Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

To be honest I went back to read my past Veteran's Day post and I can say that in my heart this is still how I feel and hopefully always will. We owe these men and women so much we must try to the little things, at the very least, for them. So I give you my last two Veteran's Day posts.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veteran's Day
Yes it is their day, not yours and mine, it is a day to thank those that lived to tell the tales of the heroes left on battlefields far away and some from long ago. It is our duty to thank these men and women that have put their lives on the line for Liberty, Freedom, America or so we are told. We know they do it for each other, and that is enough for it is in each other they can trust and it is with each other they can survive. From Lexington and Concord to the Heat of Iraq and the cold mountains of Afghanistan young men and women left the comforts of home for the frightening hell of combat. Where do we find such people, is what some ask. Very simple in the big cities and small towns all across this great country. After all this is The United States of America and we have had the finest humanity has had to offer for the last 232 years. I salute you all and send out a heartfelt thank you.

I ask you, the reader, to please donate to any and all veteran assisting organizations out there. Many of the military blogs to the right will tell you more about these organizations. Those who serve deserve our support even after their tour of duty is over.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veterans Day
I know many people who have served in our armed forces in both peacetime and war. World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Gulf War and Iraq and Afghanistan and action less Cold Warriors. Some are friends of mine that I would trust with my life, some are guys I grew up with and have not seen in years. Some were strangers that have become friends, some were friends of my parents and some were friends of friends. They all have one thing in common. They are all better than me. When I say that I mean it and I am someone who thinks very highly of myself. When you look at a veteran you have to look at them differently you have to understand that these are people who have seen things that for some reason we have been spared the sight of. The life for war veterans should be like King said in Platoon "the rest of your life is gravy." In recent years I have made myself more aware of veterans and always ask if someone has served and thanking them if they did, maybe buying coffee if in an airport or near a coffee house. It is not enough, I know, but what else can we do. People always say it is the little things in life that make it great. I hope so, but we should do all we can for our vets. Without them there would be no little things.

These days the main debate of our politicians is government paid health care for everybody. Clearly this is a communist idea and against American principles. But I do solemnly believe that those that have served and were honorably discharged have earned the right, nay the entitlement of free health care forever. I am not talking about some government plan either I am talking top of the line and getting to the front of the line. Are you telling me that some WWII vet with medals out the ass should have to suffer at a government run VA facility while some 4F gets to see world renown doctors because he didn't serve and got rich? Yes it is a tough issue, I know but something must be done for them, all of them, from PTSD patients to Agent Orange cancer sufferers, to those too old to care for themselves. Forget the millions of useless welfare mooches there are people out there that have earned the right to get free health care and a pension. Enough of how the welfare system screws the vets in favor of lazy shiftless turds.

Armistice Day came along to signal the end of "The Great War" or as we call it now World War I, the "war to end all wars." How naive. There is just too much evil lurking in men with power soul's. Every day I respect our veterans more and more. Putting their lives on the line doing their duty. The wars we are fighting today and the constant rotation back to combat is hard on the men and women and families to whom we owe so much. It was the same for Vietnam vets and their 365 and a wake-up and the World War II vets and the points system. Any war any time all veterans and their families deserve our respect, admiration and thanks. Find out what you can do for them and do it; when we needed them they were there, it is the least we can do. So much will go left unsaid in this post so I will end with this: Thank you Veterans, for keeping our enemies at bay, and the sacrifices you have made. Peace to all of you for the rest of your days you have earned it.

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