Thursday, September 24, 2009

UN Great, US Bad

As usual our dear leader went in front of the world and declared his hatred, not dislike, pure unadulterated hatred for this country. Let's face it anytime an American president goes into the U.N. general assembly and receives multiple ovations, it is a problem. Why you ask? Simple. Everything that the U.N. stands for is in direct opposition to American principles, thought and philosophy. We are an exceptional country founded on beliefs and a superior way of thinking that, arrogantly, makes us better. Here all men are created equal. Do you think that is so in the rest of the world? Iran? Libya? Bolivia? But this dickhead president does not think so, he thinks that since all men here are equal then all men worldwide are too. It does not work that way we are better plain and simple. He said he will not apologize for acting in the United States' best interest. What? Come again asshole? When have you ever done that? Much like Gadhafi and Ahmadinejad all you do is blame the U.S. for the world's problems; war, poverty, "climate change." Do not forget the praises sung to you by your African brother Gadhafi, yes I know the U.S. delegation left before his speech but this man thinks you are compadres just like you and Hugo Chavez are. Let us not forget how your State Department did not let in the leader of Honduras even though he is constitutionally the President of that nation. No, you and your cronies are still backing the leftist who declared himself president for life Zelaya. You have some seriously fucked up ideas on freedom and what freedom means to people. But that is only to be expected of a leader who only thinks about and talks about himself.

Now on this world stage you said, "Nothing is easier than blaming others for our troubles and absolving ourselves of responsibility for our choices and our actions. Anyone can do that. "Responsibility and leadership in the 21st century demand more." All you ever do is blame past presidents, Bush mainly, but you even bitched about the U.S. for things done when you were a baby. Just shut the fuck up and fix things, get things done, do something one thing without a speech or a justification press conference. Of course you cannot do that you have never fixed anything in your whole life have you, you have never been in charge of anything or had to run anything. You take responsibility for nothing yet take credit for anything positive in America. You whine people are attacking you on health care, well shithead, come up with a plan you have clearly left this to this sorry assed congress while speaking in vagaries, take a freakin stand you gutless wonder. Do not forget people the congress can pass any legislation without 1 single republican vote but they are not doing that. Why, I wonder. Simple it is just bad legislation any reasonable American can see that. Bush had balls and would take a stand for the USA and when things did not go his way he took it like a man. Our new president has no spine and no balls and as a citizen of the world considers that his most important title. Those of us here in the U.S. who love it and want it to continue to be THE world's leader in everything are feeling like men without a country. No wonder ammo sales are sky high.

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