Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Presidential Words

I have been told lately to take it easy on this blog. My whole life I have never done that, no matter what I have done, it is all out. Let me tell you these times in which we live in call for extreme measures. I have never been one to fall into any party line. Authority, hell yeah I have a problem with it. When I was a kid I did was I was told no matter what, sure I fought the system but somehow my parents always won. When I was big enough, yes physically, no one made me do what I did not want to do. When I was in college I was a true anarchist; the only true way to live was government free. Two reasons brought me to the right-wing and the truth that LIMITED government is a necessary evil and in the wrong hands is an enemy of the people. Unfortunately I really have not had anyone worth voting for in quite a while.

The first reason is Ruby Ridge where federal agents attacked the Randy Weaver family homestead with rules of engagement of "if you see'em shoot'em." That is exactly what they did. As Randy Weaver, his 16 year old daughter and a family friend, Mr. Kevin Harris moved to the shed where Mr. Weaver's son's body lay, he was killed a day earlier, shot in the back, they were opened up on by agents. Mr. Weaver was shot in the back but all three managed to get back to the house. As she was standing near the front door, while holding her infant child, Mrs. Vicki Weaver was shot by a sniper in the head and killed instantly the bullet then struck Mr. Harris. The agents never bothered to yell a warning or asked for a surrender hell these fuckers were proved to have entrapped Mr. Weaver into selling them sawed off shot guns. Hell I live in New Jersey and can walk into any gun store and buy a shotgun I do not think getting a shotgun in Idaho would be to tough of an action. Now this massacre could have been avoided if not for the rhetoric of the time of "angry white men" and "white separatists." These labels came from the White House and a compliant media, there was no FoxNews then, upped the ante on the federal agents to get this family and thus they acted criminally. Mr. Weaver wound up with a dead son and a dead wife then went on trial after also being wounded. All, they wanted was to be left alone, I mean for God's sake Ruby Ridge, Idaho can you get more out of the way. For what reason, because a President and an administration was cow towing to a the leftist wing of his constituency. Presidential words mean something no matter what you think of the man too many sheeple will take it as gospel.

Of course we have to talk about Waco. David Koresh's Branch Davidian compound was assaulted by ATF and FBI agents resulting in the deaths of four agents and six Dividians. A 51 day siege ensued. Then the agents agents launched their final assault with a tank no less and massive amounts of tear gas. A fire was the result and 76 dividians were killed including the leader David Koresh. They were there to serve a warrant, the dividians were armed, yes, heavily, yes. Who could forget the guy firing the the machine gun through the wall at the feds? But who serves a warrant in full battle gear. In Texas no less. All you had to do was send in the local Texas Ranger these guys are more than well respected in that state. It is out of state, Washington controlled G-men no one can stand and when they come in armed to the teeth in an aggressive manor a fight will ensue. Keeping in the theme of presidential words matter Clinton denied all knowledge of the assault or plan thereof, and A.G. Reno said she was lied to by the FBI on site. Now I watched this unfold live on TV, hell me and my roommates were late for practice because of it. It was really that important and we knew it. We just saw it from different sides. They were both criminal justice majors and yes I told them if it was me and they came at me like that I would shoot them. They were in disbelief that I would shoot a cops or an agent. If you are coming to take away my rights or my freedom you will not walk away; cop, federal agent or politician. It is a real simple philosophy and if more people cared about their rights in this country we would not be facing the massive loss of rights coming down the pike at us. Remember this no agents in either case were prosecuted only the victims were; jack booted NAZI leftists thugs coming to a neighborhood near you. With the rhetoric coming out of Washington today attacking regular Americans, Joe the Plumber, famous Americans, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, pro-business organization, U.S. Chamber of Commerce. All doctors, insurance company employees, all banking sector employees especially the ones forced to take bailout money. Americans should be asking themselves when is Obama coming for me? They should be realizing that he and his people are the anti-Americans. At least Bush went after foreigners.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Administration's B.S. Fest

So the White House communications director Anita Dunn opens her friggin pie hole twice in the past week and we see what liberals really think of the rest of America. Let us start with her reference of her reverence for chairman Mao who ordered the killings of untold millions of Chinese yearning to be from the communist boot. See, what people like this hate, are people that think for themselves and independently from dear leader. Clearly she wishes she had the power of a Mao. Obama does, so she like most in this administration, live vicariously through him. Obama is Mao to them we need to die so his power can become total and absolute. the next time this fat bitch opened her mouth she explained how the Obama campaign manipulated the media and the messages they sent out to the public. So let's see they manipulated the media but that is in no way fascist? Granted the media was compliant the whole time by not fact checking or vetting but she admitted to media manipulation. Are you getting how fucking sick these low-life slimeballs are in this administration. How low are these people? These statement were both made earlier this year but we never heard them, way to go media outlets. Fox News, you know the "not a real news station" dug them up. Why did they do that? Simple the White House picked a fight so Fox went on the offensive hopefully they stay there all the way through the midterm elections and expose these anti-America scumbags as the anti-America scumbags they are.

Let's talk about Maobama picking a fight with Fox News. Why bother,because their opinion show hosts do not agree with you. Hey, Whiney McPussy, there are MILLIONS of people out here that do not agree with you. Some of us do not want to have you into our studios to interview you. Hell most of us would just love to be alone with you to beat your truth out of you then beat the America into you. But you cannot go on Fox and actually appear without your tele-prompter. You do not have a freakin brain in your head, do you? You cannot think on your feet, of course not. How can you when you have never had original thought pass through that air filled space between your giant ears. You would think that the other media outlets would come to Fox's defense. The fact that they are not should be a gigantic red flag(literally) warning that they are in involved with this White House in the manipulation of this nation to get in lockstep with whatever comes out of whatever mouthpiece this administration excretes on us. This really used to be a great nation but it really is slipping away.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Red Mist

A friend of mine, who used to be in the army, said to me some time ago; "I hope the next speech Obama gives his head disappears into a red mist. Go ahead picture it in your mind. Tell me you didn't like that. I thought so. Now I never talked about this until today because of this reason. Chris Matthews of Hardball(should be called hard-on for Obama) called for Rush's head to be exploded like the Yaphet Kotto character Mr. Big in "Live and Let Die." The left always bitches about civil discourse from the right. The tea party people, the anti-Obama care bill town hall people, anything said by Rush, Glenn Beck or anyone conservative. So when a couple of guys in a bar say how nice it would be to see Obama's head be misted off his pencil neck is one thing, to go on TV and say it about another political commentator is a little extreme. But you must remember that this is the guy that got tingles up his leg during an Obama speech and admitted it on television so he is prone to making stupid assed statements on TV. But freedom of speech and TV executive stupidity allows him to stay on the tube.

Now everyone in the "main stream media" has attributed many lies as quotes that came out of Rush's mouth and reported them as truth. Of course the two pillars of the black community "Rev." Al Sharpton and "Rev." Jesse Jackson jumped on board figuring out a way to get paid no doubt. How does this racist crying clown act continue to get coverage year after year? As per their usual argument all conservatives are racist redneck crackers that cannot be trusted because they are liars. Oh like when Jesse said MLK died in his arms? Lie, didn't happen. Of course let's not forget the Tawana Brawley case where people were arrested and went to jail. Hey Al ever wonder why you got stabbed that time all those years ago. Two more candidate for the "red mist" scenario.

Look people Rush Limbaugh does not need me to defend him nor will I. This is merely an exercise in pointing out the fucking hypocrisy of the media and those liberal jerkoff commentators therein. The biggest enemy of America today is the liberal media they have way more money and power than Al-Qaeda or the Taliban or even the Russians, Iran or Hugo Chavez. Americans coming of age today have been indoctrinated with liberalism from the time they get to grade school. They are taught by liberal unionized teachers. Unions for teachers? Really? Is your job that hazardous that you need union protection? Or are that many of you just incompetent idiots and you need tenure not to get fired? I am guessing the latter these people do not have to produce anything yet demand more and more. Unionized teachers and the media; America's real enemies. Getting back to Rush he has either been dropped by the bidding group or quit real conservatives see things through to the end no matter the odds or the difficulty of the fight. So if he quit to make it easier on the group to get the Rams, well, with friends like that Rush who needs the MSM. If you quit the group Rush well let me be the first to say you folded, you pussed out and you lost the respect of a lot of the people who were in your corner. Personally I hope it is the former but that is just me.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bad Bill for Freedom

So we finally learned why American fighting men and women were left in the lurch. Obama had to win the Nobel Peace prize and he clearly could not if he sent more troops to Afghanistan to win the war. So as is the course of this president and thus this country, he put what he wants in front of what is best for America. Just more of his hate America most policies. Moreover, he let the troops dangle in the wind by holding off on a decision to support them, and then he gives them only a third of what the generals recommend were needed. We all know how he won typical liberals just slobbering on the one who is the most famous. Nine months into his presidency he wins, I mean, come on can you fuckers get serious. What has he done for world peace other than talk about it. These "prizes" really getting to be more and more of a joke every year. In Copenhagen everyone wanted to have his picture with him but no one wanted to give him the Olympics. So maybe this was a make-up call? Seriously can this guy be a more self-centered narcissist? But America just sleeps and ignores.

So the Baucus bill is out of committee and surprise, surprise Olympia Snowe voted for it. My friends have been blowing up my phone ready to kill this woman over her vote but it is like I told them back in the summer I would be surprised only if she did not vote for it. I am not angry or disappointed or sad it was to be expected. One of them said she has to "republican up." Why? She never has before. But then he made a good point if you are any type or have any inkling of calling yourself republican you must vote against this bill. Still I am not surprised by what she did but he is a republican and I am a right-winger. She is from New England I went to college in New England. The liberalness oozes out of every nook and cranny, "cradle of the revolution" not since the death of the last founding father. Might as well call it New Europe these days, they would love to be called that, they do not want to be associated with the U.S. anyway.

Now if this health care bill is not a reason for you to take sides, what is? I am not talking about republicans only I am talking about democrats too. Lets face the facts this is the biggest waste of taxpayer's money ever more so than the "Great Society," "War on Poverty," and "War on Drugs" combined. Where do you stand and what are you gonna do to get your point across? Do you want to saddle future generations of Americans with debt they will never be able to get out from under. While at the same time diminishing their quality of medical care. This bill is so wrong on so many levels. I suggest you read it then read the house bill and the Kennedy bill (RIP) because they will all be combined to form Obama Care. When that happens you and I will lose more freedom that ever could be imagined by anyone including the Jews of 1940's Europe, yes this bill(s) that bad.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Rosary and the Corps

I got this from the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler at Nicedoggie.net. Great blog as the posters love to ridicule this administration. They post great military stories like this one there. Some people think that when I do this I am just being lazy, not the case, these stories need to be out there. They need to be read, talk to your friends show them what kind of people our military is made of and has always been made of.

The Rosary and the Corps
Posted by: LC 0311 crunchie I.M.H. in Our Military, The Long War
5:00 am

In July of 1942 a young man was undergoing the rite of passage into the United States Marine Corps at Parris Island, South Carolina. He was raised a poor farm boy, the second eldest son in a family of 18 children, in the rolling flat-lands of western Ohio. Working the fields as soon as he was old enough to hold a shovel, the harsh existence of Depression era life had made him a strong, muscular, and tough man. He had already proven himself a brave one also, personally running moonshine from the family still to Al Capone. But nothing in his hard scrabble life had adequately prepared him for boot camp. He was wondering just what the hell he had gotten himself in for.

When he had graduated high school just a few short weeks before he had watched as his friends received their draft notices. His older brother had already been drafted into the Army the year before and had been at Pearl Harbor on December 7th. He remembered the anxiety as his family waited for word, helpless to do anything, and had decided that he would not have someone else decide his fate for him. So while his friends were drafted, mostly into the Army, he decided he would volunteer. Since no one else from his small class had thought of the Corps, he figured he would be the individual and become a Marine.

Now the ruthless Drill Instructors at Parris Island were tearing away that individualism, rebuilding him into a Marine. And he had reached his breaking point. As he sat in the wooden barracks of the depot’s rifle range he was at a low point. Physically he could handle it; the back breaking labor and PT, the physical abuse, the intense pain of throbbing muscles being ripped and torn into even larger, more powerful ones, if that was possible. No he was used to that. But boot camp is more psychological than physical, designed to push men beyond what they thought was their breaking points, preparing them for the ultimate psychological trauma of other men trying their best to kill them, and the equally traumatic experience of trying to kill them back. Wallowing in his despair and self doubt, one night at mail call he received a spiritual boost from an unexpected source.

The package came from his aunt, also his Godmother. He had never been overly close to her, she living some distance from the family farm and not a regular fixture of his life. But she had never forgotten her sacred commitment to see to his spiritual upbringing and had sent him the only thing she could think of to help him in his upcoming travails, an inexpensive rosary. Knowing him as she did, she had figured he had neglected to bring one with him, which of course he had. He was not one that you could easily accuse of being a faithful Catholic, yet the Church had been a regular feature of his adolescence, even if all of it’s teachings had not quite ingrained themselves with him. So he was somewhat taken aback by the sudden care package. He was even more surprised by the affect it had on him. The simple show of compassion from an almost stranger steadied his failing resolve and allowed him to reach just that little bit deeper, just that little extra push to break the wall and tap into the last remaining mental reserves and make it one more day.

A few weeks later he marched across the parade deck of Parris Island a United States Marine. He completed infantry training and was transferred to the 1st Marine Division just in time to be stranded with them as a green replacement on Guadalcanal. In his pocket throughout the hell on earth of that battle was the simple white rosary. And it was there with him when he finally received his first mail on that God forsaken island, his draft notice ordering him to report for induction into the U.S. Army.

It was with him again when he stormed the murderous beaches of Peleliu. It went with him when he transferred to the 3rd Marine Division, and when he landed at Iwo Jima with them. He kept it when he was on occupation duty at Sasebo and Iwakuni, and when he toured the devastation of Nagasaki. And he carried it when he served post war in nationalist China, where he met his Russian emigre wife.

After the war he decided that farm life was no longer for him and that he had found a home in the Corps. Now back with the 1st MarDiv he enjoyed peace time service in California with his new wife. The rosary which had accompanied him through the hell of the Pacific War was packed away in his footlocker, no longer needed. But when North Korea invaded the South in 1951 and American forces were routed and pushed into the Pusan Perimeter, the Corps went back to war. And so did the rosary.

It was with him as the 1st Marine Division made history at Inchon and pursued the retreating North Koreans to the Yalu. When the Red Chinese poured across the Yalu and routed the Eighth Army, the rosary made the Long March to the Sea from the frozen hell of the Chosin Reservoir.

After the Korean War he stayed in the Corps, serving a total of 26 years until 1968. The rosary, again no longer needed, was packed away and forgotten. In 1981 he moved back to Ohio, his marriage over, everything he owned packed into a 1960 Dodge pickup and a run down travel trailer. When he came home he met his eleven year old nephew for the first time, one of 70 or so he had never met. This one though wanted to join the Corps, and in his youthful naivete he pestered the old salt for tales about his life as a Marine. And he was accommodating, regaling the young boy with stories of bar fights, WestPac cruises, liberty spots, and of course the sanitized version of war. His brother, the young boys father, and his wife took the old Marine in and allowed him to live with them. He even moved to Florida with them. When the boy had grown and himself enlisted in the Corps, the veteran decided it was time to get him ready for boot camp. He rode him hard, giving him a taste of the tender mercies he would soon receive at Parris Island. Of course his nephew didn’t understand any of this and resented the old bastard, not grasping the true motives of his uncles abuse until he himself was at boot camp.

Like his uncle before him, only 45 years later, the young man reached the inevitable breaking point. And also like his uncle, his came while he was at the rifle range. Then one night at mail call, he received his own package. In it was the very same rosary. His uncle had not written the accompanying letter, that was left to his mother to do. But she did tell the story behind it. Holding the cheap string of beads, staring at the crucifix, reading the history which it had born witness to, and knowing of the strength it had given his uncle, he too was able to reach just a little deeper, dig out just enough fortitude to be able to make it one more day. And he too marched across the parade deck wearing the Eagle, Globe and Anchor.

The rosary stayed with him also. And 20 years later it was his own son’s turn to face his personal limit. For the third time the rosary made it’s way to a young recruits hands in a Parris Island rifle range barracks. Accompanying it was a letter documenting the talismans history. And once again a young recruit dug deeper and made it one more day, until he too walked across the parade deck a United States Marine.

That rosary is now in a young Marines pocket in the deserts of Iraq. Waiting at home is an apprehensive young wife and a much younger baby girl whose days with her daddy are already outnumbered by her days away from him. Two young sisters whose entire world view is condensed to the fact that their Bubba is a Marine and he has to fight bad guys. A stepmother who covers her fear for his safety in the pride of being a Marine mom. And there is also a father, praying that the rosary that has already faithfully served two generations of Marines will provide the same solace and comfort to a third, and that the Blessed Mother will once again bring a Marine safely home to those who love him.

The Corps is built on traditions, both institutional and individual. May it remain so until there is no enemy, but only peace.

Gods Speed son.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard

I got this from Major Pain at One Marine's View. He is the best blogger you or I will ever read. He is always dead on with his comments, be it amusing or serious. This is a serious post about a published photograph of a dying marine. The media today are out of control I do not know how our soldiers and marines can stand to have them around in the field. I have to be honest if I ever ran into a "journalist" I would beat it to a bloody mess but even a severe beating is way too good for these cockroaches. Yes the media must be dealt with severely and I am not talking about how their ratings are in the tank and the fact they cannot sell any papers. I believe you will agree with me when you read this. Common decency plain and simple the media have lost all concept of this. God speed LCpl Bernard may you be at peace and may God bless your family in this time of loss. Thank you for your sacrifice.

September 25, 2009
Thoughts form Dr. Joe
(Hat tip to Seamus)

Joe Puglia requests that I post his open letter to the AP journalists who published the photo of LCpl Joshua Bernard as he lay wounded in Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Bernard died on an operating table soon after this photo was taken.

His father, Marine 1stSgt Bernard, requested that they do not publish this photo (I will not here at OMV).

I’ve starred much too long at this empty computer screen and I’m not sure I have the words to express what I’m felling regarding Julie Jacobson, of the Associated Press (AP) and her photograph of Lance Corporal Joshua Bernard as he lay dying in some thankless, nameless, stinking village in Afghanistan. I also anguish over AP’s CEO Tom Curley, and staff members Kathleen Carroll, and John Daniszewski’s decision to distribute and publish the picture.

But you, Mr. Lyon, director of photography, don’t! Don’t even try to tell me that it is your journalistic duty to show the reality of war however unpleasant and brutal that it sometimes is. It’s the arrogance and pomposity of your profession that irks me. You think you are above simple decency to capture the last moments of a Marine and irresponsibly distribute it for publication. You rationalize the pain that you have caused the parents of Lance Corporal Bernard as your journalistic duty. How can you do that?

I know better, Mr. Lyon; I’ve seen your predecessors in Vietnam. I’ve watched journalists and listened to them on helicopters rides, in bars, at dinner, and in the field, and I have seen very little altruistic endeavor. With you guys, it’s always the story, always the story, trying to capture that one picture reporting on the sensationalism of the moment caring little of the emotions, feelings, and privacy of the soldiers who fight and die in these goddamn wars. I’ve seen them as they stick their cameras in the face of grieving soldiers asking them…”How do you feel?” How do you feel about the loss of your buddies? Many of your predecessors never gave a damn how we felt.

In his book, “Good-bye Darkness,” renowned author, William Manchester recounts his life as a 17-year-old Marine fighting in the Pacific in World War ll. He addresses the debilitating affects that irresponsible journalism had on the populace.

Let me tell you something! What I remember is that the soldier did not want you out there with them. You were a liability. You got in the way. You never had the respect of the grunts. You were never trusted. You were never for them. Your presence often curtailed the aggressiveness of unit commanders, causing them to hesitate for fear of the editorials you might write as to the conduct of the war they prosecuted. We lost men because of that.

Mr. Curley, Mr. Lyon, Mr. Daniszewski, Ms. Carroll, and Ms. Jacobson I do not know your heart. Maybe your rationale as to why you published the picture is a sincere reflection of what we both hope for, peace. I am wrong for pre-judging you and mixing your motives with those journalists who reported over forty years ago. You deserve my apology; but what you did was wrong. But I understand the fog of war and that keeps you from seeing reality. If I have pre-judged your intentions in error, then you too are a victim of war, but unlike the soldiers, your wounds are minimal.

Ms. Jacobson, I struggle with your decision when you mentioned that you initially thought of helping and aiding Lance Corporal Bernard but instead continued to take pictures. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, because I wasn’t there. I wish you resolve and peace regarding your decision not to help. If it were me, I would never have any peace.

Do I have an axe to grind? You’re damn right I do! But 40 years ago, you journalists had one too.

Marines fight and die. That’s what they do. And all we can give them as they pass to the next world is decency. But you couldn’t even do that, could you?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Little Things

Its funny how the little things add up to something significant. I have not posted in a while because there has not been anything in the news that has been worth my considerable talent to comment on. But as they add up or in the case of Obama pile on, they can be commented on. Now the theme of this blog for the last few months has been the stupidity and incompetence of our dear leader. These past weeks are no exception. Van Jones resigns. Who gives a crap, right? So we lose the "green czar" good riddance dickhead, one down and who's next. But take it with the rest of his America hating cronies, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, ACORN people, Michelle Obama, and you have grounds to say that if these are his friends and influences what does the man himself think. Personally, he does not have an original thought he only knows what he is told. These are the people who tell him things, is America starting to put 2 and 2 together about this guy yet?

Michelle Obama, how many more "news" articles do I have to read about how elegant and great she looked in some dress at some function. I understand the media slobbering her husband's knob but this is getting ridiculous. We have to hear about how she wants to have a larger role in the administration. What is it with the last two democrat first ladies? No one fucking elected you shut the fuck up and try to act dignified, yes I know this a near impossibility for democrat women because it is hard to be dignified with a giant chip on your shoulder, but try. Of course let us not forget our dear queen's great sacrifice of going to Copenhagen to pitch for the Olympics in Chicago. So going for free and hanging out with the richest woman on the planet in a luxury hotel must be some huge sacrifice. Then we have to hear what a great speech you gave from the heart, how you won over the IOC. Uh...guess not.

The man himself what have you done to help America since I have last posted? Anyone care to answer that? That is right not a fucking thing. France thinks you are naive and weak, France for God's sake. Iran will be building and stockpiling nuclear weapons in the near future do you think he gives a shit who you are? Well then you are a sadly delusional egomaniac. So lets talk about your trip to Copenhagen. What farm animal does mayor Daley have pictures of you with? To go there and piss away taxpayer's money like that, you should be ashamed of yourself. You also gave a heartfelt speech full of Is and Mys well guess what asshole no one gives a rat shit about you what you want or any of your past experiences. You finished last, did not even make the first cut, a joke and you made the U.S. media look bad they had it in the bag for you. That is okay though they have too much invested in you to let it be your fault. I have heard it blamed on Daley, the committee in Chicago and I heard the junior senator from the state of Illinois blame it on "anti-American sentiment left over from the previous administration." Nice. Nothing is ever your fault. We all know the general in Afghanistan wants more troops you wanted them to sit on that report because you need more time to weigh the options. Meanwhile men are dying there in ever growing numbers so you keep thinking about it while our troops; fathers, friends and brothers die. You said this was the right war, the just war what has changed now you dickhead? Give the general what he needs to win that's right asshole, victory, it is the only way to achieve peace. I am among those who know you do not care about about U.S. troops and never did. This is not academia you piece of shit a decision has to be made, lives depend on it, health care is meaningless to this. Then again what the fuck would you know? You haven't made a correct decision your whole life.