Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still in A Pissy Mood

I could not give less of a shit John Murtha is dead. Yes i know he was a retired Marine and his service to the "Corps" will never be questioned but the guy became a typical fall in line democrat douche bag later in life. This is inexcusable he was used as the anti-Iraq, Anti-Bush War mouthpiece and we all know the kickbacks his district got for that. So if I may say so a simple surgery gone bad or does everything really even out in the end?
Sarah Palin writing on her hand. Really? How dare she? No one has ever done that in the history of mankind. Nope never. I have never left a bar with a woman's number written on my hand and vice-versa. What the younger generation does not know and what liberals are too stupid to remember is that in the days before cell phones and blackberries is that is how you remembered things that were important to you. Hell I even saw Tony Soprano do it but never heard a peep about it from the media. Now Gibbs starts in with ridiculing and writing on his hand. Hey you micro dicked cuntweed people who matter need to remember to hit the right talking points unlike you whose job it is to lie and redirect instead of answering questions no notes needed for that. I have even seen you change lies day to day.
Of course let us not forget our Eloquent-Speaker-in-Chief who cannot say "corpsman" not "corpseman" three times in one speech. I know Barack the word "I" is much easier to get right and they say George W. Bush was an idiot. This clueless moronic imbecile has no idea how to say military words. This is the reason he has stopped using the words "war" and "terrorist" not even a inkling of a hint of a clue about what he is doing.
Obama now wants to meet with republicans about the health care bill. If they do not tell him to shove it up his because the debate is over and the bill is dead they are bigger pussies than even I originally though they were. Believe you, me I think they are Grand Canyon sized pussies. Republicans of both houses were shut out of the original discussions while the slimey snake of a chief of staff tried to make backroom deals with the most liberal of the senators. His own party could not pass this anti-American legislation even though had they voted on it they would not have needed any republican support to pass it. But as always it is Bush's fault.
Starting to take an interest in Haiti. If those asshole Jesus freaks kidnapped those kids I hope they are forced to live in Haiti like native Haitians for the rest of their lives never allowed to back to the U.S. But still cannot muster any sympathy for the country as a whole but that is why we have "We Are The World." Same song different people; some anyway. What the Haiti tragedy does not deserve its own song? Are they not black enough for you Quincy Jones?
Lots of other shit to piss on but I don't feel like it now, maybe tomorrow.

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