Monday, November 30, 2009

The Cheese Stands Alone

So Switzerland is taking a stand and banning the building of new mosque minarets. Some see this as Europe standing up for itself and getting tough with extremists. I see this as an independent country doing what it wants on its sovereign soil. Now I do not trust any politician so my first thought was when will they ban building new church steeples? That remains to be seen I hope it does not happen. According to polls 57% of the Swiss think this is a good idea(the new minarets not the steeples) but the only news stories I saw had protests and candlelight vigils. Whoa big shock from the media. But I have to say I do not trust polls here why would I trust them there? Europe is Europe liberal, socialist all for one and no individuality in thought. Switzerland has always been a neutral country thanks to its mandatory service and the fact that everyone is issued a weapon for defense. Let's face it the crazies will go fucking ape shit over this move. Muslim poop will be flung from every corner of the earth. My question is where do the Swiss go from here? Do they take a even bigger step and stop allowing muslims into the country? An excellent idea, I must say. Or do they repeal this constitutional amendment when the sub-human islamic scum begin to riot in whatever European city they are guests in. Now I do not have much faith in European countries to stand tall and have balls. Hopefully the Swiss can lead the way as it pertains to Islam; take no shit and maybe stand behind this preemptive strike. Time will tell. They have placed themselves on an island. Let's face it our "great appeaser" will offer no support whatsoever and I think neither will any of the other European countries. So much for all for one, but it is hard to lend support when your head is buried in the sand. So if the Swiss need help in handling this situation there is one guy they can call who knows what it is like to be on your own these days. Benjamin Netanyahu, but that is really going to take some balls. Politically speaking this could be quite the European sideshow. Sovereign rights versus E.U./U.N. appeasers.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Well it is Thanksgiving Day again and this year(and the next three) America is going to be the bad guy. Do we have faults? Yes. Are we perfect? No. Are we the last, best hope on earth for freedom-loving people to come to? Hell, yes. In fact people die trying to get in, does that happen in any dictatorial, fascist or communist country? Hell, no. So today I will spend time with my family, at least I get to see my nieces and nephews who I do not to get to see enough. I will sit on my fat ass and stuff my fat face. I will digest by yelling at the Giants while they frustrate the hell out if me. But always in the back of my mind will I give thanks that my people had a chance to come to a place that would afford me these luxuries. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and yours. Thanks to and men like this:

A Time for Giving Thanks
Posted By Blackfive

[This is a repost from 2005. It's still appropriate...Corporal Javier Alvarez is Someone You Should Know, and Captain James Eadie, a Harvard University Medical School grad, is too.]

RudeOne (USAF Call Sign) sends this email, a must read if ever there was one, that he received from Captain James Eadie today:

A Time for Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, I eagerly anticipate the plates of turkey and stuffing, the moments of camaraderie around the TV watching football and the sharing of stories amongst friends, but it is the soldiers’ stories of bravery and courage that should be shared on this day of Thanksgiving.

I had the rare chance to talk in depth with one of my CCATT patients on our last flight, a young 24 year old Marine from Camp Pendleton, California. It is Javier’s story hangs with me this day. Javier gave me permission to share his story with you, a true story of heroism, and sacrifice that deserves to be told on Thanksgiving.

On the morning of 16 November 2005, the Marines of 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment were taking part in operations along the Iraq-Syrian board to clear the towns of insurgents.

Javier [Alvarez], a strong and sturdy looking square jawed Marine Corporal was on his third deployment to Iraq. He had seen heavy combat in his previous two deployments, and had been injured once before earning him a Purple Heart. On this day he was in command of a Squad of fourteen men. I knew just by talking to him that his men were fortunate to have him leading them into battle. He spoke with clarity and confidence of a man twice his age. In the truest essence, he was a Marine.

Taking point, Javier led his five man team towards the house. Shots rang out around them as they advanced. They could see the downed Marines ahead. A young Lieutenant lay face down outside the house. Javier did not know if he was still alive. They would have to act quickly if they were to save him and the others.
As they approached the house the enemy fire intensified and Javier felt a sudden sting and burning in his right leg. He looked down at his leg. Damn, he thought, “I’ve been shot.” He indeed had taken two bullets to his thigh, but he pushed on.

Undeterred, Javier continued to lead his men towards the house. With increasing fire, they took up a defensive posture against the house wall. Slightly protected there, he began tending his wounds with direct pressure as the others returned fire. He could see several downed Marines only arm lengths away, but they could not be reached safely. Gun fire continued to rain down on them. Another member of the squad was hit. They were in a bad position.

What happened next was recalled to me by the Medic that they called Doc. During the barrage of fire, with their backs literally up against a wall an enemy grenade was thrown out of a window landing in the middle of the five men. Doc told me “It was amazing. I was applying pressure to one of the injured soldiers when someone yelled out GRENADE. Javier just dove at the grenade. I have never seen anything like it.”

Javier grabbed the grenade with his right hand. He told me “I knew I only had three to five seconds before it would go off.” With his body shielding his men from the grenade, he made a valiant effort to heave the grenade away. As the grenade left his hand it exploded.

Javier’s right hand was immediately amputated at the wrist. Shrapnel from the grenade penetrated his left thigh. Others in his group took shrapnel to their arms and legs, but no one lost their life.

Doc told me on the plane that he was convinced that they all would have died if it were not for Javier’s heroic actions.

The fighting continued. As more Marines approached the house to provide covering fire, Javier now with two gun shot wounds to his right leg, shrapnel to his left leg and an amputated right hand worked to get his injured men clear. With the aid of his Platoon Sergeant, Javier and his men walked out of the kill zone to the casualty collection point away from the fighting.

Doc stayed in the fight for a while despite being hit with shrapnel from the grenade. He tended to the downed Marines and at one point crawled into the house to pull out the Marine who lay inside. Unfortunately, most of the Marines they came to help had been fatally injured. There was little that could be done. Doc continued to care for the downed soldiers until others noted his wounds. Doc was finally escorted out of the fight to attend to his injuries.

In all told, Javier’s Squad took heavy injuries. We air lifted out 6 members who had sustained shrapnel injuries and one who lost his leg. Javier clearly took the brunt of the injuries, but miraculously no one lost their life. Javier’s selfless action had saved the lives of many men.

I spoke at length with Javier on the flight to Germany. Perhaps it was the awe that I felt talking with him that kept me coming back, or maybe the fact that his men admired him so much. In the end, I think I was drawn in by him because he was just like you and me. He was real. A soldier who had done everything asked of him by his country. He fought with honor and dignity, and led his men with courage. Above all, he put his men’s life above his and protected them from harm.

He didn’t ask for honors or special treatment. His biggest concern when we were loading him onto the plane was his fellow soldiers. He would not lie down until he had visualized and spoken with all of his troops on the plane.

When I arrived home from the mission, I opened the paper. There before me in simple bullet format read the names of the most recent US deaths in Iraq. I generally do not look at these lists. They are just names with no personal connection. But this day, halfway down there were five Marines listed including a young Second Lieutenant all from the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment from Pendleton, California who had died on 16 November, 2005. These were the men that Javier and his Squad gave everything to try to save.

I stared at the paper for many minutes, recalling the story Javier and his men had told me. I marveled at the sacrifices they made and felt a tremendous sense of loss for these men whose names now stood out from the paper as not mere records, but as living, breathing men who gave everything their country asked of them.

As I get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving here in Iraq, I have so much to be thankful for. My wife is amazing, we have been blessed with a child on the way, and I feel like I have the greatest family and friends that one could ever wish for, but there is more. I see around me everyday soldiers giving everything they have with the full belief that their actions do make a difference. That their sacrifices are for freedom and will one day improve the lives of ordinary Iraqis.

When I sit down on Thursday to my thanksgiving meal, I will be holding these soldiers and their families close. We as a country have so much to be thankful for.

For me, on this Thanksgiving Day, I will be thankful for Javier. He has given the gift of life to his men and their families. I often ask myself if I was in his position, what would I have done? I don’t know, but I certainly hope that I could be like Javier.

My warmest wishes to you all for a wonderful Thanksgiving, we truly have a great deal to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving,

James S Eadie, Capt USAF MC
332 Expeditionary Air Evacuation Squadron
Balad, Iraq
Critical Care Air Transport Physician

The men who died that day were Lance Corporal Roger Deeds, Lance Corporal John Lucente, Corporal Jeffrey Rogers, Corporal Joshua Ware, and 2nd Lieutenant Donald McGlothin - all from the Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 1st Regiment, 13th MEU, 1st Marine Division.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Persecution of Navy SEALs

This article came from

Navy Seals Arrested for the Smack Down of Terrorist Ahmed Hashim Abed
Written by Jim Simpson
Tuesday, 24 November 2009 21:11
Notorious terrorist captured - SEAL captors arrested

First we had Congressman John Murtha accusing US Marines of atrocities in Haditha, Iraq - a blatant lie based on false information supplied by the enemy. Those Marines had to face an arduous multi-year trial despite the obvious fabrication of evidence, and it is still not over for some. Next we have the Obama administration seeking to soothe Muslim fears about "backlash" after a Muslim Major commits the first successful act of terrorism on our soil since 9/11, while they withhold evidence about the case from Congress and do little to investigate the nature of the attack. Now we have the spectre of seeing three U.S. Navy SEALs arrested because the terrorist they captured claims he was punched!

Who is the enemy here? Four SEALs captured Ahmed Hashim Abed, codenamed "Objective Amber" on September 3rd. Abed was the ringleader of the group who ambushed four security contractors in Fallujah in 2004, and hung their burned bodies on a bridge.

But now he is claiming he got a bloody lip. and the Navy is prosecuting! These people are insane!

Give the SEALs a medal for a dangerous, thankless job well done, and suggest that Abed get on his knees and thank God he wasn't captured by some of his own kind.

What I want to see is an investigation of the Navy legal team and the chain of command that ordered this! When they are uncovered and exposed, they need to be stripped of rank and summarily dismissed - maybe into the hands of the kind folks of Fallujah. Outrage doesn't begin to describe this travesty.

I'm sure this administration will want these SEALs given a fair trial at an appropriate venue. To demonstrate their fairness and balance to the terrorists, they'll probably choose GITMO.

Now I ask you dear reader what the fuck has happened to America in the last 10 months? I understand that we have gotten soft as a people but the biggest cause of fear is clearly the pussification of our military. Now I do not speak of the regular G.I. Joe the guy putting his/her life on the line. I am talking of the higher-ups. The politically savy officers looking for a way to get promoted. That is the reason for the Fort Hood massacre and the prosecution of these SEALs. These are the fuckers with no balls who just want to get over on someone no matter the consequences for others. They did not tell anyone about the fucking murdering bastard muslim fuckwad psychiatrist who hated America and the military. This was out of fear of being labeled a racist or a bigot and possibly having a mark on their record if they were wrong. How are you pussies feeling now?

Prosecuting SEALs for a fat lip on a fucking murdering body burning bastard muslim fuckwad terrorist captured in a war zone is complete and total insanity. SEALs are the best of the best of the best and the same can be said of their training. Physical and psychological. These are not run of the mill men these are real heroes that get the shittiest jobs with the highest difficulties and least chance for survival. These men perform unbelievable acts of bravery, camaraderie and humanity; words that mean something to them and to all red blooded, Constitution loving Americans. These words cannot be used in any way, shape or form to describe any allah worshipping terrorist fuckwad piece of shit. Way back when I first started this blog I wrote about John Walker Lindh and how he should be treated. The SEALs acted with the utmost restraint with Abed, I am pissed all he walked away with was a fat lip, this fucker should not have walked away to make these allegations. But he did and one of the higher-ups need a promotion and in Obama's America you do that by persecution Americans and especially our military personnel. Yes my friends we are at war unfortunately it is with Obama and his administration and everyone who thinks like him friends, neighbors and strangers. Three more years of this shit? I do not think he will make it, I do believe in my heart of hearts that the people will revolt, for me it cannot come soon enough. Pray and give thanks for the men and women in the field and these persecuted SEALs this Thanksgiving and pray for the souls of those who oppose them and at the same time us.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Okay Time To Get Into It

Was it terrorism? Are you that fucking stupid? Need that question even be asked? Of course this five times a day praying, goat fucking prophet having, subhuman meant this as a terrorist act. He saw himself as an inside the U. S. military Al-Qaeda operative, no doubt about it. Every time a fucking "religion of peace" douchebag kills an American it is terrorism but our chickenshit leader says it is not and we should not jump to conclusions. But one snapper head at a time. Whenever I see this terrorist's face I know everything I have said about islam and muslims as whole, on this blog, has been right. They know nothing of peace, they do not care about peace or humanity or compassion. To them it is death and paradise; do what ever you can do to die and get to paradise. Is that religion or is that fanaticism? Yes, I know all religions have fanatical sects but this particular one is, as a whole, psycho fanatical. I do not know of anywhere in the bible where it can be interpreted to kill the infidels/nonbelievers. That goes for both testaments.

This assface was being paid to counsel soldiers coming back from combat adjust to civilian life and deal with some of the horrible things they have seen and some had to do. He wanted some soldiers charged with war crimes about some of the actions he had heard. So much for doctor/patient confidentiality. He consults the imam that spiritually enriched the lived of some of the 9/11 terrorist hijackers. He said good-bye to friends and infidels that were nice to him. This "man" of the peaceful religion then got his guns and went to a graduation ceremony full of unarmed persons shouted something about allah and opened fire. The terrorist fired over 100 round and had 13 kills and 30 wounded. So we do not forget the 13 killed were:

Name Age Hometown Rank or Occupation
Michael Grant Cahill 62 Spokane, Washington Civilian Physician Assistant
L. Eduardo Caraveo 52 Woodbridge, Virginia Major
Justin Michael DeCrow 32 Plymouth, Indiana Staff Sergeant
John P. Gaffaney 56 Serra Mesa, California Captain
Frederick Greene 29 Mountain City, Tennessee Specialist
Jason Dean Hunt 22 Tipton, Oklahoma Specialist
Amy Sue Krueger 29 Kiel, Wisconsin Sergeant
Aaron Thomas Nemelka 19 West Jordan, Utah Private First Class
Michael S. Pearson 22 Bolingbrook, Illinois Private First Class
Russell Gilbert Seager 51 Racine, Wisconsin Captain
Francheska Velez ‡ 21 Chicago, Illinois Private First Class
Juanita L. Warman 55 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Colonel
Kham See Xiong 23 Saint Paul, Minnesota Private First Class

‡ Francheska Velez was pregnant at the time of her death.

The terrorist was taken down by two civilian cops and left paralyzed. Clearly an insanity plea will entered on his behalf and upon his appeal by the ACLU. Hey I have a great idea let's bring him to New York to stand trial with the other terrorists. They are going to plead "not guilty." Pussies. Cowards. Posers pure and simple they talk a big game about wanting to be martyred but when the time comes they chicken out, I guess paradise is not all it is cut out to be.

Of course we have not heard from our fearful leader on this subject for quite a while now. Why do you think that is? For starters just go back over any post with the presidents name in it and you will understand that I was right (yet again). He just does not give a shit about this country and especially our military personnel. He has better things to do like fundamentally changing the face of America by having the congress pass a bill that will trigger the government's first step in controlling every aspect of our lives. So we are at war America when are you going to wake up and see that. The enemies are foreign and domestic they live and walk among us some are even paid from government coffers and live in government housing. When does our America's survival begin to matter to you?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Apology Tour Far East

We have become accustomed to our present "leader" meeting foreign leaders and begging their forgiveness for things this country has done to them. We have also seen him bow down to "royalty." We have also seen this polished well mannered man of culture perform gaffs of inappropriate local etiquette such as checking out that lady's ass in Europe. Well the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Are his handlers insane, stupid or both?

He would not accept the reality of the time and the fact that possibly 1,000,000 AMERICANS would die in the invasion and later battles to defeat the empire of Japan. So instead of defending the decision he avoided the question using all of his well learned double-speak, but at this point is anyone taking what comes out of this jekoff's mouth seriously? He hates the fact that we dropped the bomb, hey dickhead check your history it was them or us. Truman made the right call then he had to make it again clearly it was the only solution not once but twice. They were fanatical about not wanting to surrender so they were bombed into submission plain and simple. In war might makes right, in anything really, but Obama is a pussy and thinks we are all equal. I do not lift weights to get bigger and stronger so some pencil neck Harvard jerkoff thinks he can get over on me. I prefer to go lay hands on and see who the better man is, oh by the way, my neck is 24 inches; just thought you pencil necks should know.

This guy is just a barrel full for ignorance and stupidity; a hot mess if you will. He is the Lindsey Lohan of world politics. Now I do not have a problem with him bowing to the Japanese emperor, yes, that is what I said. It is their custom greeting, to bow, also he is merely a figurehead and not in charge of anything. Rico Suave's mistake was shaking hands and bowing at the same time you do one or the other not both. Either be a man and force him to observe your custom or be polite and bow. It looked as though Obama was going to lick his hand, I will bet dollars to doughnuts he was totally checking out his package. Could I have less respect for this guy or what?

So George Bush was an embarrassment? The freakin' guy is worse than anything ever seen in American politics. Worse than Bush the first puking in Japan, or Ford falling down Air Force One's steps. At least with Truman we know where the buck stopped with Obamarassment we will forever watch the buck be passed. Always being told by the media what a great, historic job he is doing after inheriting such a great, historic mess. You can fool some people...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

I know many people who have served in our armed forces in both peacetime and war. World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Gulf War and Iraq and Afghanistan and action less Cold Warriors. Some are friends of mine that I would trust with my life, some are guys I grew up with and have not seen in years. Some were strangers that have become friends, some were friends of my parents and some were friends of friends. They all have one thing in common. They are all better than me. When I say that I mean it and I am someone who thinks very highly of myself. When you look at a veteran you have to look at them differently you have to understand that these are people who have seen things that for some reason we have been spared the sight of. The life for war veterans should be like King said in Platoon "the rest of your life is gravy." In recent years I have made myself more aware of veterans and always ask if someone has served and thanking them if they did, maybe buying coffee if in an airport or near a coffee house. It is not enough, I know, but what else can we do. People always say it is the little things in life that make it great. I hope so, but we should do all we can for our vets. Without them there would be no little things.

These days the main debate of our politicians is government paid health care for everybody. Clearly this is a communist idea and against American principles. But I do solemnly believe that those that have served and were honorably discharged have earned the right, nay the entitlement of free health care forever. I am not talking about some government plan either I am talking top of the line and getting to the front of the line. Are you telling me that some WWII vet with medals out the ass should have to suffer at a government run VA facility while some 4F gets to see world renown doctors because he didn't serve and got rich? Yes it is a tough issue, I know but something must be done for them, all of them, from PTSD patients to Agent Orange cancer sufferers, to those too old to care for themselves. Forget the millions of useless welfare mooches there are people out there that have earned the right to get free health care and a pension. Enough of how the welfare system screws the vets in favor of lazy shiftless turds.

Armistice Day came along to signal the end of "The Great War" or as we call it now World War I, the "war to end all wars." How naive. There is just too much evil lurking in men with power soul's. Every day I respect our veterans more and more. Putting their lives on the line doing their duty. The wars we are fighting today and the constant rotation back to combat is hard on the men and women and families to whom we owe so much. It was the same for Vietnam vets and their 365 and a wake-up and the World War II vets and the points system. Any war any time all veterans and their families deserve our respect, admiration and thanks. Find out what you can do for them and do it; when we needed them they were there, it is the least we can do. So much will go left unsaid in this post so I will end with this: Thank you Veterans, for keeping our enemies at bay, and the sacrifices you have made. Peace.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Earned. Never Given.

We don't ask for anything more than everything you've got. And we will let you know when you've given it. You will be measured not by what you have, but how much of yourself you're willing to give. Not by your ability to pull yourself up, but by your commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder. Not by your strength, but your honor. you will not be given anything other than the opportunity to prove that you have the courage to stand on an impenetrable line of warriors stretching 234 years. Our title is earned, never given. And what's earned is yours forever. -- Marine Corps manifesto.

Happy Birthday Marines. This country owes everyone who ever served so much more than we can ever hope to repay. From the battle in Derna (Tripoli) where the Corps fought on foreign soil for the first time and the battle of Chapultepec (Halls of Montezuma)to the Boxer Rebellion and the Battle of Belleau Wood a 20 day slugfest with the Germans in WWI that ended with a marine Marine bayonet charge then they held off a counterattack with their supreme sharpshooting skills. The World War II island hopping Marines took heavy casualties in places like; Guadalcanal, New Guinea, Tarawa, Saipan, Guam, Tinian, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Tough men in Godforsaken places fighting their way to the home island and the end of the war. In Korea the Inchon Landing and the surrounded and cut off "Chosin Few" who decimated the 10 Red Chinese divisions who attacked them. Then they fought their way back to the sea and American forces. In Vietnam there were few named battles but the marines fought and won the battles although we lost the war thanks to a total lack of support back home from politicians. Khe Sanh is a place that no marine will ever forget 77 days under siege in that red dirt outpost. They fought in Panama, Operation Desert Storm,and helped out in Africa bringing humanitarian aid, and intervened in Kosovo. We all know what they have done and continue to do in Iraq in places like Fallujah and Ramadi and also in Afghanistan hunting Taliban and Islamo-fascists. These Marines continue to fight for our freedoms and die for each other, we can never pay them back but we must never stop looking for a way to let them know we appreciate them. Semper Fi! Happy Birthday and thank you Marines!

Monday, November 9, 2009

This is How We Beat the Soviets

This was the political editorial in the New York Daily News today. I cannot believe they allowed this to be published. This is how it really happened Reagan and Thatcher too. They took no shit from the Soviets they stuck to their conservative principles and won. Gorbachev was defeated by Reagan that is how you win a war, you defeat your enemy. We have not had any trouble from them since. Now today we hear that Gorby took down this wall, guess what? He had no fucking choice communism failed and capitalism prevailed they could not keep up with free enterprise and its ability for innovation in technology, finance and social mobility. So to all liberals here and in Europe go fuck yourselves Reagan is THE MAN responsible for tearing down the iron curtain and with it the Berlin Wall. Thank You Mr President for being the man that you were and bringing this country back from the brink of despair of the previous 20 years. Conservatism will triumph again to bring America back from from whatever brink the asshole liberals in charge now bring us to.

Ronald Reagan's Unyielding Style Won the Cold War
By: Rudy Giuliani

Monday, November 9th 2009

In the 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union is viewed by some commentators as the result of systemic weakness. While it is true that the free nations of the West had significant economic, social and political advantages, the reality is that any existential struggle comes down to two things: the capacity to fight and the will to keep fighting.

Before Ronald Reagan came along, the West was dangerously close to losing its will. The Soviet Union was on the march, while the United States continued to deal with the repercussions of internal political scandals and the pullout from South Vietnam. Soviet leaders were flush with confidence; in the West many of the so-called foreign policy establishment accepted the doctrines of moral equivalence and inevitable coexistence.

Reagan always understood the basic fact of the Cold War - that when two victorious armies met in Germany in 1945, one wanted to go home and leave the people it had liberated in freedom, and the other stayed and occupied and oppressed Eastern Europe. It was a war only one side chose.

To win the Cold War, the West had to rediscover its confidence. It had to be galvanized around not just the idea of freedom, but the principle that every person in the world has a right to be free.

Reagan understood this truth and made it his purpose to communicate it to the world. Where others equivocated, Reagan was direct and unyielding, calling the Soviet Union the Evil Empire and standing at the Brandenburg Gate and demanding, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Reagan understood the necessity of negotiating from strength and the critical importance of leverage. In contrast to much of today's diplomatic posturing, Reagan backed his words with action. Reagan knew a strong national defense was essential to deterring Soviet ambitions, but he had inherited a military weakened by years of neglect.

"History teaches," Reagan told the nation, "that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap." He convinced the nation it was time to rebuild.

The Soviets quickly learned not to underestimate Reagan. In 1986, Gorbachev tried to use the international pressure for successful arms reduction talks to get Reagan to abandon the countermissile program. At the end of what had been successful talks, Gorbachev surprisingly said that he would not agree to any of the terms unless President Reagan was willing to abandon the Strategic Defense Initiative, or SDI, known as "Star Wars."

Reagan refused. He hated the doctrine of "mutually assured destruction," saying once, it's "like two cowboys in a frontier saloon aiming their guns at each other's head - permanently." He got up and walked out, to tremendous criticism.

A lesser man, a lesser President would have stepped back in the face of the criticism. But Reagan didn't budge. A few months later, Gorbachev came back, agreed to every one of the terms that Reagan had imposed on him and left out the condition on SDI. And I believe in that act alone the Cold War was won. It took us a few years to realize it was won,but it was won by Reagan's willingness to stick to his principles.

In history, nothing is inevitable. Great events - good and bad, noble and tragic - are the results of individuals who exert every ounce of their strength to change the world.

Reagan is one such person, one of history's causers, and a force for good in the world. Had he never been born, the great good that he wrought might never have happened. And most certainly, it would have taken much longer with much more damage and pain for the oppressed. And the world would be a sadder, poorer place.

But his greatest achievement, and the one that surely made him one of the great Presidents of his century, is the way in which he liberated - literally from slavery - millions and millions of people outside of the United States, and therefore helped to produce a world that is safer for Americans and for everyone else, as well.

Rudy Giuliani was mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. He is a trustee of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Post Elelction...Well, Post

So Christie won in New Jersey, McDonnell won in Virginia and Hoffman lost in NY-23. What does it mean? Well, here in New Jersey now everyone will blame republicans for the mess even though the democrats still control the state senate and the assembly. Not only that but here in the "Garden State" the genius electorate who wanted to stop rampant corruption and state spending voted in favor of a $400 million bond issue for "open space." You know farms, forests, parks which will include asphalt skate parks and we all know how beautiful those are not to mention the the high quality hygienic clientele they attract. Every time something happens to edge me closer to the "mainstream" republican party I realize the unbelievable amount of stupidity out there. Thus I stay here on the right-wing looking down on this ass backward state and its moron infested population. I will confess I voted for Christie, not my kind of guy but weighed against Corzine I was clearly backed into a corner. I still cannot wash the dirty feeling I have away, I cheated on myself, and no amount of: "He is better than Corzine" is helping. Let's face it; it is just a different cog in the same political machine. I foresee no change here in New Jersey. High taxes, no jobs, tons of traffic, same old corrupt political system just different names on the indictments.

Now in Virginia the Republican swept the top three positions on the ballot which is a good showing for republicans. Hope they can get the state righted and keep it right leaning. Now in both these states Obama campaigned for both of the democrat candidates. They both lost. Is this due to anti-Obama votes? Is this due to anti-Obama's policies vote? I believe this is more of an anti-outsider vote. I think in this election the voters in statewide elections got sick and tired of out-of-state interlopers. We can see this especially if you throw in the NY-23 results of Palin and Pawlenty campaigning for Hoffman. Yes I know Biden came up for Owens but he is such a buffoon no one takes him seriously. Here in Jersey the Obama backed theme was "keep it going" but Obama failed to ignite the minority vote this time. Could it be that people are campaign weary. I mean a year and a half of presidential campaigning and then these last twelve months we were subjected to a constant health care campaign. Politically speaking we are exhausted. Make no mistake when people try to brainwash you they use the method of exhaustion, I fear that is what we are being subjected to. Exhaustion so we all give in and just do what ever our dear leader wants. 2009 was a good year voting-wise. 2010 must be better. The next twelve months we must not tire because we must not fail in stopping this anti-American agenda.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hell Bent For Election

So the 2009 Election Day is upon us. Only one year removed from that most historic day when 63,000,000+ million morons went to the polls and voted for the most anti-American president ever. As I have stated here before nice going assholes. But let us not look backward but forward into the future. A very simple theme tonight, one we can all understand. Do not let your friends, family or acquaintances vote for anyone left of center. These people are wolves in sheep's clothing these are the fuckers willing to give our hard earned money to lazy shiftless assholes on welfare. These are the fuckers willing to give universal health coverage to everyone in America and by everyone I mean anyone streaming across the border also. These are the fuckers willing to bankrupt this generation of children and keep generations of our children to come under a welfare debt that can never be repaid. These are the fuckers that made a recession deeper, longer and seemingly never ending assuring that we will be the first generation in a long time to end up worse off than where we started due to lower incomes and higher taxes and inflation.

But here in New jersey the gubernatorial candidates are neck and neck. Now, admittedly, I am one of those who say there is no difference between the parties. I still think that is true. Corzine and Christie are as different as night and day. Now Christie is not the Right-wing man I can support but there is no way anyone can vote for Corzine. This rich scumbag is the complete opposite of the "working man" image he projects. He is so rich he does not even take a salary for being governor, $1 for tax purposes. I only hear how much the lefties and democrats hate the rich, yet we are supposed to believe he is one of the good ones not like the other rich guys. You know the ones on Wall St. Oh that is right he was head of Goldman Sachs a Wall St. firm and part of the bailout plan orchestrated by the Obama campaign and administration. Now I have never thought that Christie had much of a chance in this race and this goes back to when he had a double digit lead in this race. See things here in Jersey are done just a little differently than anywhere else in the country. The democrats have a 2-to-1 advantage in registered voters. It is the unknown voters that are the real influence here the dead, the never existed, the made up citizens, these are the voters that swing elections here. See here anyone being a republican is a crazy right-wing nut even though I am just about the only true Right-Winger in the whole damn state. The sheeple in this state take this for gospel and are against republicans, they do not have have a reason only take it for fact that they hate them. Corzine is blaming republicans for the mess in this state which has been democrat run forever state assembly, state senate and Governor. Also this week he pulled out ads of his Marine Corps. experience. Why? I never knew he was a marine he left that out of his last campaign why should it matter now? Normally it would make like a guy more but to use it this way as a desperate "Hail Mary" is an insult to any and all Marines. I do not say this often but Chritie is a way better choice than Corzine even if he is not the right-winger we want. He might get my vote I have not yet decided. I do not think he will win. I hope I am wrong. Finally, please people vote no on any and all ballot questions or props statewide and local they are only looking to raise your taxes. Wake up New Jersey! Wake up America!