Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Slowly But Surely Taking Our Rights

So now states are targeting militia men. How are they doing this you ask? By your bumper stickers. Seriously, third party candidates or anti-abortion or anti-Obama or a Gadsden flag (Don't Tread on Me),

your tags will be tagged and put on a watch list. I thought Bush and the republicans were the fascist criminals that infringed on Americans right to free speech and assemble and defend the Constitution. Clearly, as I have stated numerous times the people and the party in charge hate America, the Constitution, and all of us. They are the elite, intellectually superior to everyone they rule over and they know there is nothing we can do about it with a compliant media and a castrated congress. I want you all to know that I despise government workers; anyone who makes a career of public "service" from lifelong congressional assholes to any lifelong "cannot work in the private sector because I am a fucking idiot," in any Washington government building. Joining the military is service to your country, government workers are the leeches of our society.

The government we have in Washington is there for one thing and one thing only to take whatever they can from "We the people." Money, guns, property and our pursuit of happiness. Government is too big for our own good, they say AIG was too big and had its "tentacles" in too many financial instruments and that made it evil. Well if the government would take a look at itself don't you think they should say the same thing about themselves. I mean congress getting involved in MLB over steroids but ignoring illegal immigration, bitching at the auto execs and their company jets. Grilling AIG over bonus money that was less than one tenth of one percent of the money they received regardless of the fact that it was in the bill these morons signed into laws. They cannot even take care of themselves let alone private sector companies. How many of these congressmen or administration officials cannot pay the right amount of taxes? What of our fearless leader and his inspirational line of "I did not create this mess?" That is some serious leadership skills. What he really is saying is "my tentacles will soon in your pockets and homes and wherever else I want them." As will Barney Frank's (visualize that), and Nancy Pelosi's and Eric Holder's. Which brings us back on topic.

We went from "enemy combatants" to "illegal detainees", "War on Terror to "just ignore it and it will go away." So they must focus on a new group of bad guys. You and I are it, we work hard, we go to church, we own guns, we do not like the government's direction but most of all we are right leaning to right wing white people. Yes readers I am saying it now early in the "War on the white man" this president and his attorney general are racists. Militia is governmental code word for "White Man." So I am declaring my opposition to this government and if there were a militia around here to join I would. So Obama, Holder, Frank, Reid, Pelosi, the DHS understand this: you cannot do whatever you want to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with out a fight from us.

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