in. Yeah I'm with you I am just exhausted by it. I mean really how long has this election been going on; close to four years now. Can I just send a memo to the four participants here: George W. Bush is not running in this election nor is Dick Cheney or Karl Rove so leave them the fuck out of it. Back to the point; if you haven't made up your mind yet who you are gonna vote for you are an idiot. Do you really need debates to understand a candidate's position on any issue? If you do you are again an idiot. The top of the tickets have been running for so long I am beginning to see stories about their cars how many? What color? Seriously, what is this country coming to, I thought it couldn't get worse than the great "Boxers vs. Briefs" debates of the 90's I was wrong. The level of ridiculousness of this election cycle is beginning reach to epidemic proportions.
Funny but if CNBC did not exist I do not believe anyone would have heard of the financial problems occurring on Wall Street right now. Of course that is all George Bush's fault anyway isn't that right left-wing media hacks? Oh that's right both candidates blamed the administration too. Nice job I see there really is no difference between the two of you. I just do not want to be inundated with anymore bullshit. Hollywood stars coming out against McCain, holy shit needed a newsflash for that information, everyone has to go their blogs and read why. No, any moron that cannot think for themselves or has a brain the size of a gnat's needs to go. Alas these days this passes for journalism. No research just a sound bite and then a spinning opinion, it does not matter if it was from someone who went to "journalism school" or not. Yes I believe "journalism school" is a joke as is "acting school" but half this country will believe anything that comes out of either one.
Yes this post is full of me being a hater. Soon I will find my passion again, but understand it is hard to find something to be passionate about in this grind. Smarten up America lots of knowledge out there that needs to be known about these people, go find it for yourselves and give it your own spin. Choose a freakin candidate on your own, and do not be influenced by the media, or Hollywood or a pandering candidate during a debate look at their body of work over their lives and careers, you have six weeks. It's gonna be a long six weeks at that.
Funny but if CNBC did not exist I do not believe anyone would have heard of the financial problems occurring on Wall Street right now. Of course that is all George Bush's fault anyway isn't that right left-wing media hacks? Oh that's right both candidates blamed the administration too. Nice job I see there really is no difference between the two of you. I just do not want to be inundated with anymore bullshit. Hollywood stars coming out against McCain, holy shit needed a newsflash for that information, everyone has to go their blogs and read why. No, any moron that cannot think for themselves or has a brain the size of a gnat's needs to go. Alas these days this passes for journalism. No research just a sound bite and then a spinning opinion, it does not matter if it was from someone who went to "journalism school" or not. Yes I believe "journalism school" is a joke as is "acting school" but half this country will believe anything that comes out of either one.
Yes this post is full of me being a hater. Soon I will find my passion again, but understand it is hard to find something to be passionate about in this grind. Smarten up America lots of knowledge out there that needs to be known about these people, go find it for yourselves and give it your own spin. Choose a freakin candidate on your own, and do not be influenced by the media, or Hollywood or a pandering candidate during a debate look at their body of work over their lives and careers, you have six weeks. It's gonna be a long six weeks at that.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Community Organizer???
Since when does volunteer work go on a resume. If you do charity and have to talk about it you are just an asshole, let's face it. We all know what I think of this lying douchebag so let's go over some accomplishments he has organized in the city of Chicago. I believe he was organizing on the south side of Chicago, the home of "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown," and the Vicelords. So the baddest man in the whole damn town and a "community organizing" gang lived there; nice neighborhood. What has he done to change the situation for the poor people caught in this neighborhood? It is still poor, run-down and gang infested talk all you want about how much better the neighborhood is the truth is it is a crappy place to live. I would not live there would you? Does Obama? Does Tony Rezko finance homes in the 'hood? I don't think so.
What did he learn from this experience? We never hear anything from this point of view why is this? I will tell you because he learned everything he needs to know at Harvard and if you did not go there to be indoctrinated your opinion does not matter to him. But yet he went to Jeremiah Wright's church The Trinity United Church of Christ to be spiritually advised. One of his sermons was the inspiration for one of Obama's memoirs. Really Barack 2 memoirs, how fucking pretentious can you be? Can you do something before you write a memoir. So which sermon was it? Was it the God Damn America one? Or the 9/11 was our fault and the chickens are coming home to roost? Oh, that's right you were not there for those sermons. That's convenient for you.
Let's face it this guy is just like every other democrat jerkoff, scumbag liar running for president. He just wants to be president to show up his classmates from Harvard. He couldn't change anything in Chicago, it is all just lip service, a band-aid on a real problem with no real clue how to solve it. Hope, change and every socialist/communist slogan that comes out of his lying mouth are just empty promises from an empty headed suit. Open your eyes America your freedom is at stake. Do some real research on this guy and his family and his friends and his acquaintances see if I am wrong. I know this guy has problems just trying to organize his sock drawer, but what did you expect from a Harvard grad? It just one more thing the the media hides from us while they slobber all over him.
What did he learn from this experience? We never hear anything from this point of view why is this? I will tell you because he learned everything he needs to know at Harvard and if you did not go there to be indoctrinated your opinion does not matter to him. But yet he went to Jeremiah Wright's church The Trinity United Church of Christ to be spiritually advised. One of his sermons was the inspiration for one of Obama's memoirs. Really Barack 2 memoirs, how fucking pretentious can you be? Can you do something before you write a memoir. So which sermon was it? Was it the God Damn America one? Or the 9/11 was our fault and the chickens are coming home to roost? Oh, that's right you were not there for those sermons. That's convenient for you.
Let's face it this guy is just like every other democrat jerkoff, scumbag liar running for president. He just wants to be president to show up his classmates from Harvard. He couldn't change anything in Chicago, it is all just lip service, a band-aid on a real problem with no real clue how to solve it. Hope, change and every socialist/communist slogan that comes out of his lying mouth are just empty promises from an empty headed suit. Open your eyes America your freedom is at stake. Do some real research on this guy and his family and his friends and his acquaintances see if I am wrong. I know this guy has problems just trying to organize his sock drawer, but what did you expect from a Harvard grad? It just one more thing the the media hides from us while they slobber all over him.
community organizer,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11...The Real America
Not mine. There will be no politics here today.
Thank you Sergeant David K. Cooper may you rest in peace. May God bless you and your family.
Sergeant David K. Cooper was mortally wounded by small arms fire while on dismounted patrol in Qadasiyah, Iraq. He died of these wounds in Baghdad on 27 August, 2008.
On Sunday, 7 September, Sergeant Cooper was laid to rest in Jellico, Tennessee, following funeral services in nearby Williamsburg, Kentucky.
The Patriot Guard attended the services and provided escort from the funeral home to the cemetery at the family’s request.
I am not a regular member of the Patriot Guard. I am a resident of Williamsburg, however, and asked permission from the Ride Captain to stand with the Guard and to ride escort, both of which were granted. We arrived at the funeral home shortly after noon and established a flag line (riders holding 3 x 5 American flags on staves) on the perimeter of the funeral home parking lot, facing the area reserved for the threatened protest by the Westboro Church cultists. I wasn’t at the airport when Sergeant Cooper’s casket arrived on Thursday, but I am told that four of these horrible people did show up there.
There was little traffic in downtown Williamsburg on a Sunday afternoon; the churchgoers had already headed home by the time we deployed, and most folks were about getting their Sunday dinners. We stood vigil until the funeral party had arrived and the service got under way, shortly after 2:00 p.m. It was very hot and muggy, very uncomfortable.
Keep that in mind; it will become apparent why I tell you this.
Once the service finished and we had paid our respects to Sergeant Cooper and his family, we formed another flag line around the rear of the funeral home and the hearse. This is done in case there are any protesters who want to disrupt the ceremony or hurl curses at the family of the deceased. It is the Patriot Guards’ desire to interpose themselves between the family and those who have no respect for the dead, that instead of seeing hatred and vitriol, they will see respectful flag-bearers. We were fortunate that no incidents occurred during the service. With this complete, we stowed flags and mounted up to escort Sergeant Cooper to the cemetery in Jellico, some fifteen miles away, right about 3:30 p.m.
We couldn’t see Main Street from where we staged the bikes or from either of the flag lines. As we turned on to Main I felt a surge of anger.
Williamsburg, like a lot of small towns, holds a Fall Festival—here it is called “Old Fashioned Trade Days.” They close off Main Street, put up a lot of canopied booths and display their quilts and pickles, raffle off a shotgun or two, and fill up on carnival food. Trade Days began on
4 September and ran through Sunday. When we turned on to Main, there were the canopies, there were the people. I thought to myself, “Aw dammit! Can’t these people show some respect?!”
And then I saw that they weren’t looking at quilts or buying Polish sausages. They lined the streets four and five deep, almost all of them holding American flags or signs expressing their gratitude to Sergeant Cooper or their condolences for his family. There was no festival atmosphere in the crowd, no jaunty waving of flags, no rah-rah momentary patriotism.
This was a community bidding farewell to one of their own sons.
We rode on through downtown and crossed the tracks and climbed the hill that runs parallel to the University of the Cumberlands campus. The crowd had grown thinner as we got close to the tracks, but only because there aren’t many good places to stand right there. As we approached campus the numbers picked back up again, students and townies standing together to honor a fallen soldier. There were no student protesters.
We rode between packed sidewalks up to the traffic light by the high school, turned left and proceeded to link up to Kentucky Highway 92.
The crowd thinned out at this point; only the occasional house owner stood in his yard or on his porch as we passed. We turned on to Highway 92, then on to US Highway 25W, the old main road from Williamsburg to Jellico.
Another huge crowd of mourners greeted us as we reached this corner, packed into the parking lot of the Dollar General Store and the Save-a-Lot grocery and the car dealership. A Fire Department ladder truck (from the nearby town of Corbin, I think) was parked there, ladder extended and flying a flag the size of a pickup truck. We rode between packed crowds for the better part of a mile before getting out of Williamsburg.
But at each little community between Williamsburg and Jellico there was another solemn crowd. Each volunteer fire department we passed had their engine run out, their flag at half mast, and their volunteers turned out and rendering honors as we passed. Every little crossroads had a knot of mourners standing vigil. In some places it was a single individual or single family, solemnly holding a flag and standing to honor Sergeant Cooper.
As we crossed into Tennessee we ran into packed sidewalks again, thousands of people lined up to pay their respects as the hearse passed.
We escorted the graveside party through town and up to the high and lonesome cemetery where, with a guard of honor from the Whitley County Junior ROTC program, a funeral detail of Army Regulars, and full military ceremony, Sergeant David K. Cooper was returned to the native soil from which he had sprung 25 years earlier.
I was honored to be allowed to pay my respects and stand vigil over this young man. I was touched by the quiet dignity with which his family endured the services and laid their son and brother to rest. But my heart was both broken and mended by the public display of respect and shared grief that attended Sergeant Cooper’s funeral. I wept the entire fifteen miles to Jellico.
It was hot Sunday. It was muggy in the way that only the American Southeast can produce. The service itself ran long at the funeral home.
These people who lined the streets and the highway stood in that heat for a couple of hours, all for the brief moment in which they could pay their respect to the family as the funeral procession passed by.
And there were thousands of them. Williamsburg is a town of perhaps 1,500 people. Jellico is about the same size. Yet there were literally thousands of people turned out to honor this young man.
And they were sincere. David K. Cooper was not a Medal of Honor winner, nor a distinguished general with decades in uniform, nor a veteran who had returned to his home town and spent years in public service. He wasn’t a celebrity. He was just one of us.
Just. One. Of. Us.
And so we honored his passing. Even if we had never met him in life, we wept the tears as if we were laying our own blood and our own bone to rest. We stood in solemn review as he passed by. We felt the grief in a young life ended, but that grief was tempered with the fierce pride in a young life not wasted.
To those who think America has lost its way, you should have been there; you would have seen the soul of a people reaching out to hold those who grieve.
To those who think America has lost its heart, you should have been there; you would have seen the beating heart of the nation pulsing deep and true.
I thought about trying to make some political points here, to cast a few aspersions, to wag a few fingers at people and groups that I happen to oppose in the body politic. But as I typed the final two sentences it struck me that should I do so, I would be no better than they.
Rest in Peace, Sergeant Cooper.
Thank you Sergeant David K. Cooper may you rest in peace. May God bless you and your family.
Sergeant David K. Cooper was mortally wounded by small arms fire while on dismounted patrol in Qadasiyah, Iraq. He died of these wounds in Baghdad on 27 August, 2008.
On Sunday, 7 September, Sergeant Cooper was laid to rest in Jellico, Tennessee, following funeral services in nearby Williamsburg, Kentucky.
The Patriot Guard attended the services and provided escort from the funeral home to the cemetery at the family’s request.
I am not a regular member of the Patriot Guard. I am a resident of Williamsburg, however, and asked permission from the Ride Captain to stand with the Guard and to ride escort, both of which were granted. We arrived at the funeral home shortly after noon and established a flag line (riders holding 3 x 5 American flags on staves) on the perimeter of the funeral home parking lot, facing the area reserved for the threatened protest by the Westboro Church cultists. I wasn’t at the airport when Sergeant Cooper’s casket arrived on Thursday, but I am told that four of these horrible people did show up there.
There was little traffic in downtown Williamsburg on a Sunday afternoon; the churchgoers had already headed home by the time we deployed, and most folks were about getting their Sunday dinners. We stood vigil until the funeral party had arrived and the service got under way, shortly after 2:00 p.m. It was very hot and muggy, very uncomfortable.
Keep that in mind; it will become apparent why I tell you this.
Once the service finished and we had paid our respects to Sergeant Cooper and his family, we formed another flag line around the rear of the funeral home and the hearse. This is done in case there are any protesters who want to disrupt the ceremony or hurl curses at the family of the deceased. It is the Patriot Guards’ desire to interpose themselves between the family and those who have no respect for the dead, that instead of seeing hatred and vitriol, they will see respectful flag-bearers. We were fortunate that no incidents occurred during the service. With this complete, we stowed flags and mounted up to escort Sergeant Cooper to the cemetery in Jellico, some fifteen miles away, right about 3:30 p.m.
We couldn’t see Main Street from where we staged the bikes or from either of the flag lines. As we turned on to Main I felt a surge of anger.
Williamsburg, like a lot of small towns, holds a Fall Festival—here it is called “Old Fashioned Trade Days.” They close off Main Street, put up a lot of canopied booths and display their quilts and pickles, raffle off a shotgun or two, and fill up on carnival food. Trade Days began on
4 September and ran through Sunday. When we turned on to Main, there were the canopies, there were the people. I thought to myself, “Aw dammit! Can’t these people show some respect?!”
And then I saw that they weren’t looking at quilts or buying Polish sausages. They lined the streets four and five deep, almost all of them holding American flags or signs expressing their gratitude to Sergeant Cooper or their condolences for his family. There was no festival atmosphere in the crowd, no jaunty waving of flags, no rah-rah momentary patriotism.
This was a community bidding farewell to one of their own sons.
We rode on through downtown and crossed the tracks and climbed the hill that runs parallel to the University of the Cumberlands campus. The crowd had grown thinner as we got close to the tracks, but only because there aren’t many good places to stand right there. As we approached campus the numbers picked back up again, students and townies standing together to honor a fallen soldier. There were no student protesters.
We rode between packed sidewalks up to the traffic light by the high school, turned left and proceeded to link up to Kentucky Highway 92.
The crowd thinned out at this point; only the occasional house owner stood in his yard or on his porch as we passed. We turned on to Highway 92, then on to US Highway 25W, the old main road from Williamsburg to Jellico.
Another huge crowd of mourners greeted us as we reached this corner, packed into the parking lot of the Dollar General Store and the Save-a-Lot grocery and the car dealership. A Fire Department ladder truck (from the nearby town of Corbin, I think) was parked there, ladder extended and flying a flag the size of a pickup truck. We rode between packed crowds for the better part of a mile before getting out of Williamsburg.
But at each little community between Williamsburg and Jellico there was another solemn crowd. Each volunteer fire department we passed had their engine run out, their flag at half mast, and their volunteers turned out and rendering honors as we passed. Every little crossroads had a knot of mourners standing vigil. In some places it was a single individual or single family, solemnly holding a flag and standing to honor Sergeant Cooper.
As we crossed into Tennessee we ran into packed sidewalks again, thousands of people lined up to pay their respects as the hearse passed.
We escorted the graveside party through town and up to the high and lonesome cemetery where, with a guard of honor from the Whitley County Junior ROTC program, a funeral detail of Army Regulars, and full military ceremony, Sergeant David K. Cooper was returned to the native soil from which he had sprung 25 years earlier.
I was honored to be allowed to pay my respects and stand vigil over this young man. I was touched by the quiet dignity with which his family endured the services and laid their son and brother to rest. But my heart was both broken and mended by the public display of respect and shared grief that attended Sergeant Cooper’s funeral. I wept the entire fifteen miles to Jellico.
It was hot Sunday. It was muggy in the way that only the American Southeast can produce. The service itself ran long at the funeral home.
These people who lined the streets and the highway stood in that heat for a couple of hours, all for the brief moment in which they could pay their respect to the family as the funeral procession passed by.
And there were thousands of them. Williamsburg is a town of perhaps 1,500 people. Jellico is about the same size. Yet there were literally thousands of people turned out to honor this young man.
And they were sincere. David K. Cooper was not a Medal of Honor winner, nor a distinguished general with decades in uniform, nor a veteran who had returned to his home town and spent years in public service. He wasn’t a celebrity. He was just one of us.
Just. One. Of. Us.
And so we honored his passing. Even if we had never met him in life, we wept the tears as if we were laying our own blood and our own bone to rest. We stood in solemn review as he passed by. We felt the grief in a young life ended, but that grief was tempered with the fierce pride in a young life not wasted.
To those who think America has lost its way, you should have been there; you would have seen the soul of a people reaching out to hold those who grieve.
To those who think America has lost its heart, you should have been there; you would have seen the beating heart of the nation pulsing deep and true.
I thought about trying to make some political points here, to cast a few aspersions, to wag a few fingers at people and groups that I happen to oppose in the body politic. But as I typed the final two sentences it struck me that should I do so, I would be no better than they.
Rest in Peace, Sergeant Cooper.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Its Gonna Get Ugly
Yes, Sarah Palin is scary. No, not to me or anyone that thinks like me. The left on the other hand is running scared. A strong woman that can think, hold a conversation, a baby and a gun is the sexiest thing in America. That is of course if are not married or driving a prius or have voted democrat or watch MSNBC or are a member of the sierra club or code pink. A woman can be strong, smart and feminine hell if I could find one I would probably be married, but alas weak and dumb are the only women my radar seems to locate. The democrats have absolutely no woman who can pull off all three. A strong democrat woman is Hillary Rodham Clinton smart and fugly and dresses like a man; men don't want this or her. That is it for strong and smart democrats(men included). Feminine(women) democrats well almost all of Hollyweird that support the dems but none in the arena. Those are feminine to you and I but to dems feminine is Rosie O'Donnell; the unshowered hippie bull-dikes, you know, the "women" that frighten children and normal people. Sarah Palin scares the hell out of these people her career is not how a woman is supposed to get to the top, she did not worship the liberal gods. They will try to tear her down with everything they've got and even stuff they don't and have to make up.
Sarah Palin makes more sense to middle of the road Americans regardless of party affiliation. A mom, a PTA member, an executive, a wife, a conservationist too many attributes to list but basically like I said a few posts ago she has a little for everyone. This pisses off the left more than anything because none, not one of their women can do this. Why? You ask. Simple they pander to too many special interest groups. For example gays, hardcore bull-dikes and the NOW gang do not want moms that are feminine and pretty, it makes them question their life choices. Oprah comes close here, she is an executive, her whole staff are women, she fights for women's causes but when it came time to put her money, which is a lot, where her mouth is she chose her skin color. Typical liberal windbag all talk no action also skin color matters to her.
Let's face it we are the tolerant ones not the left. The hated Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian but you do not ever hear of republicans ridiculing her and he loves her and defended her on the floor of the Congress. Just like Sarah Palin loves her 17 year old pregnant daughter that the left attacks. You see republicans and moreover the right love and tolerate people even those they do not agree with in lifestyle or behavior. The intolerant left will be throwing everything they have at McCain/Palin sick fucked up stuff. This is because the only opinion that matters to the left is theirs, no tolerance at all for other voices, no matter what. We are only allowed to hear them and their philosophies like on MSNBC where that kind of censorship cost the "co-anchors" their jobs.
Sarah Palin makes more sense to middle of the road Americans regardless of party affiliation. A mom, a PTA member, an executive, a wife, a conservationist too many attributes to list but basically like I said a few posts ago she has a little for everyone. This pisses off the left more than anything because none, not one of their women can do this. Why? You ask. Simple they pander to too many special interest groups. For example gays, hardcore bull-dikes and the NOW gang do not want moms that are feminine and pretty, it makes them question their life choices. Oprah comes close here, she is an executive, her whole staff are women, she fights for women's causes but when it came time to put her money, which is a lot, where her mouth is she chose her skin color. Typical liberal windbag all talk no action also skin color matters to her.
Let's face it we are the tolerant ones not the left. The hated Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian but you do not ever hear of republicans ridiculing her and he loves her and defended her on the floor of the Congress. Just like Sarah Palin loves her 17 year old pregnant daughter that the left attacks. You see republicans and moreover the right love and tolerate people even those they do not agree with in lifestyle or behavior. The intolerant left will be throwing everything they have at McCain/Palin sick fucked up stuff. This is because the only opinion that matters to the left is theirs, no tolerance at all for other voices, no matter what. We are only allowed to hear them and their philosophies like on MSNBC where that kind of censorship cost the "co-anchors" their jobs.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Conservative Principles
Now don't get me wrong last night was great. Hopefully tonight will be better. Look back and understand that I was always a Sarah Palin fan, I did not need a speech to tell me this woman was ready to be on a national stage. This post is for all these "republican" or "conservative" bloggers out there who just could not see this ticket without Mitt Romney. Well today all we hear about is how great she was and how she really gave it to Obama. No shit? Really? All I had to do is look at her background and the things she has done to realize that she was going to nail that speech. My only concern was how would she hold up in the national spotlight. Which clearly she answered in the first 30 seconds of the speech. Has she energized the conservative base of the Republican party? Hell yes. Has she energized women Republicans? Hell yes. More importantly she will energize the "everywoman" who is out there with kids and a job and big dreams for her family. Once these women get energized, I believe, they will carry the ticket into the White House.
Understand this; it is not what she said last night. It is how she has lived her life and the principles and values at her core. These things will carry her through the rough and tumble world of the angry liberal inside Washington media, who are gearing up to tear this woman down. They will use lies, half-truths and totally made up shit. Of course everything will have the suffix "gate" so dumbass liberals, not in the media, will think every lie that is told is a bad thing. Without the "gate" they would be unable to process the information as bad. Same old Libs same old playbook but they are now on their heels thanks to some good old fashioned conservatism. Obama could not close out a broke Clinton and now even with the entire media establishment openly campaigning and helping, he still can't finish off John McCain. So all you bloggers who wanted Mitt welcome to the party, the Grand Old Party, She might not be the top of the ticket but she is the fire and the energy and most importantly the conservative future. Sarah stay strong in your conservative principles; fuck the media and keep kicking Obama's ass.
Understand this; it is not what she said last night. It is how she has lived her life and the principles and values at her core. These things will carry her through the rough and tumble world of the angry liberal inside Washington media, who are gearing up to tear this woman down. They will use lies, half-truths and totally made up shit. Of course everything will have the suffix "gate" so dumbass liberals, not in the media, will think every lie that is told is a bad thing. Without the "gate" they would be unable to process the information as bad. Same old Libs same old playbook but they are now on their heels thanks to some good old fashioned conservatism. Obama could not close out a broke Clinton and now even with the entire media establishment openly campaigning and helping, he still can't finish off John McCain. So all you bloggers who wanted Mitt welcome to the party, the Grand Old Party, She might not be the top of the ticket but she is the fire and the energy and most importantly the conservative future. Sarah stay strong in your conservative principles; fuck the media and keep kicking Obama's ass.
John McCain,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Teen Sex
Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant and 17 years old, it is a shitty situation yes but they seem to have it under control. Was the kid stupid? Yes. Pregnancy is not the worst outcome from unprotected sex, what about an STD that is way worse HIV/AIDS = DEAD. Now let me ask you this question when you were 17 how many girls were you trying to nail? That is right all of them. The summer between 15-16 years old started the walking hormone syndrome for me. Because of the parade of girls through my parents house my sister is still traumatized about not being able to get any sleep through high school and parts of college. Sorry dude but quit yer bitchin its been 20 years. Now let me ask you this; did you ever have any scares? Hell yeah you did we all did, panic city for a couple of days. You always had time to reflect on your stupidity and how never again would you do it without protection. Then an opportunity would present itself and BAM another scare. Yes were all dumb teenagers. No matter what our parents taught us or told us we all knew better anyway and did what we wanted. Guess what? Kids are the same way today. Yes even your kids are going to have sex as teens. Don't forget to teach them that abstinence works every time it is tried, just like in those panicked times when all sex came to a halt. All you can do is teach them the right thing to do and have respect for their bodies. Hopefully they will do the right thing.
If a pregnancy does happen do you stop loving that child or do you love that child more during a trying time? Do you try to tell your daughter to kill her unborn baby so you can run for vice-president without "embarrassment." I tell you what I have 6 nieces and nephews none of which is an embarrassment or a burden or an albatross as I have heard the media call this pregnancy. I heard a clip of some liberal jerkoff woman say that this kid doesn't even want this baby. She was raised to love life and be anti-abortion she had sex and wound up pregnant now she has to grow up faster than her parents want her to. Her life is far from over as all of these media pundits will have you think. Kids are a blessing but liberals think they are a commodity to be use as bargaining chips in a political campaign against a woman who proves that conservative values: family, compassion, love, life will overcome any vile insults they throw at her or any of her kids.
It is real simple the family sees this as a blessing so why don't all these asshole media liberal jerkoffs just shut the fuck up. Besides in Alaska a pregnant 17 year old is not that big a deal because of the conservative values there. As opposed to the inner cities of the lower 48 where the child of an unwed mother is viewed as nothing more than more money on a welfare check. It is not like it is Arkansas where cousins marry or for that matter liberal icon FDR who did that. Who has the fucked up values? I ask you.
If a pregnancy does happen do you stop loving that child or do you love that child more during a trying time? Do you try to tell your daughter to kill her unborn baby so you can run for vice-president without "embarrassment." I tell you what I have 6 nieces and nephews none of which is an embarrassment or a burden or an albatross as I have heard the media call this pregnancy. I heard a clip of some liberal jerkoff woman say that this kid doesn't even want this baby. She was raised to love life and be anti-abortion she had sex and wound up pregnant now she has to grow up faster than her parents want her to. Her life is far from over as all of these media pundits will have you think. Kids are a blessing but liberals think they are a commodity to be use as bargaining chips in a political campaign against a woman who proves that conservative values: family, compassion, love, life will overcome any vile insults they throw at her or any of her kids.
It is real simple the family sees this as a blessing so why don't all these asshole media liberal jerkoffs just shut the fuck up. Besides in Alaska a pregnant 17 year old is not that big a deal because of the conservative values there. As opposed to the inner cities of the lower 48 where the child of an unwed mother is viewed as nothing more than more money on a welfare check. It is not like it is Arkansas where cousins marry or for that matter liberal icon FDR who did that. Who has the fucked up values? I ask you.
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