Wednesday, December 31, 2008


So it has been a good year, for me anyway. I started this blog because many of the blogs I read did not go far enough for me in either a positive or negative direction. They were not getting deep enough into the topic and kept it more like IKEA assembly instructions. So instead of bitching I tried it myself and it is not that easy let me tell you. I suck at the english language as you all know and grammar are you shitting me it is non-existent here. In spite of these short comings I believe I am getting my thoughts on specific topics across. Yes I know I am not brief but if it takes longer to get all the points across tough shit. I have never worked in government and I have never served in the armed forces but I have huge opinions on both. I want you all to have big opinions on both and express them to me or your friends or your sitting State Assemblymen, Congressmen or Senators. I will tell you it has been so much fun I love getting all fired when writing about some of these topics. I need that passion to write good stuff so when I do not write for a while it is because nothing is getting me fired up.

Enough about the blog. 2008 started out great with the Giants winning the Super Bowl and now they end the year as the #1 seed in the NFC. Go Big Blue. Of course I just jinxed them so you all can blast me when they lose, but hey it could be worse I could be a Jet fan, suck it you dorks. Work was another good year in spite of the bad economy but that is what happens when you work with and for good people. The second year of all out campaigning sucked total ass and wore America out as did the negative press coverage of Bush and Iraq. Hey how come no one is blaming Bush for the falling gas prices they are where they were when he first took office. Thank you George. Of course we must thank as I always try to do our men and women in the field, in our armed forces so far from home as well as their families who wait and pray for their safe return. Without you we would NOT have it nearly as good as we do here in America. THANK YOU. Looking forward to 2009 and another year of being a bug up the ass of Congress and government as a whole. Thank you all for making 2008 so much fun for me have a safe, happy and healthy new year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Not From Here

Today I had a conversation with one of my suppliers. He is a Polish immigrant and he has been here for about 25-30 years. He is from the farm country but was sent to learn a trade and became a machinist. How he came to be in this country I do not know. Suffice is to say that he came here in a time that was hard to get here from there. He knows about this blog and his sons (born here) have read it. This is a great man who has achieved the American dream, he came here to seek a better life than one he could get in his native land. When he got here he knew very little English, Russian was taught in Polish schools then. So he got small jobs working for other people some were assholes some were good guys. He learned the little things about running a business. When the time was right he started a family and bought a house. Something like this is pretty much taken for granted, people in this country think they are entitled to these things. Where he came from the state owned everything here you lived in your own place and were left to make it on your own. Knowing that here in America he could be the master of his own fate he started his own business. He machines parts that other people use to make things. In the space that he rents with machines that he owns, it is not easy work but you can see he does enjoy it. Making things that other people use in production; every time he rides in an elevator he knows that there is a good chance his parts are in that elevator cab.

My friend always worry about work and it drying up but he cannot see that if that happened he would be fine. His work ethic is unbelievable. I do not understand why everyone does not use this man; his priority is the quality of his product then he wants to know if the price is fair. I have never been disappointed in either case. With him it is not just work he is always asking me about American history especially the old west, the Civil War and the Revolution. As you all know I have great interest in these topics also. His favorite topic is the stock market he loves investing and trading I think it really gives him a sense of being American. We talk about World War II and the post war era in Poland things I knew nothing about until now. I have never heard him say anything bad about any race or religion and he does not agree with me on somethings we do agree on this; the stupidity level of liberals. He understands that Barack Obama looks to tax away his version of the American dream, because Obama has never seen the ravages of real centrally planned government. He cannot comprehend how 62 million people can vote for someone who says nothing. He cannot comprehend how 19 muslim men can hijack planes and fly them into buildings. He cannot comprehend how Congress can cast down upon our troops in the field and try to accept defeat over victory. He always says the same thing in these types of discussions "this is the greatest country in history why are these people so stupid?" Right now I think that is as American a question as we are ever going to hear. Funny how we never heard it during the campaign. Thanks Ziggy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sick And Freakin Tired

I don't care about a lot of things that go on in America but lately I think my not giving a shit is reaching new heights. Caylee Anthony it started out as a tragedy and has evolved into a media circus (who would have thought). If the fucking remains found are hers let us know until then I don't fucking care what you fucking found anywhere. This girls mother didn't care about her why should I? I hope she died without pain but imagine the pain this girl would have endured if she was to have grown up with this retard whore as a mother! RIP Caylee you deserve it. Seen too many mother killing their kids stories because they wanted a different life to give a shit about this one 24/7 but I care enough to say fry in Hell retard mother. Right next to our next subject O.J. fucking Simpson. Hey OJ I didn't see you at the Heisman presentation hope you die in jail slowly and painfully muthafucker. George W. Bush's legacy can MSNBC do a story on something else at all ever. Not everything that has gone bad in America can be laid at his feet no matter how much you want it to be. In a month you guys can go back to blowing Obama. As a preemptive strike on that I will say I am sick and tired of whatever he will have to say then.

The auto bailout, why shouldn't these guys ask for as much money as they can get? If the government is handing it out get while you can. Did any of you return your stimulus check? Didn't think so. I was bailout so I am anti-Detroit bailout. You douchebags should try chapter 11 lose the redundant models and see what happens. Here is a novel idea for the big three make a good fucking business decision and stop being the UAW's bitch. I must be honest here I am sick of the whining coming from these guys and the UAW too. I am leaning to do something I said I would never do in a million years... buy a Japanese pick-up truck. That is how sick and tired I am of this freakin bullshit. I always thought it would be un-American to do that but I remembered how un-American unions are. Everybody wants more than their share in this and that leads us to our next story. Madoff and his $50 billion ponzi scheme do you think I give a shit about greedy motherfuckers losing millions of dollars? Pigs get slaughtered nothing on Wall street happens in a vacuum. the phrase is "Due Diligence" I do it for every little stock I invest in and that includes ExxonMobil and Haliburton. These fuckers thought they could outsmart the rest of the market and got what they deserve. By the way Madoff is a huge democrat and made some big donations are the investors going to be able to get that money back? This story has more to it when we get there I will care more but I have no sympathy for greedy assholes and gee who would have thought that lots of banks were "invested" with him.

The shoe "bombing" incident. Let's face it is a non story but the lefty media is ready to spew on themselves over this guy. Dude you throw like a girl so does your whole country we own you bitches that is what Dubya should have said. There is a lot going on but not really enough for one post and I wanted you my dear loyal readers to know that I am still on top of things and that I am still watching it all happen. Of course I have an opinion about it all, sorry but this shit makes it really hard to care about whats going on. Basically it is all non-news where are the positive stories coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan? My bad, liberal dominated "news" and W. is still President I am so sick and freakin tired of those fuckers more and more everyday.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Cesspool of Politics

As if this year was not shitty enough, the political landscape and those with political power managed to sink even deeper into the cesspool like ooze that seems to be impossible to avoid these days. Rod Blagojevich the current governor of Illinois and his pay for play scheme the seat that was your president elects was his ticket to easy street or at least a cushy ambassador's job. But alas the best laid plans of mice and men... Now of course Rod Blag and Obama never met to discuss what to do even though they did (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and because Obama did not say what Rod Blag wanted to hear they are linked in this mess. I am going to be both honest and fair here and say I think Obama is too damn smart not to have told him to go fuck himself and his senate seat. The dems have such a lead in Congress that one seat in the senate without an Obama worshipper is not going to make a difference besides whomever gets the seat will just fall in line anyway. If Obama did this maybe he really will try to change politics as usual but lets face he did it for himself he did not want to get tangled up in any fallout from the madman's scandal. It was all about Obama which is Obama as usual.

Lets talk about Obama trying to be the President before the inauguration, he wanted to move his family into Blair House (Presidential guest house) January 2nd instead of the traditional January 15th. This is nothing but posing from a poser who loves the idea of being President, Rush Limbaugh used to call this symbolism over substance. It fits this guy perfectly all democrats actually. He said it was to get his girls in school sooner rent a fucking place you cheap fuck you are a millionaire, typical Chicago political move; why pay for it if you can get the government to do for you for free. I think he has been listening to the liberal media way too much here, they all wanted him to take over the day after the election. That just shows what stupid morons we have in the media. Obama does not want to be President right now, too much shit too still flow down the Potomac he wants Bush in as much of the shit as possible so he can have someone to blame from the next four years. When the economy turns around again and it will it runs in cycles just like the earth, he will take all the credit as will all the Clintonistas he appointed. It is just symbolism over substance. This topic and these characters are too disgusting to continue here, these people are so slimy I need a friggin shower. Yuck. I am sick of this shit sandwich and he has not even been inaugurated.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 7th

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives:

Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.
Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And, while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.
It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.
The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya.
Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.
Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.
Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island.
And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Japan has therefore undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.
As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense, that always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.

Franklin D. Roosevelt - December 8, 1941

Three days later, December 11, Japan's allies, Germany and Italy, both declared war on the United States. The U.S. Congress responded immediately by declaring war on them. Thus the European and Southeast Asian wars had become a global conflict with the Axis Powers; Japan, Germany, Italy and others, aligned against the Allied Powers; America, Britain, the Soviet Union and others.

America still in the depths of the Great Depression stood up to the aggressors and buried them by any means necessary. Firing bombing of Dresden which killed 90,000 civilians and dropping the only nuclear weapons used in war. By any means necessary we defeated our enemies, victory was paramount back then no one wanted to learn how to speak German or Japanese. All is fair in love and war, not any more, got to limit enemy casualties and no collateral damage these days. How many soldiers have paid with their lives because of this policy? Try not to kill civilians that is what all soldiers do but circumstances put them in front of the enemy or sometimes you cannot tell one from the other. You fight to win the war not limit the enemy's casualties.

The Vietnam era hippie pinko faggots are in charge now and all they have tried to do is lose this war. They have fought hard for defeat but the American military learned from that bygone era (Thank God) and will maneuver around Congress to win. These assholes will try to take credit for the win after they tried to lose it and all credit and praise be for Barack. No one in history will record how these un-American congressmen and women prolonged this war trying to secure defeat in the face of victory. "Absolute Victory" is what FDR called it how many democrats in Congress are looking for that now. Here is a question; how many of the were looking for that in Vietnam? America will overcome, have faith fellow conservatives and be vigilant not just for external threats, but for the internal ones also.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

When Its More Than A Game

I may over emphasize the importance of football upon the American landscape at times, I know. To me there is nothing better than watching college football on Saturday afternoon and nights. Lets face it at least in college the kids are still playing the game for pride and fun and not for a paycheck. Anything can happen in a college game because the people playing are just kids and not men they will do stupid things and make stupid mistakes and enthusiasm can carry momentum a lot longer into a game. In short, for the most part, the game is still a game and is still fun. But not this game, this game is different, this game marks the end of football careers which is always a sad day, but it also marks the end of childhood when the gun sounds these seniors become men plain and simple. I am speaking of course about the Army/Navy Game. When the gun sounds at the end of the game these kids leave a lot behind and finish up their studies and begin standing watch over the safety of the nation. We are literally privileged to watch these kids end their childhoods, and in these times, get ready for war.

So Army and Navy both have new uniforms for today's game Army in fatigue pants and helmets and navy in throwback jerseys and I like both. There is one problem though, The Navy jerseys are blank where this name should be and the Army says "DUTY.HONOR. COUNTRY." I get why in the team concept and no one is bigger than the team and that the name on the front is way more important than the one on the back. But I think America needs to know and see their names. Too many of our armed forces fight in anonymity, I say let America at least know who these guys are and not because they can play football but because the are going to be defending our liberty to watch the SEC title game later and the Giants tomorrow and on Monday when we will argue who really should be in the BCS title game. These kids will give this gift to us at least let us know who they are. What other game shows shots of soldiers and marines all over the world watching a game in the dead of night cheering "GO Navy. Beat Army" or vice-versa? Just one that I know of, The Super Bowl. Football means a lot to Americans and when you are so far from home I guess it means a whole lot more. These kids they are not going to the NFL this is their last gridiron day of glory. This is not the SEC or Big 12 where the victors later today will be hailed as conquering heroes. These kids play their hearts out for the love, sure they are not as big or as Strong, or as fast as what we will see later but there are way more important overtones to this game. Great football it is not, great kids with and even greater purpose to their lives; absolutely.

When you watch the Army/Navy game understand that these kids could have gone to any Ivy league school and cruised through four years and become investment bankers and asshole lawyers. These kids have a higher sense of worth of self than just money. These kids are really something special, I guess all those that serve are really something special. So as this 108th meeting between these team draws to a close I hope you will take time to reflect on the men and women who keep us safe. It does not matter whether you fly and N* flag and cheer Go Navy. Beat Army. With Honor, Courage and Commitment. Or you believe in Duty. Honor. Country, and cheer go Army. Beat Navy. I salute you all and you are in my prayers and of course; THANK YOU from an appreciative nation.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Its Time For This Post

Now we all know by now that I am not real big on organized religion. Each "major" religion has way too many sects to be taken seriously by me. Someone at some point did not like what was going on so they tweaked the religion to meet their specifications. Nice but it sounds like a cult to me. Yes I do believe in God, no I do not take the bible as absolute truth after all it was written by man and not God. Organized religion is a joke, I was brought up Roman Catholic "thou shall not kill" but most RCs in my area are Irish and Italian they vote pro-abortion democrat are you shitting me? Jews have way too many degrees of jewishness orthodox, reformed some eat pork some do not, no fish with dairy I mean come on already. Muslims they just kill infidels that includes their own if they are not of the same sect thus making them not true believers. What? This is the one I want to focus on because of the news coming out of India last week.

Well these sneaky little bastard fucks terrorize yet another country looking to kill the locals(Hindu), Americans, Brits, and Jews of any nation. Now I am sure I am repeating myself here but I hate this religion it is CLEARLY NOT a religion of peace and harmony. It just the opposite it is a religion of death and terrorism. To think any differently is suicide by appeasement. There was not one Muslim asshole anywhere in the U.S. to help shape the foundation and frame the Constitution which was written with Judeo-Christian ethics. Sorry muslims but your goat fucking prophet Mohammed and his ideas of killing infidels appears nowhere in the document. So these brave warriors go after unarmed civilians in hotels and tourist attractions. Wow that is real manly shows a lot of balls, Allah must be proud of you for that. What else do these camel fuckers do in the name of religion? How about throwing acid in the faces of girls in Afghanistan so they cannot go to school. They are against education for women nice I guess 10 year old school girls are smarter than all of these fanatics.

Now lets talk about non killings this "religion" group is into. They bitch about Police phone cards in Scotland that have the emergency numbers printed on them. Why you ask because they have a dog on them and to these freak shows the dog is a filthy animal. Do these rag heads realize they are guests in that country Scotland was not founded by muslims. I do not think William Wallace fought for Osama Bin Laden. But let us not only chastise the Scots, in Texas yes our Texas, Republic of, these assholes were putting the koran on people's doorsteps. Did those men fight and die at the Alamo to have this killer religion forced upon their ancestors? People in this country bitch about uneducated South and Central American immigrants I do too I admit it. Those people work hard when they come here 2 or 3 jobs for most of them I do wish they would learn english and assimilate better but at least they are working. These muslims scumbags come here to do harm plain and simple; stir up trouble and kill. Most of them do not consider themselves Americans only muslims. No matter what you say I will never be convinced these people were upset when we got hit on 9/11. So the big question is if and when we get hit again by these mutherfuckers what will our new appeaser-in-chief elect do. I shudder at the thought.