Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lowest Common Denominator

I do not know why I am right so much here on this blog. Liberals are all about themselves and they are all they care about. Arlen Specter leaving the GOP for the democrat party, why? He could not get re-elected as a republican then he blamed the party as being too far right for his views. Hey, Arlen, the democrats are too far right for your views. We all know that you left because you think that it gives you a better chance at being elected. It's about you, you, you. If the Republican party was right-wing or even right leaning I would endorse them, guess what ass, they are public enemy #2. Could not stand they're pandering choice for President which is one reason why I do not consider myself republican but right-wing. I believe you were elected on a lie you lied to the people of Pennsylvania I hope they see you as the fraud you are and send you out of the Senate. But I have no real hope of that ever happening as the media will make you out to be the next coming of Barack Obama. The people of PA. will have to vote for you to save America and they will; being scared into it.

How many time does our narcissistic Hey-Look-At-Me-in-Chief have to address the nation with absolutely nothing to say? I am going to stand here tonight and say whatever this teleprompter puts forth you will watch me and not pay any attention to what I say, at all. The press will tell you how great I did when I tell you that I have the "swine flu" pandemic under control and how this never would have happened if we had socialized medicine here. Then of course none of this is Obama's fault as he likes to remind us all everyday. I will keep you safe but we will not close the border so wash your hands and keep your kids home from school. Do you people think that this guy gives a rat's ass about you? Seriously? Who is going to get sick the rich affluent who can hide away in some far off vacation home? No it is going to be the working man/woman who has to take mass transit and wade through human traffic day after day. Yeah, he cares about the middle class; this guy getting elected shows how stupid America has become. Our education system is broken completely, would you like to venture a guess as to the predominant political class of teachers? The government should own all businesses here in the U.S. the government can run them better than those who built them. When we fix them we will sell them back wink, wink. Hey shithead when they are fixed they start to make money great business plan you got there. You have a lot of people in this country fooled but not me you want to confiscate plain and simple. Business is bad for America and Barack Obama will fix that problem. The media will slobber all over you while ignoring how we lose more freedom every day. They will say what a triumph it was to pass the budget (without any republican votes, he doesn't need any they are bad anyway) even though unborn generations of Americans will never be able to pay for it. 100 days equals a sealed coffin on America are we going to be able to punch out through the lid or just lie here and take it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Are The Counterculture

So we here on the right are the new counterculture, we are fighting "the man" because he be holding us down yo. There has been a 180 degree turn in our country's policy in just the last less than 100 days. I remember the days of being a kid when we were in recession and we cut taxes to get out of it and stimulate the economy now we jack up the debt to levels we can never ever pay back and take over banks that are failing. The downturn will never bottom out if you do not allow the bottom to be reached. I remember when in those same days when we tried to cut the size and scope of the federal government and now we increase the size, scope and intrusion into our lives. I remember a President negotiating from strength and storming out of nuclear arms talk with the Soviets and REFUSING to back down on SDI which did not even exist except in concept. Today the president talks of total nuclear disarmament no matter that the taliban is 60 miles from nuclear weapons. I remember when dictators got out of line they got smacked around and when we were not allowed to use airspace of a certain country on said slapping around mission that country's embassy got some too. These actions have yet to be apologized for by this administration but I believe on his first visit to North Africa this oversight will be corrected, he will probably even shake hands the guy. Which brings me to the point of today's post the cajoling and the handshake with Chavez.

Back in the 80's when there was a real threat of war, nuclear or otherwise, with the Soviets, Reagan did everything in his power to keep American citizens safe. He had the brains enough to know he could not do everything and hired good people, at least in the first administration, to get the job done. Moreover he did it without apologizing or any remorse, no blaming anyone from the problems that now existed in his watch. Ruthless thugs and dictators were dealt with and not in a good way, not with a conversation about how they felt about America. If you do not like how we do things or have done them in the past too bad. America does not apologize for saving the world from German domination or Japanese domination or Soviet domination0n in the 20th century. In the 21st century we will not, as a country not its president, apologize for holding off islamo-fascist domination. This is a though process completely counter to anyone in this administration. So now Obama laughs and shakes the hand of a South American thug and dictator, I guess birds of a feather really do flock together. This guy just got a contract to make Kalashnikov rifles, AK-47s for you dumb asses out there, he will have unlimited supplies for FARC or any other communist terrorist group in this hemisphere. How long do you think it will be before he has Iranian nuclear technology to build a bomb and missiles? Our president shits on the Monroe Doctrine and will never walk tall and carry a big stick, he cannot even walk and chew gum at the same time, maybe if the teleprompter tells him to he can but I doubt it. So with threats like this so close to home what does he want to do? Close Gitmo and let the terrorists into America I mean seriously can this administration be that fucking stupid? Do not forget that he is still open to prosecuting former Bush officials for "torture" of these and other terrorist scumbags. Wow I think this administration is just delusional, we have real threats but the ones to prosecute are American citizens that do not agree with him. Come join me here in the counterculture we are the new hippies only we wash, shave and voice our opinions in an articulate, intelligent manor no matter what the media thinks of us. We can take back our country and restore the Constitution it is just a matter of how far are you willing to take the fight? Local, County, State and Federal government need to be challenged in most places are you willing to be that element of change if not sit down, shut the fuck up and continue to be a subject of this administration the rest of us have work to do.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just Watching

So for two weeks I have not even thought of writing anything here I was trying to get a better perspective on what is happening to our country. So I have been watching the news, local and national, to try to gain some tiny insight on what the Obama administration is trying to do. I was getting sick and tired of every post being about our Stalinist-in-Chief, to me it was more like whining than blogging. I hate whiners! As I have said before this blog is not just an anti-Obama ranting page but sometimes it sure feels like it is. So I just decided to watch. Boy was I right this fucking asshole of a president hates America, Americans, the Constitution and every white historical figure that helped to build this nation. All that he cares about is his ideas and his agenda to shape America in his image. So after mulling it over for two weeks I have come to the conclusion that I was right, I am right and I will forever be right(wing). This sackless douchebag, who was voted in by many other sackless douchebags hates America. I know I have said this before but come on how can he sit there and listen to Daniel Ortega badmouth this country for 50 minutes. So what does our fearless leader do? He gets up to the podium and thanks Ortega for not blaming him for the sins committed by the U.S. when he was just 3 months old. Real fucking funny asshole great job of standing up for your country.

It is all about him not you or us but Him, Him, Him, I, I, I, Me, Me, Me. Typical coming of age 70's asshole the "Me" generation. Let me tell you how the 60's-70's liberal asshole hippie mind works. Coca-Cola; "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" was the commercial's song. The commercial was filled with hippies singing and holding hands today those hippies are in charge and they hate how they were manipulated by the Madison Ave. PR firm into selling a bad, mean American company's product that is really just a way for "Big Sugar" to sell their product to our kids so they get big and fat and diabetes so "Big Pharma" can get rich sell them the drugs to cure what ails them. Coke also is a worldwide product that keeps the working man down in every one of it's plants the do not pay a living wage and need to be run by a government "Czar for Labor and Sugar Induced Fatness." You see even something as simple and American as a Coke is a symbol of hatred for these people. So why wouldn't they think vets were right-wing extremists and why wouldn't assface laugh it up with Chavez and take an America hating book from him. Those of us who believe in the Constitution and the principles in the Declaration of Independence are the enemy, plain and simple we are the biggest threat to their sick, twisted idea of America being equal to all the other countries of the world. You know what president assface, I am your enemy, your worst nightmare I know and exercise my rights as written in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You cannot defeat me or any of the other millions just like me. We are not caught up in your cult of self you are not our messiah we will not follow you to the gates of mediocrity we are better than that, America is better than that. Every move you make I will be watching, We will be watching.

Monday, April 6, 2009

We The People...

Americans are the most vile, bloodthirsty, enslaving, torturing, segregating, derisive to the the rest of the world, arrogant creatures on the face of the earth. How do I know this? I just listen to our Appeaser-in-Chief, Barrack Hussein "I Hate America" and his band of anti-American communistas or as he calls them his administration. So it is our fault that gangs in Mexico are in a drug war over the cocaine and pot billions. We have people here who want the drugs so all of us as a whole get demonized. I guess a few bad apples do spoil the whole bunch. We made these followers of goat fucking mohammed fly those planes into those building hence starting the killing of many more of the goat fucker's followers. Then instead of killing terrorists on the battlefield we take them prisoner and get information from them about what they have coming at us in the way of future attacks. So those were stopped and I for one am thrilled that these tough guys are afraid of drowning or cannot take the pain of thumbscrews or fear the knife of cutting. These guys were lucky that liberals didn't get them in the womb because that would have been OK. We are not at war with Islam, I can deal with that but they are at war with us. With our president being a huge muslim sympathizer that does not bode well for us in the future. Hell he even sent an appeasement tape to Iran and the little member's only jacket wearing leader laughed in his sorry face and said he was no different than George Bush. Ouch Obama that has got to hurt. Today he told the Turkish parliament that it was not a genocide they committed against the Armenians in the early part of the last century. He and his party called it just that during the campaign to make the Turks close air bases to U.S. planes, in the "War on Terror," would have to fly farther to get into Iraq. They wanted us to lose but our military is too good, I am glad he failed and the soldiers and marines did not.

Now lets get to some serious shit, this dumb, stupid, clueless, America hating stupid moron bows to the Saudi Sheik Abdullah. Are you kidding me? Everyone who signed the Declaration of Independence rolled over in their graves at the speed of light. We were formed because we would not be subservient to kings. I bet at the next Olympics he makes our flag bearer dip his/her flag at the national leader, he/she will for fear of disobeying and being called a racist. Only a subject bows to a superior that is why bowing is so big in Japan, China etc., no one wants to lose face it is easier to be the subject. We have been arrogant to Europe, yes, tough shit we saved your asses with American lives, then built it back up with American dollars and then protected it from Soviet invasion. Europe can go fuck themselves if they love Obama they can have him; do not come home I would be extremely happy about that. He sends Hillary Rodham to Asia to keep up relations there. Great job Hil the potbellied dog eating dictator just fired off an intercontinental ballistic missile. Look out west coast Kim Jong Il is gunning for you Seattle, San Francisco but it will be no big loss just less liberals. Liberals should think of it as a late term abortion that's all.

I do not care about superficial crap the media pukes up about this trip and how everyone over there loves the Obamas. There are real serious issues that need to be addressed but we do not get any coverage of that because these Obama bitches have way too much invested in him to let him fail. Everything that happens is no big deal to the media but if Sarah Palin's daughters ex-fiance goes on TV it is front page news for weeks. At least newspapers are going out of business. In spite of this we are in a sad state in America. It feels like we are sitting on a ticking time bomb. This he cannot blame on George Bush, people are not buying that bullshit anymore. This Barack Obama's America now "We the People" better wake up before we cannot take it back.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Father's Journey To Iraq

This is some great story. Got it here: No comment from me is necessary. Pictures are on the website.

By Greg Janney
April 01, 2009

What were you doing on April 6, 2004? While most of us went about our daily lives, members of 2/4 Marines Echo Company were fighting and dying in Ar-Ramadi, Iraq, and twelve families’ lives were forever changed. On a day that few of us remember, 11 Marines and a Navy Corpsman were killed during a daylight ambush in a narrow, concrete block-lined alley 8000 miles from home. I know the father of one of these men, and this is the tale of the two long journeys that we made in an attempt to visit the site where his son fell in battle that terrible day in 2004. If successful, this trip would be the first time that any Gold Star parent had visited the actual site where their son or daughter was killed while in Iraq.

John Wroblewski, father of Marine 2nd Lt. J.T. Wroblewski, and I first met on January 12, 2007, as we set off with journalist Martha Zoller on our first trip to Iraq. Martha’s plan was to get John to the site in Ramadi where J.T. was mortally wounded. We arrived in Baghdad on January 14, but despite numerous attempts to get to Ramadi, we were unsuccessful due to sniper activity there. Having spent seven days by John’s side during which we heard more about J.T. and the Wroblewski family, I felt John’s anguish as we risked so much in our unfulfilled attempt to honor his son’s sacrifice. On the solemn flight home, I promised John that I would bring him back to Iraq to fulfill his dream.

After a year of planning and fundraising, John and I boarded a plane on February 27, 2008 on the first leg of our second journey to Iraq. We arrived in Kuwait on February 28. There, I received an email from Marine Public Affairs Officer MSgt. Ellerbrock, which advised that we had received clearance to get to Fallujah, but that Ramadi was not an option. I feverishly hammered out my response that we had to get to Ramadi, as that was the sole purpose for our embed request. He then requested the reason for the urgency. With nothing left to lose, I explained that my “assistant” John Wroblewski was actually the Gold Star father of a U.S. Marine who was killed in action, along with ten other Marines and a Navy Corpsman. I waited in vain for a response.

With dreadful uncertainty, John and I continued our slow journey to Baghdad. We boarded an Air Force C-130 at 7:00 a.m. on March 1st and landed in Baghdad at 10:00 a.m. We then boarded a Blackhawk helicopter within 30 minutes of our arrival, and landed inside Baghdad’s International Zone after a 15 minute flight.

We obtained our new press credentials, and I waited for a reply to my email. At 3:00 p.m., I received a call from US Army Major Lee Peters about my request. I told him about the ambush and my plan to take John to the site to perform a memorial service. The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. After what seemed like a lifetime, Maj. Peters said, “I’m not sure how, but I’ll make it happen."

We boarded a CH-47 Marine helicopter late on March 2nd, and were greeted in Fallujah by MSgt. Ellerbrock at midnight. Incredibly, we had all met during our January 2007 trip, but did not realize it until then. On March 3rd, after a few hours sleep, John and I met with the Marine Public Affairs staff to plan our strategy. Later, I interviewed Marine Major Matt Reid, Regimental Command Operation Commander, to outline challenges, goals, and accomplishments of the combined Army/Marine Units. We later retired to our quarters where I checked email and updated my blog. March 4th was spent with units of 1-4 and 3-1 Marines on a patrol southwest of Fallujah, where we met with the mayor of Faris and toured an irrigation reconstruction project near the Tigris River. On March 5th, we met Marine Major General John Kelly (Commander of Multi-National Forces Iraq – West) who would accompany us to the site in Ramadi on March 6th, along with 2/8 Marines PSD Company. John and I slept little that night, anticipating the big day that awaited us. Would we reach our ultimate goal on this second and final attempt?

At 8:20 a.m. on March 6th, John and I met Maj. General Kelly for a pre-mission briefing and a quick lesson on tourniquet application in the event someone was injured. Our Humvee convoy departed Fallujah on Route Michigan for the tense ride to Ramadi. As John climbed into Kelly’s Humvee, he looked as nervous as I felt. I said a silent prayer for our safe passage and we began the last leg of our quest to visit the ambush site.

After our convoy stopped at the Ramadi compound for a short meeting with Maamoon Sami Rahseed al-Awani, the Iraqi governor of Al-Anbar province, we headed toward Route Gypsum. The narrow market-lined street seemed almost too narrow for the Humvees along with Iraqi foot and vehicle traffic. We soon stopped and dismounted. I shouldered my camera gear, taking photos along our walk toward the T intersection leading to the alleyway where the ambush took place. I tried to focus on my images, but was very aware that a shot could ring out at any moment.

We kept to the cinderblock walls of the alley, and a Marine used a GPS device to confirm the exact spot where J.T. fell. John Wroblewski and Major General Kelly stood side by side as John solemnly explained that we were there to honor the 12 men of 2/4 Marines, Echo Company that died on April 6, 2004. His voice choked with emotion, John read the names of the fallen, “LCPL Benjamin Carman, LCPL Marcus Cherry, PFC Christopher Cobb, LCPL Kyle Crowley, PFC Deryk Hallal, PFC Ryan Jerabek, PFC Moises Langhorst, LCPL Travis Layfield, HM3 Fernandez Mendez, LCPL Anthony Roberts, SSGT Allan Walker, and my hero, 2nd Lt John Thomas Wroblewski.” John then asked for a moment of silence and we all bowed our heads. Finally, John asked the Marines if they would give a Marine cheer to honor their fallen brothers. The Marines’ loud “Ooh-Rah!” echoed off the houses and alley walls surrounding us and then slowly faded away into the palm trees in the distance.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tally Me Dead Taliban

Yes I got sick of writing about our Douche-Bag-in-Chief. His side kick Hillary is going around apologizing for America being America, she is just a douche-bag with a cock. Fuck'em both. This is great, Vampire 06 at wrote this and the humor is perfect for this blog site. No bullshit just good old American sarcasm. I just wanted to get back to remembering those in the field and say "thanks."

I Shoot You Because I Care!

Dear Mr Taliban (ACM, AAF, Booger Eater, EOP, Bad Guy or whatever),

Over time I’ve received emails and comments on this blog that I’m insensitive to your culture. Evidently, I should endeavor to be more tolerant and politically correct in my quest to kill you with every means at my disposal.

After much self reflection I’ve seen the error in my ways and thought I’d write you a brief note to apologize for my actions and those of my compatriots in Team Vampire. I now see how my attempts to incinerate, ventilate and generally cause mayhem could possible hurt your feelings and offend your sensibilities. For that I apologize.

First, let me complement you on the bunker complex that we saw the other day. It seemed very nice and looked like you’d chosen wisely on the size. It appears to me that you didn’t overextend yourself financially building it. That’s great! I also hope that you didn’t use a subprime lender or an adjustable rate mortgage. This should alleviate any issues in the future about defaulting; having to walk away from the bunker complex.

The downside is that you selected this outstanding piece of real estate to launch rockets at American and Afghan soldiers. Thus, I had to destroy it. Maybe we should have served you with a notice to vacate but that didn’t seem prudent at the time. Really if you want to blame someone it should be the Air Force as they’re the ones that actually dropped the bombs. But, seeing as I’m a personal accountability guy I’ll take the blame for it. Sorry.

I also, thought that your headquarters were nice. Blowing it up on Christmas Eve may have seemed arbitrary and unfair. I can see how you’d think that. Really, let’s try to be honest with each other. Is there really a good day to have your building blown up? I don’t think there is. I also now realize that you don’t celebrate Christmas so the holiday season had minimal impact on you.

It did for me as I have a family at home who I’d rather be with; instead hunting you through the mountains. However, I’m here so it seemed like a good thing to do for the holidays. I may not see you on the 4th of July so I thought it best to have fireworks for Christmas. I empathize with you now that it may have been inconvenient for you. Once again sorry.

These people have pointed out for me that my culture is different from yours and that just because it’s different it’s not bad. I guess there may be some upside to throwing acid in little girl’s faces when they try to go to school, I just don’t see it though. I think I’d prefer to build schools for them and protect them as they learn to read and write. This probably offends you and my new life course shows me that I need to see the positives in everyone. If you’d like to explain this to me, I’d like to hear it.

It also may be confusing to you when I broke down your door in the middle of the night and arrested you for killing your fellow countrymen. This probably disrupts your sleep and thus you’re tired once you reach detention. In the future I’ll try to schedule these at times better suited to your rest cycle.

As far as the Geneva Convention goes, I have to follow it. This is nonnegotiable. Your actions though lead me to believe that you’d prefer to have your head cut off on the internet. This is what you do to anyone you capture, combatant or non combatant. I can’t accommodate this desire. I apologize for the fact that you’ll be given medical treatment and treated with dignity. Again I apologize profusely.

I’d also like to clear up some reasons why I’m here. There may be some confusion about this from all the claims swirling around in the news. Let me take you back about eight years when you were letting Osama chill out here.

“We should crash some planes into the World Trade Center” Osama suggested tentatively

“Gee Osama, won’t that piss off the Americans”? You must have asked.

“Yes” Osama stated with glee.

“They’ll probably come here and jack us up” you replied.

“No way bro, they’ll never come here and do anything to us” Osama claimed confidentially.

“Um; I don’t think that’s right, they’ll probably come here and be pretty pissed off” attempting to dissuade him.

“Don’t worry about it they’ll never do anything, you’re a nervous nelly” OBL replied dismissively

I hate to tell you this but you were right. It did piss us off and now Osama lives in some cave, can’t use a cell phone or email and craps his pants every time he hears an airplane. I know the nervous tick crapping is annoying but it’ll clear up once we kill him.

You should have gone with your gut and said no. Once we got here we decided it’s not that great that you kill and subjugate people and thus you’ve got me in your backyard. I really can’t take responsibility for your poor judgment on this one. But, I understand it was a persuasive discussion. Thought this might assist in a little self discovery. I’m a giver after all.

I won’t even go into the way you treat women. You’re just lucky it’s not my wife here because if you think I’m determined; she would lay waste to your ass and never stop. So, I did you a favor on that one. See, I can be nice.

Well, I just wanted to touch base with you on a couple of perceived issues and apologize for my poor behavior. In the future I’ll try to be more understanding as I hunt you to the ends of the earth and destroy you any chance I get. It will be with kindness and understanding.

If you’d like to discuss and resolve any of these issues just send me a grid to your location and I’ll be happy to meet you; or I could arrange for a delivery from the US Air Force it you’d prefer that. I can accommodate most requests.

So, have a great day. But don’t sleep too soundly because that noise you hear in the night may just be me. Oh yeah, if you ever get tired of picking on little girls or civilians you can come find us, but that might not be culturally sensitive.

Bottom line, I just want to say I’m sorry. Next time I shoot at you; it’s with love!



Citizen soldier with 15 years light infantry experience, currently serving as a Team Chief for an Embedded Training Team with the Afghan National Army. My team trains and conducts combat operations with an Afghan Infantry Kandak (Battalion) in eastern Afghanistan. In my spare time in Afghanistan I enjoy long walks on the beach (No beach here), sampling fine wine and scotch (No drinking here) and conducting a low level insurgency telling Americans about the great warriors that I serve with and their dedication to winning the GWOT!