Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Yes it is their day, not yours and mine, it is a day to thank those that lived to tell the tales of the heroes left on battlefields far away and some from long ago. It is our duty to thank these men and women that have put their lives on the line for Liberty, Freedom, America or so we are told. We know they do it for each other, and that is enough for it is in each other they can trust and it is with each other they can survive. From Lexington and Concord to the Heat of Iraq and the cold mountains of Afghanistan young men and women left the comforts of home for the frightening hell of combat. Where do we find such people, is what some ask. Very simple in the big cities and small towns all across this great country. After all this is The United States of America and we have had the finest humanity has had to offer for the last 232 years. I salute you all and send out a heartfelt thank you.

I ask you, the reader, to please donate to any and all veteran assisting organizations out there. Many of the military blogs to the right will tell you more about these organizations. Those who serve deserve our support even after their tour of duty is over.

Posted By Blackfive
Gotta repost Staff Sergeant Dean "The BadAss Marine" and his poem/rap "FREE!".
Listen to what this man has to say.

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