Friday, August 29, 2008

Conservative Pick

Well John McCain made an executive decision today. He did not pick a Washington insider nor did he pick someone who thinks exactly like him. His opponent did both, so much for change, I guess. But lets talk about what and more importantly who she brings to the table. Republicans will lose the pain in the ass whining cro-magnun republican who won't vote for a woman. Cool, see ya do America a favor you old farts and die you are a non-working drag on the economy anyway. The greatest non-American leader of all time was a woman, Margret Thacher. I cannot state this any more clearly. This was not a good pick. It was the best decision of this election. McCain/Palin ticket loses women who cannot manage to juggle a career and family and are bitter that she can. Guess what, McCain was not getting their vote anyway. I will challenge anyone not to vote for this woman she has a little bit for everyone. Pro-life, Pro-gun, Pro-drilling, Pro-union, Pro-conservation, Pro-hunting, Pro-Teachers, Pro-military, and most importantly Pro-America. Oh by the way she is a former sportscaster...just like Ronald Reagan. She has the total package appeal-wise. The old-school liberal ticket only appeals to 60's leftover hippies and their ideas repackaged as hope and change. No liberal policy holds any hope for any one and you can keep their kind of change.

Now people will blast her for not having any experience. Being governor is like being a CEO everyday you get experience besides she is not the top of the ticket where experience is most important. Being a senator for 140 working days and never holding a hearing of your sub-committee is way less experience. Her state borders 2 foreign countries do you not think that she has never had to negotiate with them? The other ticket has been wrong on all foreign policy they have ever favored i.e against the surge. People who wanted Hillary to be the bottom of the liberal ticket should flock to McCain/Palin if for nothing else but to be a part of history. John McCain likes to say he can reach across the aisle. We shall see, I think this pick now makes him the front runner. I think Obama has peeked and America is fed up with the bullshit slogans without any real plans.

Now let us look to see which is more important being a woman or being black in this election. Well first off let us again reiterate that he is only half black. She is all woman she has the kids to prove it. If this election is historic like we hear from the media, then race matters, at least to liberals, they run the major media outlets. Then they say this race is even more historic now that the second woman running for VP is in it. My opinion is simple, as always: I see 2 liberals running against a Republican and a conservative. Race and gender have got nothing to do with it but what do I know I'm just a right-wing nut. I fucking hate liberals and their bullshit.

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