So here it is only a month into this administration and they want our guns. So like Lenin he is going after the affluent, like Hitler he is going to after the religious; unless of course they tried to or have killed Americans then they can go free, like Castro he is going to take all possessions and make them property of the state. Make no mistake when he has all of our guns he will be like Stalin and exterminate all those who do not agree with him 100% and some who do just as a warning. See guns are where liberals and conservatives see alike. The Second Amendment makes the Bill of Rights and the Constitution possible. Liberals want to get rid of guns and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and never have to relinquish power over "We the People." Conservatives still hold sacred these documents but we have always had a moral and God loving ideology. Liberals do not believe in God let alone any religion and do not believe they should try to live with any minimum moral standard. This is why they have such a difficult time understanding the Constitution it was written by and for moral, religious people. Now understand this; there is only one reason to ban the legal sale of assault weapons. The liberals do not want "We the People" to have the means to put up a fair fight.
Now our Attorney General Eric Holder wants to reinstate the assault weapons ban to help the Mexican government combat the drug violence gripping that country right now. Could this guy be a bigger asshole? Fuck the Mexican government and, by the way the more they kill there the less that get here. I am NOT a citizen of the world I live here, in the greatest, most prosper, most free society ever endowed by the Creator. This guy is so full shit, I do not know how anyone can believe anything that comes out this administration, except for their threats. These, the American people should take very seriously. Taking our guns, taking from the rich, taking our right to privacy, taking everything we have is the end they are trying to achieve. Remember, for liberals, the end always justifies the means. This being the case understand that they want to have a society based on fairness. Redistribution of wealth Assface-in-Chief said so himself when he told that to Joe the Plumber. The press secretary Gibbs, who I felt sorry for at one time, reiterates this point of fairness almost everyday. Every administration mouthpiece that going in front of a camera or microphone talks about fairness. Everyone being equal is communism plain and simple. They cannot achieve this end if we have our guns. This is what the last days of the Roman empire must have felt like. Too few people trying to keep a once great entity going while they were being attacked from outside and brought to its knees from within. I urge every America loving, Constitution loving person out there to go buy a gun to protect his/her rights and freedom. Remember it is a very simple fix to make a semi-automatic rifle fully automatic. They are coming, whether they carry a qu'ran or presidential mandate, make no mistake, they are coming.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Empty Words
So we have yet another campaign speech by the Assface-in-Chief. Nothing but empty slogans and broad promises, it is the same old shit we have been hearing for the last two years. He thinks this recession is his moment to feel important; his 9/11 so to speak. 8% of mortgages are in default not 80% there is nothing to rebuild no one knocked down any towers in this recession. People it is the same shit I have been saying ad infinitum, Obama wants you dependant on the government so he has power over you. He is going to rebuild our economy no shit asshole most recessions last 8 months to a year and half. He is going to save us from ourselves and a sooner recovery apparently. But your kids will be in even further over their heads, like I posted a few days ago before the "economic recovery plan" they were on the hook for$78.1 TRILLION. I cannot wait to see where it ends up with this package plus his mortgage bailout and his regular budget. He could double the debt in his first year but promises to cut the deficit in half. This is possible because the debt is long term and the deficit is this year's financed obligations. So all he is going to do is pay off the deficit to and add the payment to the debt hence passing it on to the next generation. Cut taxes income and capital gains then stop spending, not a reduction in the growth of spending that is not a spending cut, only Congress defines it that way, stop spending on stupid bailouts the economy will take off now.
The big three winners in his budget will of course be education, health care and energy. Education expensive sure we must pay full years worth of salary to people who only work 9 months. They are unionized and receive tenure after three years and they are paid whether or not the students learn. According to most statistics U.S. students are lagging both their Asian and European counterparts. So we have to shell out more and more money each year to these people who have no accountability, nice system we have. I believe the mob calls it "the rackets." Health Care this wonderful non government based system. It is headed for the shitter when the Obama nationalizes it and you will have to explain your case to a bureaucrat before you can go to a doctor. Do you people see what the democrats are doing to the banks who took their money? Congress is telling them how to spend it, it will be the same with you and your health care because it is not yours but theirs. Do not get sick in Obama's America, you have been warned. We come to energy. The buzzword in "Renewable." There is no such thing; once a fuel is turned into energy it is spent and it cannot be renewed. Solar cannot power a grid and it is too expensive to ever be able to pay for itself around the house. The technology just isn't there yet. Wind, no wind, no power it cannot power a grid either and is too expensive to power your house and pay for itself. There is a solution our energy problem N-U-C-L-E-A-R power its clean AND safe they do not tell you that though. The split atom powers our navy and men live and work right in the same structure, for months at a time, with the reactor it could not be any safer. The dems will not even discuss this solution.
Foreign oil dependence. Drill here, drill now, pay less, I cannot state it any more simply for the liberal simpletons. California could wipe out their debt if they would drill the oil off the coast and on their land again a simple solution the dems do not want to hear and it would get the economy going. This would be a massive project and it is literally shovel ready. An oil glut would drive down the price hurting the mean oil companies and their friends like George W. Bush. But the dems just want to tax the consumer at the pump more so we drive less. Carbon emissions are very bad and we have to pay for them another tax or borrow(buy) credits in a giant governemnt run Ponzi scheme (another one). Demand is going to stay high until gas hits $4 again Obama wants to do that with taxes he said so during the campaign. So understand this; as always it comes down to Obama and the democrat congress want to fuck you hard and without any KY so get ready to bend over. All of our problems are easily fixed but the lefties in charge are in so deep to the kook left and special interests they will have no simple solutions. As always it is the children who get fucked when the dems make policy i.e. New Deal still paying for it, Great Society still paying for it, Banking Crisis just started but will load up debt for a century. They are coming for your money and your freedom and what ever else they want to take. Bend over or fight back.
The big three winners in his budget will of course be education, health care and energy. Education expensive sure we must pay full years worth of salary to people who only work 9 months. They are unionized and receive tenure after three years and they are paid whether or not the students learn. According to most statistics U.S. students are lagging both their Asian and European counterparts. So we have to shell out more and more money each year to these people who have no accountability, nice system we have. I believe the mob calls it "the rackets." Health Care this wonderful non government based system. It is headed for the shitter when the Obama nationalizes it and you will have to explain your case to a bureaucrat before you can go to a doctor. Do you people see what the democrats are doing to the banks who took their money? Congress is telling them how to spend it, it will be the same with you and your health care because it is not yours but theirs. Do not get sick in Obama's America, you have been warned. We come to energy. The buzzword in "Renewable." There is no such thing; once a fuel is turned into energy it is spent and it cannot be renewed. Solar cannot power a grid and it is too expensive to ever be able to pay for itself around the house. The technology just isn't there yet. Wind, no wind, no power it cannot power a grid either and is too expensive to power your house and pay for itself. There is a solution our energy problem N-U-C-L-E-A-R power its clean AND safe they do not tell you that though. The split atom powers our navy and men live and work right in the same structure, for months at a time, with the reactor it could not be any safer. The dems will not even discuss this solution.
Foreign oil dependence. Drill here, drill now, pay less, I cannot state it any more simply for the liberal simpletons. California could wipe out their debt if they would drill the oil off the coast and on their land again a simple solution the dems do not want to hear and it would get the economy going. This would be a massive project and it is literally shovel ready. An oil glut would drive down the price hurting the mean oil companies and their friends like George W. Bush. But the dems just want to tax the consumer at the pump more so we drive less. Carbon emissions are very bad and we have to pay for them another tax or borrow(buy) credits in a giant governemnt run Ponzi scheme (another one). Demand is going to stay high until gas hits $4 again Obama wants to do that with taxes he said so during the campaign. So understand this; as always it comes down to Obama and the democrat congress want to fuck you hard and without any KY so get ready to bend over. All of our problems are easily fixed but the lefties in charge are in so deep to the kook left and special interests they will have no simple solutions. As always it is the children who get fucked when the dems make policy i.e. New Deal still paying for it, Great Society still paying for it, Banking Crisis just started but will load up debt for a century. They are coming for your money and your freedom and what ever else they want to take. Bend over or fight back.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
George Washington
Today is George Washington's birthday. Washington is regarded as "the Father of the nation" at least if you do not live in the liberal areas of America. Yes my black friends there were other presidents not named Bush or Obama. I understand that people view history through the timeline that covers their own lives. This is one man that needs to be put on a pedestal, he needs to be higher than any other president and politician to be sure. This is the closest thing we, in America have not to royalty but to a godlike figure. This is the man that wanted the challenge to be commander-in-chief of the armed forces in the field against what was then the greatest army on earth. He was an undistinguished military man but he stepped up and took command, and he got his ass kicked for awhile. All around here where I live there are his retreat routes. There were small victories and more disappointments but he never gave up on his men never let them think they could lose. Only reminded them of the positive things that lie ahead after victory. All through this long war he knew that if they failed he would be hanged. Could anyone you know be able to work under that kind of pressure or with those type of consequences? This is our greatest generation not the WWII generation although they did great things also. This generation built a nation from just an idea; the right of men to be free. They sacrificed their lives, money, prestige all of them put those things on the line. Did he own slaves? Yes, so what, they were a very needed labor force to get the economy growing back then. There was no mechanization then everything was done by hand slaves were a source of cheap labor. Do we know it was inhumane to own slaves? Yes, and I hope they did to but remember they were just men and men make mistakes. George Washington freed his slaves upon his death I hope they did good things with there lives after that. These men fought so that the group of asshole liberals in power could be there today. No matter how unappreciated they are by today's elite political class, George Washington and the men of his time were great men because they took great risks and accomplished great things. They did not sit around believing they were entitled to anything. George Washington should have his own day hell he should have his own week, hell he should have his own month. George Washington is one of the greatest Americans ever, period. Not like these false profits that keep getting their own day of celebration he had his taken away, as an American that should piss you off. George Washington the father of our country and all the men that sacrificed in the forming of our nation; thank you so very much for the greatness you started.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Great Plans From Obama
Obama is sending 17,000 soldiers and marines to Afghanistan. On the surface great idea NATO is getting kicked around that whole fuckin hellhole. So I guess all of a sudden America's might is going to make right over there. For the last two years all we hear from Obama is how bad America is; pushing around little countries. Another thing we heard was how bad Bush's plan was for our troops, no enter or exit strategy. Guess what he has done here same friggin thing. He is using troops like he uses taxpayer's money he going to throw them at the problem and hopes it fixes it. As always he just picks a figure out of the air and runs with it. Hey, asshole, this time you are dealing with brave men's and women's lives to just send them there with no plan, though typical of you, is just a bad idea. Are they going to be under NATO rule and let it be someone else's problem like Bill Clinton did in Bosnia and promised everyone would be home by Christmas. American troops, American commanders, American support and let them take back that country that has claimed too many brave Americans to this point. To be honest I do not think I have ever heard him say "the troops" in the last two years let alone put a "support" in front of it.
His next idea is to cut the defense budget by 10%. Why 10% Barack and not 9.786789% or 10.2534987446% because as usual he has no plan, just a number. Oh sorry he does have a plan, stop production of the F-22, the most sophisticated fighter ever nothing the enemy, all of them, have can compare. We know that missile tech research is being cut, that was a campaign promise. He will not arm space, funny that is how we won the cold war, even if we could not really do it because we did not have the technology then, the soviet socialists knew a space weapons race would bankrupt them financially, morally we know socialism is bankrupt. They signed whatever SALT treaty that put in front of them, in the end their system could not be saved. But here we stand a mere 20 years later, the old USSR sits awash in cash because after some tough times they realized capitalism was going to save them. What did they do you ask? They drilled for oil, that evil black liquid that is outlawed here. It has made them rich and money is power as the old KGB guard in charge over there is demonstrating. We on the other hand have decided to try socialism in full and now we have financial obligations of $78.8 TRILLION, of which $55 TRILLION is for social security and socialized medicare. This before the new "stimulus plan" was passed.
So this great planner the genius liberal morons here in America voted into office is truly proving himself to be a soviet style central planner that will burden our children's children with an immoral amount of debt. Even worse than that is that he might not leave them a country to live in. By returning the U.S. to a pre-9/11 mentality they may not have a country to pay for. It is a sad thought but we had better start getting to preventing it before it is too late. You say you want a revolution... well you know...
His next idea is to cut the defense budget by 10%. Why 10% Barack and not 9.786789% or 10.2534987446% because as usual he has no plan, just a number. Oh sorry he does have a plan, stop production of the F-22, the most sophisticated fighter ever nothing the enemy, all of them, have can compare. We know that missile tech research is being cut, that was a campaign promise. He will not arm space, funny that is how we won the cold war, even if we could not really do it because we did not have the technology then, the soviet socialists knew a space weapons race would bankrupt them financially, morally we know socialism is bankrupt. They signed whatever SALT treaty that put in front of them, in the end their system could not be saved. But here we stand a mere 20 years later, the old USSR sits awash in cash because after some tough times they realized capitalism was going to save them. What did they do you ask? They drilled for oil, that evil black liquid that is outlawed here. It has made them rich and money is power as the old KGB guard in charge over there is demonstrating. We on the other hand have decided to try socialism in full and now we have financial obligations of $78.8 TRILLION, of which $55 TRILLION is for social security and socialized medicare. This before the new "stimulus plan" was passed.
So this great planner the genius liberal morons here in America voted into office is truly proving himself to be a soviet style central planner that will burden our children's children with an immoral amount of debt. Even worse than that is that he might not leave them a country to live in. By returning the U.S. to a pre-9/11 mentality they may not have a country to pay for. It is a sad thought but we had better start getting to preventing it before it is too late. You say you want a revolution... well you know...
Barack Obama,
Central Planning,
Defense Cuts,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Where's Waldo
So Assface-in-Chief continues the campaign across America trying to become President. Wait a minute he is the POTUS why is he still campaigning? Wasn't America sick of the bullshit we saw for two friggin years. Maybe it is just me but with Obama gone who is running the show? Is there any governing going on or is it all in the "stimulus" bill and that is how its gonna be now? They are going to govern out of a handbook. Brilliant they are for coming up with this 1400 page masterpiece. I wish someone had thought of this sooner then all will be well and nothing bad can ever happen again. Now we know what rules we will have to follow because the federal government has come up with a plan that will trump all others that have ever been passed. Hallelujah. Wait a minute we have one of those documents already I just cannot remember the name... oh that's right the CONSTITUTION. This is the law of the land not this "stimulus" plan which has been renamed by the media as the "Economic Recovery" plan. It is neither but we have covered that already. I want to know who the fuck is running things while Magellan is on tour. I see he took that poor SOB press secretary with him I felt sorry for this poor bastard trying to explain what Obama wants to do. This guy is not used to lying and he is not good at it, of course that is the number one qualification for that job. Another great Obama appointee.
Hey Obama there are rock bands trying to sell albums (CDs) that don't stay on tour this long. I guess having a smaller carbon footprint is not the way of this administration, but I am sure it will be mandated for us to in your plan. What is it do you not like your new home after all it is government housing you should feel right at home. It is not in a great neighborhood, much like the south side of Chicago. So what is it that you don't like about it? Your mother in law? Dude no one likes their mother in law get over it and get back to D.C. and start governing. I know you did not think there would be this much work but as President decisions must be made and people must be governed. You can still have a Stevie Wonder tribute night at the White House. (This is true and not a joke people, I swear.) Just so you know Mr. Obama governing is not sending out one line messages to the press like, "Obama plans to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan. (Also True.) You must make decisions not just have ideas, I know for a bullshit artist dreamer like you that is hard but it is time to get down to work. There is no voting present anymore you actually have to do something. Well maybe not because lets face it, I am the only one pissed off over the world tour, I don't see anything about it in the mainstream media but I did not expect to.
Hey Obama there are rock bands trying to sell albums (CDs) that don't stay on tour this long. I guess having a smaller carbon footprint is not the way of this administration, but I am sure it will be mandated for us to in your plan. What is it do you not like your new home after all it is government housing you should feel right at home. It is not in a great neighborhood, much like the south side of Chicago. So what is it that you don't like about it? Your mother in law? Dude no one likes their mother in law get over it and get back to D.C. and start governing. I know you did not think there would be this much work but as President decisions must be made and people must be governed. You can still have a Stevie Wonder tribute night at the White House. (This is true and not a joke people, I swear.) Just so you know Mr. Obama governing is not sending out one line messages to the press like, "Obama plans to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan. (Also True.) You must make decisions not just have ideas, I know for a bullshit artist dreamer like you that is hard but it is time to get down to work. There is no voting present anymore you actually have to do something. Well maybe not because lets face it, I am the only one pissed off over the world tour, I don't see anything about it in the mainstream media but I did not expect to.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Barack and Lincoln
So our Conniver-in-Chief is out on the road trying to sell the "stimulus" plan to America. Come on really does this shit ever end why the fuck is he campaigning for this bullshit? It is going to pass the republicans cannot do a damn thing to stop it. If it is such great legislation why does he need to go out an pimp it to the people? Oh, that's right that is what he does; it is who he is. So today we get the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln telling us how he/they, would/do (whatever) love this plan. It is a bipartisan plan that Lincoln would get behind. You are right oh Bullshit Artist-in-Chief and do you know why? Because Lincoln was also an anti-constitutional, my way or the highway president. Now before you all go ballistic on my anti Lincoln tirade remember that I do not hold any politician on a godlike pedestal, especially those that suspend Habeas Corpus to end dissent. How the fuck is that bipartisan arresting dissenters and not even charge them or allow them a trial? Not even the evil Dubya did that. So why didn't Bush suspend Habeas Corpus and just send everyone who was against him to Gitmo? It is what Lincoln did to 13,000 people arrested under martial law one was a Maryland Secessionist, John Merryman. Immediately, Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States issued a writ of habeas corpus commanding the military to bring Merryman before him. The military refused to follow the writ. Justice Taney, in Ex parte MERRYMAN, then ruled the suspension of habeas corpus unconstitutional because the writ could not be suspended without an Act of Congress. President Lincoln and the military ignored Justice Taney's ruling. So it was not Bush that was a terrorist president or a Hitler-like president it was Lincoln.
Now don't get me wrong I think the Gettysburg Address it one of the greatest pieces ever written in the history of man. But to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus while Congress was out of session is unforgivable and I will not even go into invading the south to preserve the union. But going south and killing thousands of Americans to get them to think the way you do is a huge fucking problem. At least Barack is not killing Americans, yet anyway. This is why he needs to be watched every second of everyday because when he sees an opening he will slide on in. This stimulus is one of those openings why else do you think he wants to ram it down our throats. So there is nothing we can do about it there are 1434 pages to the "stimulus" plan can all of our Congressional geniuses read it before they vote on it? No they are going to take it on faith just like 64,000,000 morons did when they pulled the lever to vote for this guy. We got fucked then, we are getting fucked now, and your kids will be getting fucked by this guy for years to come. So tell me is this guy any different than Lincoln?
Now don't get me wrong I think the Gettysburg Address it one of the greatest pieces ever written in the history of man. But to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus while Congress was out of session is unforgivable and I will not even go into invading the south to preserve the union. But going south and killing thousands of Americans to get them to think the way you do is a huge fucking problem. At least Barack is not killing Americans, yet anyway. This is why he needs to be watched every second of everyday because when he sees an opening he will slide on in. This stimulus is one of those openings why else do you think he wants to ram it down our throats. So there is nothing we can do about it there are 1434 pages to the "stimulus" plan can all of our Congressional geniuses read it before they vote on it? No they are going to take it on faith just like 64,000,000 morons did when they pulled the lever to vote for this guy. We got fucked then, we are getting fucked now, and your kids will be getting fucked by this guy for years to come. So tell me is this guy any different than Lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln,
Barack Obama,
Habeas Corpus,
Stimulus Plan
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Another Reason To Hate The Media
Found this on Mudville Gazette, which I will now be linking to. Not that I ever thought they were truly neutral and only wanted to present the facts, here is a prime example of how activist the media has become. Now I know I can over emphasize some things as being scared, but come on this asshole now wants cameras in faces of families bring home their fallen sons. They, much like the Congress and the President, do not care who they shit on to get what they want. Thank you SGT. Mike Stokely for your service and ultimate sacrifice, my God bless your soul. Thank you Mr. Robert Stokely, you had a great son and you are an inspiration, I am sorry for your loss and wish you peace all for of your days.
February 10, 2009
OBAMA Speech Addressing Nation on Monday 2/9/09 - Did I hear the question I thought I heard Ed Henry CNN ask?
Mrs Greyhawk
Guest post from Gold Star father, Robert Stokely:
Tonight, as I watched President Obama's speech on his plan for the stimulus, I could not believe some of the lame (nice way of saying stupid) questions he was asked out of context for the message he was delivering.
What did he think about Alex Rodriguez admitting steroid use? I have to say President Obama showed great restraint in how he answered the question, but who could have blamed him if, given the seriousness of what we face economically, he had said "you got to be kidding, somebody show this idiot where the door is and take his press credentials when you throw him out on Pennsylvania Avenue...." Really, is it the most important thing most of us (much less the President) need to be concerned about given that Alex Rodriguez is at best an overpaid jock who got outed after he has continually lied that he used steroids?
But that was not such a bad question compared to Ed Henry with CNN, who asked the President whether he thought the arrival of American coffins at Dover should be accessible to the media to "show America the real cost of the war...." and would he reconsider the policy of not allowing the media in. Ed Henry and CNN seem to want to make it a spectacle to "behold" when our FALLEN Heroes arrive at Dover on their final trip home to an honorable rest. Absolutely not!!!! Why shouldn't we let the media have access to film and put it on the evening news? Well for the same reason the media should not be the first to know the identity of the fallen before the family is told.
It is a very personal moment when a fallen hero arrives home. And the first to see that should be the family, not America.
Our family made a decision which granted me a special privilege and honor for me to go alone and meet Mike's body as he arrived from Dover at Hartsfield Atlanta Airport on August 24, 2005. A quiet singular reception, so I could ride in the hearse to take him to the funeral home 25 miles away on a road he and I traveled many times as I carried him to and from for weekend, holidays, and other visitation as a divorced dad. It was a "LAST RIDE TO TAKE MY BOY HOME". I wore a favorite blue blazer and red and blue tie as my way of showing respect to my son. As they uncrated his casket and draped the American flag over him I saluted from nearby, tears streaming down my cheeks as a number of busy airline air cargo employees suddenly stopped in stunned silence, only then realizing what was taking place. I held my salute, poor as it was for an untrained civilian, until the flag was completely draped and the edges evenly corned out. Then, I stepped outside to call my wife Retta who loved him like one of her own and as she answered the phone, tears still streaming down my cheeks, with a quiver in my voice, I said "our boy is home."
Others families did it "their way" and that is how it should be.
Mike Stokely and many others like him died for America. I was once asked what I thought the cost of freedom was. Freedom has many costs, but for the fallen and their families the cost is a Lifetime of Love. Is it too much to ask, given what we have paid for America and the likes of Ed Henry and CNN to be free to have that first moment to be ours and not America's? Should we now be asked to give more so that something so private can be used, not for furthering the first amendment, but to sell advertising to ensure a media's profitable bottom line? While black corporate ink is in most cases a good thing, it can not be so when it comes at the cost of dishonoring the spilled Red American Blood of our FALLEN.
Mr. President, I hope your answer to ED Henry, CNN and the likes will be an unequivocal, unwavering and unapologetic NO WE WILL NOT TURN THE HONORABLE SANCTITY OF DOVER INTO A MEDIA SPECTACLE!!!! You Sir, must protect our fallen and their families and the privacy of Dover.
After all Mr. President, that is little enough to ask given that the fallen gave their lives to protect you and your's.
Robert Stokely
proud dad SGT Mike Stokely
KIA 16 AUG 05 near Yusufiyah Iraq
February 10, 2009
OBAMA Speech Addressing Nation on Monday 2/9/09 - Did I hear the question I thought I heard Ed Henry CNN ask?
Mrs Greyhawk
Guest post from Gold Star father, Robert Stokely:
Tonight, as I watched President Obama's speech on his plan for the stimulus, I could not believe some of the lame (nice way of saying stupid) questions he was asked out of context for the message he was delivering.
What did he think about Alex Rodriguez admitting steroid use? I have to say President Obama showed great restraint in how he answered the question, but who could have blamed him if, given the seriousness of what we face economically, he had said "you got to be kidding, somebody show this idiot where the door is and take his press credentials when you throw him out on Pennsylvania Avenue...." Really, is it the most important thing most of us (much less the President) need to be concerned about given that Alex Rodriguez is at best an overpaid jock who got outed after he has continually lied that he used steroids?
But that was not such a bad question compared to Ed Henry with CNN, who asked the President whether he thought the arrival of American coffins at Dover should be accessible to the media to "show America the real cost of the war...." and would he reconsider the policy of not allowing the media in. Ed Henry and CNN seem to want to make it a spectacle to "behold" when our FALLEN Heroes arrive at Dover on their final trip home to an honorable rest. Absolutely not!!!! Why shouldn't we let the media have access to film and put it on the evening news? Well for the same reason the media should not be the first to know the identity of the fallen before the family is told.
It is a very personal moment when a fallen hero arrives home. And the first to see that should be the family, not America.
Our family made a decision which granted me a special privilege and honor for me to go alone and meet Mike's body as he arrived from Dover at Hartsfield Atlanta Airport on August 24, 2005. A quiet singular reception, so I could ride in the hearse to take him to the funeral home 25 miles away on a road he and I traveled many times as I carried him to and from for weekend, holidays, and other visitation as a divorced dad. It was a "LAST RIDE TO TAKE MY BOY HOME". I wore a favorite blue blazer and red and blue tie as my way of showing respect to my son. As they uncrated his casket and draped the American flag over him I saluted from nearby, tears streaming down my cheeks as a number of busy airline air cargo employees suddenly stopped in stunned silence, only then realizing what was taking place. I held my salute, poor as it was for an untrained civilian, until the flag was completely draped and the edges evenly corned out. Then, I stepped outside to call my wife Retta who loved him like one of her own and as she answered the phone, tears still streaming down my cheeks, with a quiver in my voice, I said "our boy is home."
Others families did it "their way" and that is how it should be.
Mike Stokely and many others like him died for America. I was once asked what I thought the cost of freedom was. Freedom has many costs, but for the fallen and their families the cost is a Lifetime of Love. Is it too much to ask, given what we have paid for America and the likes of Ed Henry and CNN to be free to have that first moment to be ours and not America's? Should we now be asked to give more so that something so private can be used, not for furthering the first amendment, but to sell advertising to ensure a media's profitable bottom line? While black corporate ink is in most cases a good thing, it can not be so when it comes at the cost of dishonoring the spilled Red American Blood of our FALLEN.
Mr. President, I hope your answer to ED Henry, CNN and the likes will be an unequivocal, unwavering and unapologetic NO WE WILL NOT TURN THE HONORABLE SANCTITY OF DOVER INTO A MEDIA SPECTACLE!!!! You Sir, must protect our fallen and their families and the privacy of Dover.
After all Mr. President, that is little enough to ask given that the fallen gave their lives to protect you and your's.
Robert Stokely
proud dad SGT Mike Stokely
KIA 16 AUG 05 near Yusufiyah Iraq
Barack Obama,
Ed Henry,
Gold Star Parents
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
So Help Us God
Major Pain at One Marine's View Click at right always comes up with the best stuff. So for you people too lazy to look for it here it is:
February 06, 2009
A message from an appalled observer....a lesson in history
Today I went to visit the new World War II Memorial in Washington , DC . I got an unexpected history lesson.
Because I'm a baby boomer, I was one of the youngest in the crowd. Most were the age of my parents, Veterans of 'the greatest war,' with their families. It was a beautiful day, and people were smiling and happy to be there. Hundreds of us milled around the memorial, reading the inspiring words of Eisenhower and Truman that are engraved there.
On the Pacific side of the memorial, a group of us gathered to read the words President Roosevelt used to announce the attack on Pearl Harbor:
Yesterday, December 7, 1941-- a date which will live in infamy--the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked.
One elderly woman read the words aloud:
'With confidence in our armed forces, with the abounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph.'
But as she read, she suddenly turned angry. 'Wait a minute,' she said, 'they left out the end of the quote. They left out the most important part. Roosevelt ended the message with 'so help us God.'
Her husband said, 'You are probably right. We're not supposed to say things like that now.'
'I know I'm right,' she insisted. 'I remember the speech.' The two looked dismayed, shook their heads sadly and walked away.
Listening to their conversation, I thought to myself, 'Well, it has been over 50 years; she's probably forgotten.'
But she had not forgotten. She was right.
I went home and pulled out the book my book club is reading ---
'Flags of Our Fathers' by James Bradley. It's all about the battle at Iwo Jima .
I haven't gotten too far in the book. It's tough to read because it's a graphic description of the WWII battles in the Pacific.
But right there it was on page 58, Roosevelt 's speech to the nation ends in ' so help us God.'
The people who edited out that part of the speech when they engraved it on the memorial could have fooled me. I was born after the war! But they couldn't fool the people who were there. Roosevelt 's words are engraved on their hearts.
Send this around to your friends. People need to know before everyone forgets.
People today are trying to change the history of America by leaving God out of it, but the truth is, God has been a part of this nation, since the beginning. He still wants to be .... and He always will be!
If you agree, pass this on and God Bless YOU!
If not, May God Forgive You!"
February 06, 2009
A message from an appalled observer....a lesson in history
Today I went to visit the new World War II Memorial in Washington , DC . I got an unexpected history lesson.
Because I'm a baby boomer, I was one of the youngest in the crowd. Most were the age of my parents, Veterans of 'the greatest war,' with their families. It was a beautiful day, and people were smiling and happy to be there. Hundreds of us milled around the memorial, reading the inspiring words of Eisenhower and Truman that are engraved there.
On the Pacific side of the memorial, a group of us gathered to read the words President Roosevelt used to announce the attack on Pearl Harbor:
Yesterday, December 7, 1941-- a date which will live in infamy--the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked.
One elderly woman read the words aloud:
'With confidence in our armed forces, with the abounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph.'
But as she read, she suddenly turned angry. 'Wait a minute,' she said, 'they left out the end of the quote. They left out the most important part. Roosevelt ended the message with 'so help us God.'
Her husband said, 'You are probably right. We're not supposed to say things like that now.'
'I know I'm right,' she insisted. 'I remember the speech.' The two looked dismayed, shook their heads sadly and walked away.
Listening to their conversation, I thought to myself, 'Well, it has been over 50 years; she's probably forgotten.'
But she had not forgotten. She was right.
I went home and pulled out the book my book club is reading ---
'Flags of Our Fathers' by James Bradley. It's all about the battle at Iwo Jima .
I haven't gotten too far in the book. It's tough to read because it's a graphic description of the WWII battles in the Pacific.
But right there it was on page 58, Roosevelt 's speech to the nation ends in ' so help us God.'
The people who edited out that part of the speech when they engraved it on the memorial could have fooled me. I was born after the war! But they couldn't fool the people who were there. Roosevelt 's words are engraved on their hearts.
Send this around to your friends. People need to know before everyone forgets.
People today are trying to change the history of America by leaving God out of it, but the truth is, God has been a part of this nation, since the beginning. He still wants to be .... and He always will be!
If you agree, pass this on and God Bless YOU!
If not, May God Forgive You!"
Washington D.C.,
World War II Memorial
So Its Been A Week
I have been watching our Liar-in-Chief for the last seven days and everyday the lies he spews become more and more transparent in this Spending Bill. Yes he has a new nickname and I think this one is gonna stick. So he said there is no government guaranteed health care in this bill, but there is Pimp Daddy. There is immediate tax relief for the middle class sorry but there is only checks for those who do not pay taxes. Where I come from that is just widening government dependency. This bill has no "stimulus" money coming out of it for a couple of years no wonder he keeps telling us that this recession will go on for a long, long time. So the new lie that is not being admitted to is that he does not want this end, but why? Very simple the worse off you are the more you are going to need the government and all of its welfare money. He sees people without jobs as it is not their fault, just like this recession is not his fault. So, instead of fixing the problem he will blame the previous administration, now when you lose your job you have to look for a new one you may have to move to where their are jobs or you may have to change industries. When you are the POTUS you must fix the problem and stop whining about it, but this administration and the culture it comes from does not believe in individuality and self reliance. They want you dependent on them, it gives them power over you. This is a power they will not relinquish back to you once they get it and because American society has become all about wants and wants but does not want to work for it we will all suffer. Fat, lazy, stupid welfare wanting, liberal assholes, are trying to destroy Jeffersonian Democracy by letting them have this power over their lives.
You know usually I write down what our Inheritor-in-Chief says that are lies and bullshit I have not done this for the last seven days because I cannot listen to this pimp speak or or look at its face on the television. If there is one thing I cannot tolerate it is a liar. But I have not given up all hope that our Republic cannot be saved. This man has opposition and I do not mean those overpaid useless empty suits in Congress. I mean you and me and the millions who did not vote for him 64 million is a lot of votes but there 350 million people in the U.S. A lot of Americans did NOT vote for him. When these people see how far left he is pushing America I think there will be no where for he and his supports to go to get away from criticism. We know that the media will not help to criticize they have way to much invested in him, hell they all drooled over how great he was last night. You and I know he was a mumbling stuttering prick even though he had a teleprompter. Seriously a teleprompter, when he was taking questions from the audience and his supporters in the media, this man is an idiot he cannot speak unless someone is telling him what to say. He speaks well and says nothing so eloquently and the longer he speaks on a topic the less he says that is comprehensible; if you do not have a brain you can be taken in by all of his slick pimpness. What you and I know is he only has ideas , he is a dreamer and not a doer which means he has no plans just broad, sweeping weightless words. This spending bill sucks it is everything democrats have ever wanted as each Congressional liberal put something they wanted in it. If the 3 brainless RINO senators who voted for this bill had them I would say string them up by their balls.
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage
You know usually I write down what our Inheritor-in-Chief says that are lies and bullshit I have not done this for the last seven days because I cannot listen to this pimp speak or or look at its face on the television. If there is one thing I cannot tolerate it is a liar. But I have not given up all hope that our Republic cannot be saved. This man has opposition and I do not mean those overpaid useless empty suits in Congress. I mean you and me and the millions who did not vote for him 64 million is a lot of votes but there 350 million people in the U.S. A lot of Americans did NOT vote for him. When these people see how far left he is pushing America I think there will be no where for he and his supports to go to get away from criticism. We know that the media will not help to criticize they have way to much invested in him, hell they all drooled over how great he was last night. You and I know he was a mumbling stuttering prick even though he had a teleprompter. Seriously a teleprompter, when he was taking questions from the audience and his supporters in the media, this man is an idiot he cannot speak unless someone is telling him what to say. He speaks well and says nothing so eloquently and the longer he speaks on a topic the less he says that is comprehensible; if you do not have a brain you can be taken in by all of his slick pimpness. What you and I know is he only has ideas , he is a dreamer and not a doer which means he has no plans just broad, sweeping weightless words. This spending bill sucks it is everything democrats have ever wanted as each Congressional liberal put something they wanted in it. If the 3 brainless RINO senators who voted for this bill had them I would say string them up by their balls.
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage
Barack Obama,
Stimulus Plan,
Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes
We all hate taxes we all pay taxes everyday. You and I that is, not democrats, they have you to pay their taxes. Until, that is they want to get into government and someone dares to question how they handled their affairs. So the useless post of Health and Human Secretary has no leader, does anyone out there miss it or think we need one? Tom Daschle has withdrawn his name from nomination for this post. That is a shame now you are going to have to get a real job after failing to get back into government to suckle at the teet once again. We also lost our nominee for Chief Performance Officer, Nancy Killefer due to her blatant disregard for laws of the United States of America. If I may what the fuck does a Performance Officer do? Does she monitor the polls and test groups? Does she talk to Michelle Obama to check on Baracks performance in bed. Does she talk to the secret service guys to see how the Obamamobile is performing? I think she should talk to Ford's theatre and see when the next performance of "Our American Cousin" is. I am just saying he wants to be like Lincoln, I say sure go for it. Back to the topic do we really need this position I do not remember seeing this position in the Constitution or the head of HHS for that matter. For Christ's sake when does the growth and spending of the government not end but at least slowdown. There is going to be a point where it is going to collapse under its own weight hopefully these tough times will be the time.
Lets talk about Tim Geitner and Charlie Rangel for a minute. These tax cheats still have their jobs or at least one was confirmed and the other re-elected. So Geitner is Treasury Secretary which oversees the IRS the same government entity that he is not smart enough to outsmart. Maybe they should have made the agent that caught his "mistake" the Treasury Secretary. Why did he not drop out? Easy, ego his ego his huge. There is no more important man in government than him. Only he can save the economy is what I was hearing. There is no all important man in government the economy will bounce back with smart policies not some egomaniac's ideas. Congressman Rangel writes laws as the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. He writes them that must mean he does not have to follow them which is typical liberal standards. Rental income is taxed jeez Charlie the word income is right there, all income in America is taxed in one way or another if it is not you are breaking the law. How stupid are your constituents? I am willing to bet they overwhelmingly voted for Obama. Real classy move not stepping down you ego driven ass.
Now Obama for his part takes the blame for these picks being a poor judgement and having to step down. Really, no shit your fault. Holy fucking shit you stupid moron of course it is your fault these are your picks. Sucks when you do not have George Bush to blame something for eh Barack. Thank you to the uneducated legions who came out to vote for this idiot neophyte. We are never going to get out of this recession with his "leadership." By the way Barack your performance as President so far sucks.
Lets talk about Tim Geitner and Charlie Rangel for a minute. These tax cheats still have their jobs or at least one was confirmed and the other re-elected. So Geitner is Treasury Secretary which oversees the IRS the same government entity that he is not smart enough to outsmart. Maybe they should have made the agent that caught his "mistake" the Treasury Secretary. Why did he not drop out? Easy, ego his ego his huge. There is no more important man in government than him. Only he can save the economy is what I was hearing. There is no all important man in government the economy will bounce back with smart policies not some egomaniac's ideas. Congressman Rangel writes laws as the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. He writes them that must mean he does not have to follow them which is typical liberal standards. Rental income is taxed jeez Charlie the word income is right there, all income in America is taxed in one way or another if it is not you are breaking the law. How stupid are your constituents? I am willing to bet they overwhelmingly voted for Obama. Real classy move not stepping down you ego driven ass.
Now Obama for his part takes the blame for these picks being a poor judgement and having to step down. Really, no shit your fault. Holy fucking shit you stupid moron of course it is your fault these are your picks. Sucks when you do not have George Bush to blame something for eh Barack. Thank you to the uneducated legions who came out to vote for this idiot neophyte. We are never going to get out of this recession with his "leadership." By the way Barack your performance as President so far sucks.
Barack Obama,
Tim Geitner,
Tom Daschle
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