Well John McCain made an executive decision today. He did not pick a Washington insider nor did he pick someone who thinks exactly like him. His opponent did both, so much for change, I guess. But lets talk about what and more importantly who she brings to the table. Republicans will lose the pain in the ass whining cro-magnun republican who won't vote for a woman. Cool, see ya do America a favor you old farts and die you are a non-working drag on the economy anyway. The greatest non-American leader of all time was a woman, Margret Thacher. I cannot state this any more clearly. This was not a good pick. It was the best decision of this election. McCain/Palin ticket loses women who cannot manage to juggle a career and family and are bitter that she can. Guess what, McCain was not getting their vote anyway. I will challenge anyone not to vote for this woman she has a little bit for everyone. Pro-life, Pro-gun, Pro-drilling, Pro-union, Pro-conservation, Pro-hunting, Pro-Teachers, Pro-military, and most importantly Pro-America. Oh by the way she is a former sportscaster...just like Ronald Reagan. She has the total package appeal-wise. The old-school liberal ticket only appeals to 60's leftover hippies and their ideas repackaged as hope and change. No liberal policy holds any hope for any one and you can keep their kind of change.
Now people will blast her for not having any experience. Being governor is like being a CEO everyday you get experience besides she is not the top of the ticket where experience is most important. Being a senator for 140 working days and never holding a hearing of your sub-committee is way less experience. Her state borders 2 foreign countries do you not think that she has never had to negotiate with them? The other ticket has been wrong on all foreign policy they have ever favored i.e against the surge. People who wanted Hillary to be the bottom of the liberal ticket should flock to McCain/Palin if for nothing else but to be a part of history. John McCain likes to say he can reach across the aisle. We shall see, I think this pick now makes him the front runner. I think Obama has peeked and America is fed up with the bullshit slogans without any real plans.
Now let us look to see which is more important being a woman or being black in this election. Well first off let us again reiterate that he is only half black. She is all woman she has the kids to prove it. If this election is historic like we hear from the media, then race matters, at least to liberals, they run the major media outlets. Then they say this race is even more historic now that the second woman running for VP is in it. My opinion is simple, as always: I see 2 liberals running against a Republican and a conservative. Race and gender have got nothing to do with it but what do I know I'm just a right-wing nut. I fucking hate liberals and their bullshit.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Democrat Douchebag
So I guess Republicans are greedy assholes and don't care what happens to America as long as they get paid. Well, I have facts to prove that not only is the opposite true but democrats are duplicitous(like that's new) doucebags that want the government to save us all whether we need it or not. A little background, recently a prominent businessman was approached by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to purchase stock and help raise capital. Who in America has the kind of economic clout to save these two government institutions? That's right America, Mr. I keep my stock price so high so you cannot afford it because I want total control of my "public" corporation. Warren Buffet, "The auricle of Omaha" wants the Federal Government to bailout the corporations and banks. Fuck you taxpayers. He ain't gonna help.
In 1895 a democrat President called upon Republican businessman John Pierpont Morgan to pull America out of the Panic of 1893. The U.S. gold supply had fallen to depressing levels. J.P. then convened a private syndicate to raise $65 million for the U.S. treasury, then floated a $100 million bond. Of course, he was berated and vilified for the terms of the loan. But in 1907 the government came to call on him again to save them. This time it was worse and mostly private banks. The stock market crashed and there were runs on banks. J.P. Morgan locked a team of Bankers and trust executives in his home's library and would not let them out until they came up with a solution. He sat in his study and played solitaire(no it did not come with his Windows '98) while contemplating the situation. He rejected plan after plan until one met his approval. "The team redirected money between banks, secured further international lines of credit, and bought plummeting stocks of healthy corporations. Within a few weeks the panic passed, with only minimal effects on the country." (from Wikipedia) This is everything that Warren Buffet won't do today.
So someone that was/is called a "Robber Baron" saved America not once but twice. I wonder what people would write about him if he were a democrat today. He would probably be lifted to Godlike status just like today's liberal billionaires are. Gates, Balmer, Cuban, Soros and Buffet they care more than republicans do. They just don't care about America or it's struggling middle class as much as the media thinks they do. Do not forget T. Boone Pickens was hated by the left for the last 40 years until he came up with his plan, they still will not mention that he wants to drill everywhere we can. The "Robber Barons" of today really want to fuck all of us good, real good and without KY. Compare the two sets and see which ones are worse. Money, that's what makes the liberal world go round, yours and mine but you can bet your ass not theirs, it belongs to them and the government can't have it.
In 1895 a democrat President called upon Republican businessman John Pierpont Morgan to pull America out of the Panic of 1893. The U.S. gold supply had fallen to depressing levels. J.P. then convened a private syndicate to raise $65 million for the U.S. treasury, then floated a $100 million bond. Of course, he was berated and vilified for the terms of the loan. But in 1907 the government came to call on him again to save them. This time it was worse and mostly private banks. The stock market crashed and there were runs on banks. J.P. Morgan locked a team of Bankers and trust executives in his home's library and would not let them out until they came up with a solution. He sat in his study and played solitaire(no it did not come with his Windows '98) while contemplating the situation. He rejected plan after plan until one met his approval. "The team redirected money between banks, secured further international lines of credit, and bought plummeting stocks of healthy corporations. Within a few weeks the panic passed, with only minimal effects on the country." (from Wikipedia) This is everything that Warren Buffet won't do today.
So someone that was/is called a "Robber Baron" saved America not once but twice. I wonder what people would write about him if he were a democrat today. He would probably be lifted to Godlike status just like today's liberal billionaires are. Gates, Balmer, Cuban, Soros and Buffet they care more than republicans do. They just don't care about America or it's struggling middle class as much as the media thinks they do. Do not forget T. Boone Pickens was hated by the left for the last 40 years until he came up with his plan, they still will not mention that he wants to drill everywhere we can. The "Robber Barons" of today really want to fuck all of us good, real good and without KY. Compare the two sets and see which ones are worse. Money, that's what makes the liberal world go round, yours and mine but you can bet your ass not theirs, it belongs to them and the government can't have it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Good Call or Text
Joe freakin Biden talk about an over blown build up. I thought we were gonna get someone with potential like maybe a resurrected John Kennedy or a liberal god like FDR. No we here in the 21st century get treated to Joe Biden and all of his great experience of years in the senate and important sponsored legislation. So much like Obama this shithead never held a real job just another democrat sucking on the government teet. Hey Joe how many companies are incorporated in Delaware? How many have given to your campaigns over the years? That sure is a nice house you live in did Tony Rezko help finance it? I know he helped Obama but I understand all real struggling Americans get special monetary favors from criminals.
Question for you Joe when after all the months did Barack Husein Obama become ready to be President on day one? You said he was not ready during the primary debates but now that you are the VP pick all of a sudden he is. Dammit readers can you see that these people have no principles and they will say and do anything i.e. lie, steal and cheat the American people to get more power or is it just me. Democrats have no moral fiber and certainly absolutely no conscience in political matters. They have no plans that we have seen, for America, just that we all are going to have to do what they say once they come up with an idea. If that idea is no good they will just tell us how much they care about us and how it did not work because of republicans. If you care about us leave us alone. Ask yourself this question why does someone spend $200,000,000 for a job that pays $200,000? When Obama was asked that question by a little girl last week he told her "America is broken, its is not what it once was, not what it can be." Now he and Joe are going to bring America back to where it should be by taxing the shit out of you and I and pissing that money away on more and more liberal social program that haven't worked since they were started. But they really care about us. Hold on to your wallet because we are big fuckin trouble.
The real reason Biden is on the ticket is simple to figure out. He is the attack dog, He is older that Obama nearing the end of his usefulness to the DNC and he has a job for life as senator from Delaware just like teddy is in Massachusetts. Let's face it the 2 years Obama was in the senate he probably never had time to learn how things work Joe has been there forever knows all the tricks and knows what John McCain has done and Joe the jerkoff will try to take credit for anything and everything since he has been there. So the top of the ticket cannot be criticized because of half of his skin color and the bottom of the ticket can attack anything he wants because of his experience. This is a good scenario for the media liberals it is literally the best of both worlds for them. Ya'll better throw a tarp over you TV for the next week they will be slobbering and ejaculating all over themselves. It is gonna be a long two and half months.
Question for you Joe when after all the months did Barack Husein Obama become ready to be President on day one? You said he was not ready during the primary debates but now that you are the VP pick all of a sudden he is. Dammit readers can you see that these people have no principles and they will say and do anything i.e. lie, steal and cheat the American people to get more power or is it just me. Democrats have no moral fiber and certainly absolutely no conscience in political matters. They have no plans that we have seen, for America, just that we all are going to have to do what they say once they come up with an idea. If that idea is no good they will just tell us how much they care about us and how it did not work because of republicans. If you care about us leave us alone. Ask yourself this question why does someone spend $200,000,000 for a job that pays $200,000? When Obama was asked that question by a little girl last week he told her "America is broken, its is not what it once was, not what it can be." Now he and Joe are going to bring America back to where it should be by taxing the shit out of you and I and pissing that money away on more and more liberal social program that haven't worked since they were started. But they really care about us. Hold on to your wallet because we are big fuckin trouble.
The real reason Biden is on the ticket is simple to figure out. He is the attack dog, He is older that Obama nearing the end of his usefulness to the DNC and he has a job for life as senator from Delaware just like teddy is in Massachusetts. Let's face it the 2 years Obama was in the senate he probably never had time to learn how things work Joe has been there forever knows all the tricks and knows what John McCain has done and Joe the jerkoff will try to take credit for anything and everything since he has been there. So the top of the ticket cannot be criticized because of half of his skin color and the bottom of the ticket can attack anything he wants because of his experience. This is a good scenario for the media liberals it is literally the best of both worlds for them. Ya'll better throw a tarp over you TV for the next week they will be slobbering and ejaculating all over themselves. It is gonna be a long two and half months.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Bad Mood
Yes never post in a bad mood. Let's face it yesterday's post was way too harsh and I am sorry my dear readers. Hell abortion is not even a topic I am passionate about. Most of you base your feelings on religious beliefs, not me, I totally base it on personal feelings. A bit arrogant yes but tough shit my blog. Basically it is horrible but OK to do just like the death penalty that is why I am OK with it. This is one thing the Supreme Court got right. Yes there are way too many abortions performed in the U.S. I agree but doctors do not have to perform them. Sorry this is a complicated topic that I can justify in my head I just can't express clearly and succinctly through writing. So tough shit were moving on to another topic tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Are You A Hypocrite?
I touched on this topic last time, now let's get into it deeper. Abortion. There are an almost infinite amount of factions in this topic: Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Anti-Abortion etc. etc. I think it is not a cloudy or grey area, lets face it, only one question needs to be answered. Is it murder? Does abortion=murder? Well when does life begin? At conception where there are only a jumble of cells? When a heartbeat can be detected? When human features develop? When it kicks? When you pull out the legs crush the skull and suck out the brains?("Partial birth abortion") When does the choice to abort become a choice to murder? Or does it?
When is it OK to have in an abortion, i.e. in the case of rape? or incest? Does this absolve the abortioner of murder? If it is not murder why do women say they are eating for two. Why is it that when a pregnant woman is murdered is the murderer charged with two murders? Yeah say that fast three times. 40,000,000+ million abortions have been performed since Roe v. Wade. Those only compare to Hitler/Stalin numbers for killing don't you think? But alas the liberals are wiping themselves out, eventually they will become extinct at this rate. Yes I know not only liberals get abortions but think of everyone you know that has had one (I go over a dozen women, none because of me). How do they vote? See told ya. Hell I know women who have had multiple abortions, I mean seriously how fucking stupid do you have to be. Now I must confess if I ever knocked up a woman I would want an abortion. Yes how can I call myself a conservative thinking this way? Simple I don't want to be a father and I sure as shit ain't paying for eighteen years of this kids life. Cold and callous most definitely but fuck you I don't care I can live with the government sanctioned murder. I am also pro another government sanctioned murder the death penalty. See how I live with myself is that both are murder and I am ok with them both because I am not a hypocrite; one can't be murder and the other one not. think about that all you self righteous anti-abortion fuckers on the right and all you self righteous anti-capital punishment fuckers on the left.
Now I don't sanction abortions for everyone I am merely stating if it should happen to me. I do not like them and I believe the act is murder, can you live with it is the question. Also these welfare women who use it a birth control should be sterilized yeah I said it I pay enough in taxes and they don't use condoms anyway maybe we can get lucky and they will die of AIDS. Two birds with one stone so to speak. Yes its cruel I know get over it I am not a nice guy get over it already. But seriously there are way too many abortions some say it borders on infanticide I will not argue that point. I hope I am never dumb enough to put myself in a position to have to choose life or death for someone I have never met. So I can take comfort in the fact that I can be ok with murder without hypocrisy. Can you take one side or the other but not both?
When is it OK to have in an abortion, i.e. in the case of rape? or incest? Does this absolve the abortioner of murder? If it is not murder why do women say they are eating for two. Why is it that when a pregnant woman is murdered is the murderer charged with two murders? Yeah say that fast three times. 40,000,000+ million abortions have been performed since Roe v. Wade. Those only compare to Hitler/Stalin numbers for killing don't you think? But alas the liberals are wiping themselves out, eventually they will become extinct at this rate. Yes I know not only liberals get abortions but think of everyone you know that has had one (I go over a dozen women, none because of me). How do they vote? See told ya. Hell I know women who have had multiple abortions, I mean seriously how fucking stupid do you have to be. Now I must confess if I ever knocked up a woman I would want an abortion. Yes how can I call myself a conservative thinking this way? Simple I don't want to be a father and I sure as shit ain't paying for eighteen years of this kids life. Cold and callous most definitely but fuck you I don't care I can live with the government sanctioned murder. I am also pro another government sanctioned murder the death penalty. See how I live with myself is that both are murder and I am ok with them both because I am not a hypocrite; one can't be murder and the other one not. think about that all you self righteous anti-abortion fuckers on the right and all you self righteous anti-capital punishment fuckers on the left.
Now I don't sanction abortions for everyone I am merely stating if it should happen to me. I do not like them and I believe the act is murder, can you live with it is the question. Also these welfare women who use it a birth control should be sterilized yeah I said it I pay enough in taxes and they don't use condoms anyway maybe we can get lucky and they will die of AIDS. Two birds with one stone so to speak. Yes its cruel I know get over it I am not a nice guy get over it already. But seriously there are way too many abortions some say it borders on infanticide I will not argue that point. I hope I am never dumb enough to put myself in a position to have to choose life or death for someone I have never met. So I can take comfort in the fact that I can be ok with murder without hypocrisy. Can you take one side or the other but not both?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Yes, something I have not gotten into yet but it is always on my mind. Why now you ask? Simple, it is on the mind of most Americans after Assface1 and Assface2 had their little interviews with the 4th largest evangelical church in America. No I did not watch it but I can tell you what they saidl; the chosen one is a Godless half-breed that bullshitted his way through every answer, the other used faith as an explanation that got him through a trying period in his life. They probably talked about abortion; one said infanticide on demand for everyone paid for by the rich, the other said what the congregation wanted to hear even though he has never believed it his whole senatorial career. These guys are pandering bullshit artists, agreeing with whoever writes the biggest checks or whoever is sitting in front of them.
As you have figured out I see many things in black and white, in it's most simple form. Religion is not one of these things. First things first: Is there a God? Do not give me one of these bullshit "God is everywhere you look" answers. I think there must be a God human life is so complex and yet so fragile it had to be designed, same goes for the Earth. Life on earth did not just happen too long of odds for that. Then what has God done? He/She/It has left us adrift here in space? 6+ billion people on the planet and God watches over all of us? I think not ya'll? I ain't buying what the catholic church is selling there.(yes raised catholic)
Heaven and Hell do they exist? God "lives" in heaven you figure God would want to live in a nice place. Hell, terrorists believe they get 72 virgins if they kill you or I. Hey assholes why do you want virgins, they don't know what they are doing who would want to go through eternity like that? Loosen up and get laid down here maybe you guys wouldn't be such dicks. Jews do not believe in Hell, good call coming from a religion that was almost wiped out by a madman, who, according to them sits at the hand of God. How about the old catholic staging area purgatory. What, is Heaven like the DMV sit in the chairs until your name is called? WTF is that?
The sheer volume of religions out there should send up a red flag. All the differences are man made as is the whole idea of God and religion. The west has a struggle between good and evil the east has balance and harmony as a basis. Islam is about killing both in the name of Allah. Is there a right or wrong choice? Right choice I don't think so but a wrong choice most definitely. I think the Plains Indians (Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow) had it right respect the Earth and what it gives to you conserve and do not waste. Thank the sun for rising, the river for flowing, and the seasons for changing. Almost perfect in its simplicity.
As you have figured out I see many things in black and white, in it's most simple form. Religion is not one of these things. First things first: Is there a God? Do not give me one of these bullshit "God is everywhere you look" answers. I think there must be a God human life is so complex and yet so fragile it had to be designed, same goes for the Earth. Life on earth did not just happen too long of odds for that. Then what has God done? He/She/It has left us adrift here in space? 6+ billion people on the planet and God watches over all of us? I think not ya'll? I ain't buying what the catholic church is selling there.(yes raised catholic)
Heaven and Hell do they exist? God "lives" in heaven you figure God would want to live in a nice place. Hell, terrorists believe they get 72 virgins if they kill you or I. Hey assholes why do you want virgins, they don't know what they are doing who would want to go through eternity like that? Loosen up and get laid down here maybe you guys wouldn't be such dicks. Jews do not believe in Hell, good call coming from a religion that was almost wiped out by a madman, who, according to them sits at the hand of God. How about the old catholic staging area purgatory. What, is Heaven like the DMV sit in the chairs until your name is called? WTF is that?
The sheer volume of religions out there should send up a red flag. All the differences are man made as is the whole idea of God and religion. The west has a struggle between good and evil the east has balance and harmony as a basis. Islam is about killing both in the name of Allah. Is there a right or wrong choice? Right choice I don't think so but a wrong choice most definitely. I think the Plains Indians (Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow) had it right respect the Earth and what it gives to you conserve and do not waste. Thank the sun for rising, the river for flowing, and the seasons for changing. Almost perfect in its simplicity.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Greatest Sound in the World
Yes I love to hear the sound when I pump my shotgun and when I squeeze the trigger in my .357, but the greatest sound I have ever heard is when you snap up the chinstrap of a football helmet. When you "strap up" you are the bullet I would rather be the bullet than the gun. Looking through the face mask wondering who was gonna get smacked in the next play. The crunch of a helmet to helmet hit the split second of wondering if you are getting up or not. What a great feeling of pushing up off the guy you just dropped and knowing you get another shot in about 30 seconds. I love football, the real football, American football. I love it as much as Lt. Col. Kilgore loved the smell of napalm in the morning. Practices, watching game film, game day; I loved it all when I was playing. Hell I was a freshman in college before I remembered that leaves turn colors before they get brown and fall off the trees. It will be 20 years since I last strapped on a Riddell and played. Everyday I miss it, all of it. I used to tell kids I coached that they had to devote everything they had to the game give every once of energy and have no regrets. I have cycled through a few groups of kids by now and the ones I see occasionally tell me how much they miss playing just what I told them would happen.
Now I know many of you out there are football fans. You root for your college team or a college team because you are Irish (Notre Dame sucks ass). Me I will watch any college game but I really like the SEC and BIG12 and BIG10, 100+ years of games and traditions. You root for your local pro team. Yes people I root for The World Champion New York Giants. But my love of the game goes deeper than the uniform. It is very hard to express in words everything that goes on in a game. The bumps and bruises the personal battles and the trash talk waking up the next morning stiff and sore it was all just freakin awesome. There is so much more going on in a game than what you see on the television. Every game is like a woman there will be blood, sweat and tears there will be great triumphs and miserable heartbreak and you will always go back for more. Football and women affect me in mysterious ways they piss me off and still I can't live without them. I guess the point I am trying to make, while watching the first preseason game, is I hope you all out there can understand my passion for the game. This in turn has taught me to be passionate about other things in my life as you have read so far. I guess I will fall asleep tonight to the sound of buckling chip straps dancing in my head.
Now I know many of you out there are football fans. You root for your college team or a college team because you are Irish (Notre Dame sucks ass). Me I will watch any college game but I really like the SEC and BIG12 and BIG10, 100+ years of games and traditions. You root for your local pro team. Yes people I root for The World Champion New York Giants. But my love of the game goes deeper than the uniform. It is very hard to express in words everything that goes on in a game. The bumps and bruises the personal battles and the trash talk waking up the next morning stiff and sore it was all just freakin awesome. There is so much more going on in a game than what you see on the television. Every game is like a woman there will be blood, sweat and tears there will be great triumphs and miserable heartbreak and you will always go back for more. Football and women affect me in mysterious ways they piss me off and still I can't live without them. I guess the point I am trying to make, while watching the first preseason game, is I hope you all out there can understand my passion for the game. This in turn has taught me to be passionate about other things in my life as you have read so far. I guess I will fall asleep tonight to the sound of buckling chip straps dancing in my head.
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