Saturday, June 14, 2008

These are the times that try men's souls...

Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

Thomas Paine

Ladies and gentleman we have come to these times yet again in American history. Come on dude what are you talking about? I will attest to the fact that I DO NOT see American history as do you or most of my friends. I will see what is best for American Freedom first. Slavery is a part of our history and as deplorable as it was those slaves helped build Americas economic power. I know most people out there do not see it that way but tough shit this is my blog. Slavery was A factor that contributed to the "War of Northern Aggression" it was not THE factor. Since the end of that war have Americans freedom increased or decreased? has the size and scope and intrusion on normal citizens by the federal government increased or decreased? Was saving the Union worth the loss of freedom we see today. The Spanish-American War started by a rich newspaper man and a lie about the Maine in Havana Harbor. But we gained a foothold in the south Pacific from which we defeated the the Imperial forces of Japan. My point is this everything that happens in history will affect everything that comes after it. Just like every Supreme Court ruling affect what the law will be for future generations. You know the precedent bullshit, bad idea in 1906 will still be a bad idea in 2008. Just look at all the depression busting ideas of FDR's administration most of which were unconstitutional and did not help alleviate in any way the effects of the Great Depression. World War II got the American industrial machine rolling again and NOT, NOT ANY government policies.

Yes I know I am babbling but bad Leftists ideas really piss me off. Getting back to today's topic I want to know where the outrage is after this Supreme Court ruling on "enemy combatants" being allowed to have American ACLU (no doubt 'pro bono') scumbag lawyers defend them in federal court with these appointed judges.(See last post about appointee outrage) So that is now 2 branches of government working to undermine the American way of life 1. Congress "get our troops out now" if they meant it they would just stop the money but they don't have the balls because American freedom is at stake. and 2. Judicial this insane ruling,the constitutional rights extend to AMERICANS not foreigners certainly not to ones trying to destroy the American way of life. Which brings us to John Walker Lindh the guys who captured this asshole must be commended and decorated just for the restraint they showed in not torturing this motherfucker to death. I would have put my American made boot up his ass dipped my American made bullets in pig blood and shot this doucebag in everyone of his allah loving joints leaving him to die in the Afghanistan sun. That's just me though. Getting back to the supreme court ruling these fanatics at Gitmo once they are released because they were not Mirandaized on the battlefield will join the fight once again it happened and will continue to happen. They completely hate us everyone left, right, Jew, Christian non fanatic Muslim and they hate our freedoms that are guaranteed in the constitution. They do not look to the future they look to the past all the way back to the 9th or 10th century. Hey Osama eat with your right hand cause you wipe with the left.
Getting back to America we must be aware what the government is doing to our freedom and stand up and fight it. Where is the moral outrage? Where is the spirit of '76? I know I still have it there has got to be others out there with it hell I fly my "DON'T TREAD ON ME" flag every Fourth of July. Get out debate your friends make them think and understand that the whole government is NOT George W. Bush. There are others in our government Lefties in the Judicial and Legislative branches and they hate America so much they wish to see it fail and fall. George W. Bush is not perfect but he does love this county and does care about the protection of you and I. He is also willing to stand up for America and not take any bullshit for from anyone. Are you? Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin read them and understand what I am talking about before it is too late. My freedom your freedom America's freedom is just too important to go away without a fight. I hope you agree with that... I understand some of the things I have said here are more extreme than any of you are used to but so were the words of the three writers I just mentioned. Their words led them to revolution, where will your silence lead you?

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