Yes, OK I freakin get it. McCain is old, Obama doesn't have an original thought, Palin is a hick, Biden can't open his mouth without his foot flying in. Yeah I'm with you I am just exhausted by it. I mean really how long has this election been going on; close to four years now. Can I just send a memo to the four participants here: George W. Bush is not running in this election nor is Dick Cheney or Karl Rove so leave them the fuck out of it. Back to the point; if you haven't made up your mind yet who you are gonna vote for you are an idiot. Do you really need debates to understand a candidate's position on any issue? If you do you are again an idiot. The top of the tickets have been running for so long I am beginning to see stories about their cars how many? What color? Seriously, what is this country coming to, I thought it couldn't get worse than the great "Boxers vs. Briefs" debates of the 90's I was wrong. The level of ridiculousness of this election cycle is beginning reach to epidemic proportions.
Funny but if CNBC did not exist I do not believe anyone would have heard of the financial problems occurring on Wall Street right now. Of course that is all George Bush's fault anyway isn't that right left-wing media hacks? Oh that's right both candidates blamed the administration too. Nice job I see there really is no difference between the two of you. I just do not want to be inundated with anymore bullshit. Hollywood stars coming out against McCain, holy shit needed a newsflash for that information, everyone has to go their blogs and read why. No, any moron that cannot think for themselves or has a brain the size of a gnat's needs to go. Alas these days this passes for journalism. No research just a sound bite and then a spinning opinion, it does not matter if it was from someone who went to "journalism school" or not. Yes I believe "journalism school" is a joke as is "acting school" but half this country will believe anything that comes out of either one.
Yes this post is full of me being a hater. Soon I will find my passion again, but understand it is hard to find something to be passionate about in this grind. Smarten up America lots of knowledge out there that needs to be known about these people, go find it for yourselves and give it your own spin. Choose a freakin candidate on your own, and do not be influenced by the media, or Hollywood or a pandering candidate during a debate look at their body of work over their lives and careers, you have six weeks. It's gonna be a long six weeks at that.
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